What is the meaning of Particle? Concept, Definition of Particle

Definition of particle


1. Concept of particle

In chemistry, the term chemical species is commonly used to refer generically to atoms, molecules, ions, radicals, etc. that are the object of consideration or study.
Generally, a chemical species can be defined as a set of molecular entities chemically identical that can explore the same set of on a characteristic or defined time scale molecular energy levels. The term applies equally to a set of atomic or molecular structural units chemically identical in a solid Setup.
In supramolecular chemistry, chemical species are those supramolecular structures whose interactions and associations occur through Intermolecular bond and rupture processes.
Elementary particles are the elementary constituents of matter, more precisely they are particles that do not consist of smaller particles or is known to have internal structure.
Originally the term elementary particle was used for every subatomic particle as protons and neutrons, electrons and other types of exotic particles that can only be found in cosmic rays or the large particle accelerators, such as pions and muons. However, from the 1970's it became clear that the protons and neutrons are particles composed of simpler particles. Currently the elementary particle name used for the particles, that which knows, are not simple particles.
When John Dalton ran his atomic theory it was considered that the atoms were indivisible, and therefore somewhat elementary particles. Advances in the knowledge of atomic structure revealed that the atoms were not nor much less indivisible and were formed by more elementary particles: protons, neutrons and electrons. The study of the particles that make up the atomic nucleus, revealed that they were not elementary but that they were formed by simple particles. The neutrons, protons and other particles composed like the rest of hadrons and Mesons. Both hadrons and Mesons are composed of smaller particles called quarks and antiquarks and gluons that kept them together "clouds".The list of subatomic particles that are currently known consists of hundreds of these subatomic particles, which surprised the physicists, until they were able to understand that many of these particles actually were not elementary but composed of more simple elements called quarks and leptons interacting among them by exchanging bosons. In the standard model, which reflects our State of knowledge about the constituents of matter, the quarks, the leptons and bosons of Exchange are considered elementary particles, since there is no evidence of that in turn were formed by other "smaller" particles.

2. Definition of particle

Particle is called anywhere or very small body of something. Examples of particles that can occur include mineral grains and subatomic particles.
In the case of grain it is because all its structure is composed of very small elements, beads and that are almost imperceptible to the human eye. The size of the grain or particle can go from the small, such as a few nanometers to several millimeters, but never exceeds this average. The beaches are a good example of this, he said, since they are composed of thousands and thousands of particles (grains) loose, although at a distance and in a global vision give the compact feeling. When we reach out and touch it we can check this issue.
Also, the term particle is a quite different application to which you mentioned above, since in the field of grammar using this word is common to designate those unchanging parts of a sentence or those which serve to explain the relationships between different phrases or item that is used for the formation of certain words, such as the term sub division, in this case, sub, will be a particle.

3 Concept of particle

Particle, with origin in the latin particŭla, is a concept with various applications. Usually used to name a portion of very small dimensions of matter.
For Chemistry, a particle is the smallest fragment of matter that has the chemical properties of a body. In this sense, atoms and molecules are particles.
When a particle is not made up of other smaller units, one speaks of elementary particle. These particles are the most basic and primordial material element.
The speciality of physics that is responsible for analyzing these basic units forming the subject receives the name of particle physics. This branch is responsible for the study of issues such as accelerators of particles, which are machines resulting particle collisions to generate new subatomic elements.
In the field of grammar, particles are those that do not change in the context of a sentence or fragments that allow to form some words.
In the colloquial language, finally, the notion of particle is associated with sediment or debris that can be seen in something. If one person says to another to not drink the glass of water that has faced since it has "particles", it will be informing him that the liquid exhibits bizarre formations that should not be in it.
In a similar sense, someone can suggest a few sheets have many "dust particles" on its surface to wash. The solution to reverse this situation and recover this garment cleaning, therefore, is to eliminate the particles.