What is the meaning of Sanitation? Concept, Definition of Sanitation

Definition of sanitation

1. Concept of sanitation

Basic sanitation is a set of technical and socio-economic public health actions that are intended to achieve increasing levels of environmental health. It includes the sanitary management of drinking water, wastewater and sewage waters, solid waste and hygienic behavior that reduces risks to health and prevents pollution. It aims to the promotion and improvement of urban and rural living conditions.
"Water and sanitation is one of the main drivers of public health. I usually refer to them as "Health 101", which means that as soon as it can ensure access to clean water and sanitary facilities suitable for everyone, regardless of the difference in living conditions, a major battle against all kinds of diseases will be won." "Dr LEE Jong-wook, Director-General, World Health Organization."
The use of the term "sanitation" varies between sanitary engineers in different countries. For example, in South America, in Bolivia and in the Peru the meaning is broad, as in the definition above. However, in other Latin American countries sometimes use is more restricted and covers the sewerage and sewage treatment, not including supply drinking water. In Mexico, the technical application is the more restricted and is limited to the treatment of sewage without including the sewerage. Solid waste management and hygienic behavior are sometimes included and sometimes are not, depending on the context.

2 Concept of sanitation

Sanitation refers to the action of sanitized, in the sense of damage repair, and its outcome, which is to make it healthy or recovered for its use and function.
Everything that is liable to be damaged is the possible subject of sanitation, but used particularly in the following cases:
In buildings or land, referred to as sanitation to the set of measures that are carried out to provide them with security, in terms of their health, hygiene, and preservation of humidity. In buildings, sanitation, are to establish equipment to eliminate waste, for example, toilets; and others, in order to evacuate water residuals of each inhabited unit, which consist of conduits or pipes, buried, and placed on slope, allowing sewage to circulate and address community drains. Water treatment plants, and everything that serves to eliminate waste substances are also included as sanitation. When these measures are taken for the population as a whole, is called environmental sanitation, which includes the treatment of liquid and solid waste.
In the economic sphere, the sanitation refers to the set of measures that are taken to remedy a deficit, cut unnecessary expenses, such as dismissal of non-productive staff or his reassignment in areas where needed, sale of machines or other furnishings in disuse, etc; trying to attract investors, and committed to what is generator of economic benefits, to go to pay the debts.
Law sanitation or redhibitory vices (hidden defects in material type) repair and warranty of eviction (for legal defects in nature) corresponds to seller, which should reassure who bought the thing, its peaceful enjoyment.