What is the meaning of Surface? Concept, Definition of Surface

Definition of surface

1. Superficial definitions

We use the word surface in our language to refer various questions. Meanwhile, one of the most widespread uses is to indicate that own or associated with a surface. Or that this sense use it frequently to indicate what we just found on an external level by case is visible and is not necessary to deepen to discover it or watch it. The dress presents a superficial cut, it has not transferred to the fabric below.
On the other hand, when something or someone is kept or at the level of a surface is usually expressed in terms of surface. It's a superficial wound not be afraid, nothing serious will happen and will close soon.
And in the common language of our language is extremely common word use it to indicate the person characterized by caring about only the appearances of things and persons, i.e. not you are interested in content, the feelings or emotions that can awaken something, but more rather than aesthetic pleasure that something can return you are interested in it.
What the individual who stands out for this way of being popularly known as frivolous. To the frivolous, it will be easy to recognize him because he is constantly worried about the outward appearance of people and everything around him, because it will not tilt for deep content but rather by issues that are characterized by lightness with.
Meanwhile, when about one thing we say what surface we would like to express that that thing is characterized by not showing a solid foundation but rather the quite opposite. For example, a biography about a famous not deepening especially in those high points of his personal and professional life may qualify from superficial to express precisely that lack of solidity in the investigation.
Meanwhile, synonyms that we use most in relation to this word are the outer and frivolous. And concepts that are directly opposed, on the one hand, inside and on the other hand Basic. We use the first to indicate that something is indoors and the second concept involves the basis or most importantly in relation to something.

2. Definition of Superficial

Latin superficialis, the superficial adjective refers to that which is linked to the surface. The surface is something that is in the outer layer of a thing, without advancing in depth.
For example: "the wounds are only superficial and do not compromise any body", "earthquake caused superficial damage but did not affect the building structure", "the car has several superficial marks although his performance is impeccable".
Surface is also something that has no firm or Foundation: "the journalistic investigation is superficial and does not delve into the causes of the problem", "the editor told me that it is a superficial book and did not deserve to be published", "I never saw a film dealing with the subject of the war in a way so shallow".
This adjective can be said about a person, which is an offense or, at least, a negative criticism. A superficial subject is frivolous and are only interested in appearances. Does not judge things by his essence, but by its appearance: "my girlfriend is a little surface: passes half the day reading fashion magazines and does not even know the name of the President", "Hollywood star returned to the show as a superficial person to confess that he was not aware of the problems suffered by the Haitian people after the earthquake".
For physics, surface tension is the molecular forces that develop and action that generated the top layer of a liquid store to accommodate the volume at the lowest possible surface.
The surface use of the language
Linguistic poverty is an evil that has affected a number of countries and continues doing it, forming young people who in many cases are not able to write their own names and last names properly. When Internet was born, teachers are same in that chat and emails were responsible for the growing wave of failures of spelling and grammatical errors. With the fury of cellphones, text (or sms) messages shared guilt, given the "need" to shorten the maximum sentences to save money.
However, not all users of the Internet and mobile phones have seen our spelling and grammatical knowledge fade, which is somewhat unfair point the finger at technology and accuse her of "educational anti". Not it is thanks to her knowledge has become much more accessible? Should not we to computer networks, the possibility of making all types of distance learning courses with tutorials in real time and contact with students from all over the world?
The Spanish speaking people can think that this is something our, which will increase the percentage of laísmo in Spain and erroneous conjugations in Latin America. But, no. Takes place in France, where teens communicate by means of interjections and monosyllables, in Japan, where it is increasingly harder to inculcate in its youth the importance of writing, and in many other countries, with different forms, but with the same result: a rich legacy is being wasted and many years, offering us millions of possibilities, to stay just with the surfacewith the basic elements and, as if that wasn't terrible enough, they are used poorly.
Every day becomes more true that those who study a foreign language observed it and respect more than many natives. The biggest problem is that the human being tends to patch their mistakes, which is much more comfortable to correct them from the root. This means simplifying language rules when because there is so many people that you met them, making correct wrong. The question is how far can I go in this process? Will future generations understand classical literature or, even, that of our times?