What is the meaning of Cinema? Concept, Definition of Cinema

Definition of cinema

On this website you will find one or more meanings in your language for the word or expression: cinema. As well as definitions of Wikipedia pages and other Web pages related to the word cinema and, of course, synonym of cinema with the appropriate images related to the use of this expression.

1. Concept of cinema

Cinema is understood today in dual way: on the one hand it is understood as one of the most important arts of mankind, and on the other hand, it is also seen (especially American film) as stone basement of one of the largest industries around the world. Thus, cinema becomes a phenomenon of great relevance to today's society and its scope is not just the limits of Western society if that is not present in all corners of the planet with greater or lesser degree.
The film comes to late nineteenth century and early twentieth Centuries with the earliest formats. His idea is based on the projection of still images in a continuous manner and at high speed in a way that seem moving images. This idea part what we today know as cinematography and won't be until the first decades of 20th century cinema won't begin to slowly charge a closest to the current form.
Cinema is a means of expression of high impact and this is so because you can combine within many arts: the performing arts, music, the staging or photography and literature. The film needed not only the work of actors and performers if not also directors, screenwriters, producers, stagehand, equipment technician, etc. So is a complex phenomenon that can give as a result artistic styles very different but very representative at the same time.
Today, the phenomenon of the film is also an economic phenomenon and not only art. This is so because of the importance that has mainly developed the film industry, Hollywood, located in the city of Los Angeles, in the United States. This nerve centre of the film industry is where most of the productions are held and where are also many of the most important film producers on the planet. It is considered that you along with the armaments, the film industry is one of the industries that more capital moves around the globe, then meaning big interests of all kinds.

2 Meaning of cinema

Cinema or cinema is called technology that reproduces quickly and successive frames creating the so-called "illusion of motion", i.e. visual perception that one attends images that move. It also tells you cinema to the building or room where the films are projected.
The term has the same Greek root as other words such as kinetics, Kinesiology and others that are related to the movement.
In 1995 the film fulfilled one hundred years, once a 28 December 1895 the brothers Lumière will see the first film that was the exit of workers at a French factory in Lyon. Since then, the film has gone through different periods, from the stage moves to the beginning of the talkies, from non-narrative cinema to cinema genres and so on. This evolution recognizes certain specific milestones that have represented real historical changes; undoubtedly, the first was the incorporation of sound, especially of human voices and music, without forgetting the sound effects. The second impact of high relevance consisted of the possibility of incorporating color and abandon the traditional style of projections in black and white. Finally, the emergence of digital technologies has been the third coup in the history of cinema, which has allowed the generation of striking images in the context of a remarkable change in costs.
Today the cinema has developed a vast theory which makes it with other arts such as literature, painting and photography. Thus, it is considered the 'seventh art'. Also, the scope of cinema has exceeded in superlative form to their purely artistic purpose, and actually is both a tool for the dissemination of science and culture and an industry that generates countless sources of work. Indeed, the filmmaking requires a technical team constituted by a unit production, direction, script, photography, installation, art direction, and many others. This reality is reflected in activity feverish and renowned Hollywood in the United States, as well as in Nations whose international production is less known, but which generate a big annual movie production, as in India, Hong Kong and Nigeria, among other examples.
At the same time, cinema since its beginnings has recognized several authors such as John Ford, Orson Welles, Francis Ford Coppola, Steven Spielberg, Martin Scorsese and others. On the other hand, different modalities are included in analysis of cinematography like animation, documentary, pornographic films, among others, and even genres such as western, action film, romantic, science fiction, police, etc. Many actors and actresses have transcended the world of cinema to become true icons of their historical moment; at the same time, many celebrities from other fields of human activity found in the film final location, as it has happened with experts in martial arts and other completely different disciplines.
Film critic, a literary practice that seeks to analyze and enhance the films has also developed from the progress of the film. Many magazines and graphic publications and online are dedicated to the viewing of movies for evaluation from the film theory. In this regard, it is interesting to note that the wide diffusion of films, or cinema online artworks made fear major studios for the continuity of this activity on an industrial scale. However, the seventh art is in a moment of splendor, since, far from forcing their annihilation, digital media have become diffusers and multipliers of this activity, expanding the number of moviegoers and causing a real explosion of this contemporary art that defines the modern man.

3. Definition of cinema

A film is that space is specially conditioned for the projection of films, short films, animations or videos of any kind. In all cases, the film must have a significant size screen where images are projected so that all attendees can see them convenient and accessible. At the same time, the film includes a sector with seats or seats where attendees are placed in rows and neat lines. While the sizes of movie theaters may be varied, usually they must be spacious so many people can enter comfortably.
There are some other features with which a cinema, understood as establishment of image projection, must have to be considered such. First, for the best projection of such images, the lighting should be almost zero. At the same time, the seats should be preferably located staggered to prevent overlap of people when it comes to see what is projected on the front. However, there are also cinemas in which the seats are all located at the same height. Finally, the audio system must be good and powerful enough to allow the sound hear well from all corners of the room.
Today, large chains of cinemas and theatres have a design more or less generalized in what makes the spaces between the seats, used armchair style, the number of seats per room, the same layout, decoration and also as regards technical projection and audio systems.
There are different types of cinemas with which we may find ourselves today. While the rooms unique and non-integrated to other structures are becoming less popular, there is no doubt that large cinema complexes are today the most popular. In them there can be around 10 or 15 rooms of greater or smaller, allowing thus the projection of different films in the same place. 3D cinemas are one of the latest advances in what refers to the projection of videos or movies, most require special equipment.