What is the meaning of Ambition? Concept, Definition of Ambition

Definition of ambition

1. Concept of ambition

As in so many other previous occasions, we turn to encounter on this site with a feminine noun that, etymologically speaking, comes from the latin. In particular, the term that brings us together this time derived from ambitio, which has the same meaning. Yes, as more than one will have deduced it, in this review we'll focus on the word ambition. If we take some dictionary of our language and we get to look up its meaning, it most likely will be that in its first sense we find: intense and vehement desire to get one thing difficult to achieve, especially wealth, fame or power.
There are those who consider how healthy ambition when it is able to promote both the action, as well as the development of projects. Meanwhile, usually hold that the ambitious individual intends to achieve something it usually doesn't. Precisely because of this flaw, realizes that the ambitious person wants to make progress, grow, or even improve. Thus then, the ambition is to act as a kind of engine that motivates and calls to abandon so much mediocrity, as well as the conformity.
Meanwhile, it is important to note and remark that there must be a limit, which will serve to make such ambition not to become something dangerous or harmful. Now, when that desire becomes too strong and pushes the individual to violate rules or ethical standards in order to achieve that which was set, then the ambition becomes become risky, since you can not only harm to the person, but also to third parties.
Moreover, it is common on certain occasions that people confuse ambition with greed, although that is not correct, since the latter has more to do with the tilt or disordered desire for possessions or pleasures. Of course that throughout the history of humanity there were countless ambitious characters. Perhaps one of the most important is Napoleón Bonaparte, who wanted to extend their power from France to the rest of Europe.
Synonym of ambition
As well, then leave it some synonyms of the term before addressed: greed, desire, claim, aspiration, desire, longing, desire, greed, craving, interest, trend.

2. Definition of ambition

The word ambition was incorporated into the Spanish language in the 15th century, being its etymological origin of the Latin word "ambitio" which is the result of the action of "scrupolo" which means to surround ("amb" is around and "ire" is to go); applied in ancient Rome in the political arena for those candidates who "around" to his followers, to get their support in the elections, and making sure access to power. It is there then, that was taken this word to refer to the desire to achieve something.
Ambition in itself is not bad, but on the contrary, is characteristic of the human condition, a being without ambitions of any kind will be ill with depression. Ambition mobilizes, motivates, gives strength, creates, and leads to progress. All ambition something while we are alive: children the love of their family and friends to share their games; adults a true couple love, start a family, get a job, training, etc. Other ambitions are not so vital, but not for this reason, less noble: travel, power, wealth or fame. The problem of ambitions, are the limit. When someone proposes to achieve things at any cost, you can transgress moral or legal standards being socially harmful.
Another major cost of ambitions unlimited, even if they are within the law, is personal, as the ambitious never manages to be happy, because their desires are never satisfied, and more gets, more tries to reach.
As an example of positive ambitions, there are people with ethical ambitions, as for example those who aim to improve the living conditions of the population or the environment, and this is very worthwhile and beneficial to the common good.

3 Concept of ambition

In our language is called ambition that inclination, irrepressible desire that manifests or experience an individual to attain money, power, fame, recognition, among other issues.
Ambition can be located especially in professional or academic goals, i.e., to stand out and Excel in the profession that serves, in the job that has, or failing as a student in the race who are pursuing. This situation will of course require part of the individual an absolute delivery towards the proposed objective, i.e. everything do be sure to not go unnoticed and even more, to obtain honors for excellence performance.
Other unavoidable issues around the ambition is the absence of conformism and a total distance respect of mediocrity, i.e. they are two concepts that don't combine with ambition because ambition in you are always moving forward to procure a stadium of life better something that obviously does not happen to those who comply with the just and necessary.
Now however, it is important to mention that this concept can have both negative and positive connotations which is determined especially by the methods that the individual uses to satisfy that desire for riches, goods or recognition.
If the individual in question used their effort, their desire and their intelligence to make their way, advance, develop and somehow contribute to the common good with their actions, obviously, we will be in a positive change in ambition, if the person uses illicit resources and damaged other counterparts in this nurturing impetus, then, we facing a very harmful and negative ambition.
We call the person who has this inclination popularly as ambitious.
One of the synonyms used to instances of this word is greed, because greed is exactly that appetite keen to gather wealth and material goods. Noteworthy is that greed is considered by the Christian religion as one of the seven sins along with lust, gluttony, sloth, envy, pride and anger.
Meanwhile, the term which is directly opposed to it that concerns us is the modesty that indicates that individual characterized by his humility, his selflessness toward ostentation and vanity.