What is the meaning of Parricide? Concept, Definition of Parricide

Definition of parricide

1. Concept of parricide

Parricide (from lat. parracidĭum) is the killing of the blood in a straight line (ascendants and descendants) relatives and spouse, knowing the murderer of that kinship.
Parricide: found in a verse of the Bible in the book written by Paul to Timothy giving letters of exhortation to the and to the people of God in those times. It has been especially persecuted and regarded as one of the most heinous crimes, while in ancient Rome, the power of the father over the family reached such an extent that during certain periods of time punishment which inflicted the patricidal father was less than that of other less serious crimes.
However, throughout history have been frequent cases of princes who killed their parents to inherit their kingdoms.
The judeo-Christian tradition has been based on the story of the sacrifice of Isaac (Abraham's faith test) to assert that their God expressly disapproves of parricide.

2. Definition of parricide

The etymology of the term parricide leads us to the Latin language: parricidĭum. The concept is used to name a crime committed by a person against his mother, his father or another relative who keep a direct blood link, either descending or ascending.
The most common use of the concept refers to the fact of killing parents. If a man kills his dad, his mom, or both, we will have committed a patricide and be considered as a patricidal.
For example: "commotion in the town by a parricide: a young man murdered his parents because they wouldn't let him go dancing", "After the patricide, criminal spent thirty years in prison, where received from lawyer", "no healthy society is willing to tolerate a parricide".
At present, the blood bond is considered as an aggravating factor when it comes to judging a crime. The parricides, therefore, receive a sentence that takes into account the issue. In the past, however, there were Nations that alleviated punishment to the patricidal due to the authority and the power that parents showed.
The most frequent cases of parricide occurred in the context of struggles for power between monarchs. The story has picked up tragic events in which a Prince murdered his father (the King) to accede to the throne.
In Argentina, the most famous parricide is that the brothers Paul and Sergio Schoklender committed. Both young men decided to put an end to the life of their parents in 1981.