What is the meaning of Anaerobic? Concept, Definition of Anaerobic

Definition of anaerobic

Here you will find one or more meanings in your language for the word or expression: anaerobic. As well as definitions of the pages of Wikipedia and other websites related to the word anaerobic and, of course, anaerobic synonyms with appropriate images related to the use of the term anaerobic.

1. Concept of anaerobic

Anaerobic exercise is the [[physical exercise] which includes brief activities based on strength, such as sprints or weight lifting, while aerobic exercise is focused on the activities of resistance, such as the marathon or cycling in the background.] Anyway, the first stage of any exercise is anaerobic.
Anaerobic appoints the property of "life without air", from Greek an-(no), aer (air) and bios (life), and refers to the exchange of energy without oxygen in a living tissue. Anaerobic exercise is a brief and activity of great intensity where anaerobic metabolism takes place in the muscles. Examples of anaerobic exercise: lifting weights, abdominal; any exercise that consists of a brief effort is an anaerobic exercise. Anaerobic exercise is typically used by little endurance sports athletes to acquire power, and by bodybuilders to gain muscle mass. The muscles that are being trained under the anaerobic exercise are developed differently from biological level, acquiring more performance in activities of short duration and high intensity.
Aerobic exercise, on the other hand, includes lower intensity activities in longer periods of time, such as walking, running, swimming and cycling. They require a lot of oxygen to generate the energy needed for prolonged exercise.
There are two types of anaerobic energy systems: the Atp-pc system, which uses phosphate of creatine for the first ten seconds of the exercise, and lactic acid (or anaerobic Glycolysis) system that uses glucose in the absence of oxygen. The latter is an inefficient use of glucose and produces by-products that are detrimental to muscle function. The lactic acid system is the key for three minutes, but also provides a significant amount of energy in aerobic exercise, muscles have a certain capacity of disposal of by-products of the if.

2 Meaning of anaerobic

The concept of anaerobic is formed by a prefix indicating negativity: an, meanwhile, the word aerobic means oxygen.
The above shows that anaerobic refers to live without oxygen mentioned and is the concept that is at odds with the aerobic, which refers to those organisms that live and develop thanks to the presence of oxygen.
Now, the concept of anaerobic is used in various contexts to account for various issues.
In the field of sport is one of the areas in which most it is used to give an account of the anaerobic exercise, that that kind of exercise that will involve only the force-based short activities, for example, is lifting weights, perform abdominal. This type of exercise as well as brief is very intense and is physically located in the muscles of the body.
Usually, this type of exercise is practiced by those athletes who perform poor endurance sports or by body builders to increase muscle mass.
On the contrary, aerobic exercise, is that type that requires the breath, because the body demands a large amount of oxygen to make it and which is based on actions of resistance. Most popular modalities include: walking, running, dancing, swimming, bicycling.
Note that aerobic exercise has more advantages than the anaerobic, including: improvement of cardiovascular function, reduction of body fat, decreased blood pressure, feeling of cholesterol, increase lung capacity, reaffirmation of tissues.
On the other hand, anaerobic digestion is the process by which microorganisms breakdown the biodegradable material in the absence of oxygen.
Meanwhile, an anaerobic organism is one that does not use oxygen in their metabolism running.
And anaerobic oxidation is a biological process that occurs at the behest of the nitrogen cycle. By this, both ammonium and nitrite will become gas nitrogen.

3. Definition of anaerobic

The anaerobic Word consists of a negative prefix: "an" which attaches the word "aerobic" which means oxygen, which implies that anaerobic means possibility to live without oxygen, unlike aerobic which means with oxygen.
Anaerobic respiration consists of the redox of sugars among other compounds, without using oxygen. There are organisms that do not need oxygen to meet their respiratory processes, such as some bacteria, and are called for that reason, anaerobic.
There are other biological processes that these organisms can be made without oxygen such as anaerobic digestion.
Anaerobic physical activities, which are complementary to the aerobic, because these require start with those, to avoid injury; they are which are not based in the resistance as the aerobic, but in force. Typical examples of anaerobic physical activities are weightlifting and artistic gymnastics and abdominal exercises.
Anaerobic activities are practised for a short period of time, and its consequence is to obtain greater muscle mass. Keystrokes during activity ranged from 170 to 220 per minute.
In anaerobic activities, as they are very intense, consuming more oxygen than is received, generating a debt of oxygenation. The balance of oxygen will be provided after completing the activity. It is due to the lack of oxygen passed, you call them anaerobic activities. If they run for a long time movements, may inhibit totally as tissues, especially the muscle, are mostly lactic acid that produces that result, not to receive oxygen.