What is the meaning of Causality? Concept, Definition of Causality

Definition of causality


1 Meaning of causality

The concept of causality implies without doubt a certain level of abstraction that makes it difficult to understand in some cases. By way of simplifying the issue, is that the causality is the phenomenon whereby related causes with effects. In other words, the causality is the connection between the reasons or causes of phenomena, processes and outcomes or effects thereof. The notion of causality thus implies a permanent relationship between an earlier event and its sequel, as well as become an infinite circle of connection between events and events that are generated each other.
The term causality can be applied to all areas and living spaces as well as different scientific disciplines. Causality is used in many studies as the system of deduction that allows to analyze a specific process starting from its causes, understand it and maybe even be able to prevent the following facts. Causality is then useful for science since it sets certain parameters that can guide research and facilitate the achievement of results.
Causality is also takes into account social, historical and anthropological. In this sense, the notion of causality is that things, phenomena or circumstances that happen throughout history are the product of a set of specific events (voluntary or involuntary) that shape the development of diverse communities and that alter the course of their histories of greater or lesser extent. You can here put the example of the French Revolution, an event that launched a lot of consequential events and chained in more or less logical way with its development. Social and human causality, however, is not so easily identifiable and measurable as it can be scientific causality since the causes or reasons for human processes are often much more complex than the empirical and natural.

2. Definition of causality

Causality is the beginning or the origin of something. The concept is used to name the relationship between a cause and its effect, and can be used in the field of physics, statistics and philosophy.
Physics holds that any event is caused by another former. Therefore, if the current state of something is known accurately, it will be possible to predict his future. This position, known as determinism, was tinged with the advancement of science.
According to the principle of causality, all effect always has a cause. The principle of uniformity adds that, in identical circumstances, a cause always produces the same effect.
Philosophy, causality is the law in virtue of which effects are generated. Philosophers considered that any event is originated by a cause and point out three conditions for A either the cause of an effect B: must happen before that B, whenever it happens has to happen B and A and B must be close in time and space.
Statistics, for its part, argues that causality is a relationship of necessity of co-occurrence of two variables.
The notion of causality is also present in the wisdom or informal knowledge. Several sayings spread this idea, as "you will reap your stocking" or "who sows winds pick up storms". These phrases are not linked to scientific or factual facts, they have their value in the belief that the behaviour of persons inevitably has its consequences.

3 Concept of causality

Causation comes from the cause, the cause based the origins of something, that something has a reason why was created. Causality is manifested in the origins, as a dependency of a whole to something that is born. The application of the term is closely related to a series of positions in many technical fields and everyday life, but all lead to that causality is product and result of the origins of something. Causality has served to determine the origins of life on Earth, because the lack of dating and relating information does not reveal exactly how actually was the arrival of man on Earth.
The causality stated many precepts, for example: philosophy holds at one of its main positions that causality is "The law by virtue of which effects are generated," This gives us an idea that the ancient Greeks had a kind of system of organization of ideas, giving priority to his thinking at the levels of analysis of projects before they are executed, as they were aware of which would be the effects of their actions without a premeditation of the consequences that could arise before the realization of a cause. This understanding "Encouraged" the man to study the causality of their actions to thus preserve the thread of its functions in society.
Causality participates fully in the development of society, so that the obvious can be avoided, as feasible can proceed and the conscience is clear in his thoughts, premeditation is a tool of part of the causes, they are well justified and avoiding negative consequences, which don't want to when a project is executed for a work in common. Physics shows us the causality in the study of molecules in search of answers of how created the universe, then, scientific studies are convinced that the universe did not appear from nowhere, so it must be determined what was the physical, astronomical and biological cause of the creation of the universe, worlds and all life on the planet Earth.