What is the meaning of Law? Concept, Definition of Law

Definition of law

On this website you will find one or more meanings in your language for the word or phrase: right. As well as definitions of Wikipedia pages and other Web pages related to the word right and, of course, synonym of law with appropriate images related to the use of this expression.

1. Concept of law

A term that comes from the latin directus, refers to that which is straight, without twisting to one side or the other. That which is fair, reasonable and legitimate. In a society, the law is a set of principles or rules which also subject to human relationships at the same time, is the power that has any person to perform certain acts and enjoy certain things.
In academia, he studied as a college degree, establishing the right, as a set of legal norms aimed at offering solutions, less expensive possible, from the social point of view, to the conflicts generated by life in common of humans. The right, within this framework, is recognized by the State and is a technique which aims to satisfy the feeling of Justice of a society.
At first, the right of the Roman Empire, had a magical and religious character as almost all the systems of antiquity, after first encoding (450a.C.) started a rapid evolution of legal axioms by incorporating the edicts of the pretos (Honorary law) and which by nature enjoyed the features of what is today called the law.
All the precepts, leading to create the Corpus Iuris Civilis, made up of institutions, the Digest, the code and the novels according to the edition of Geoffrey in the year 1583 Geneva were compiled of classical Rome. During the middle ages you continued adding comments, some of which went to the Canon law.
Roman law continued studying in the modern age, but it was the hand of German Jurists of the s. XIX of the historical School of law, and of the pandectistas, when there is a greater reception of Roman law. Since then, the imprint of Roman legal thought has influenced all Western legal systems.

2 Meaning of right

The law is the set of laws, resolutions, regulations created by a State, which may have a permanent and obligatory character according to the need of each and of strict compliance by all persons who live in that community to ensure good social coexistence among these and the resolution of the interpersonal conflicts come to fruition.
So beyond that I think that, for example, comply with any standard transit is unfair, it will respect and observe because the right is not interested in private thoughts, but ensuring the smooth functioning of a society. In this way, it admits that the existence of the right is relevant to enable the rights of the citizens as individual beings be articulated so appropriate for the permanence of the society as a whole.
Although sometimes we don't realize because of daily life and the automation of some situations or actions that we those markets that are all the days of our lives, the law is one of the issues more present makes in each of our days; taking us transport every morning to go to work or the same work we did in order to receipt of a usually monthly fee money, are all things that involve a constituted right that we have. In its absence, we can and we have the right (pun intended...) claim them but are met effectively and in a timely manner. I.e. my boss has an obligation to pay an amount of money required to make ends meet and the transport company has the commitment to take me every day to that destination and I claim it in the event that for any reason not to do so. Therefore, only when the right is met operation is possible harmonic of a society, since the lack of compliance with the Act precipitates real situations of anarchy where some of the members will be handicapped in their integrity, their heritage or even the loss of his life.
What gives us the right to all without exception, is the possibility of being equal before the law, i.e., doesn't matter to the right that my boss has more money or power than me when it comes to make a claim for the money that I was not paid. If so, the law will be on my side, of course. This equality before the law means that the constitutional or granted rights by other laws or regulations are valid for all the inhabitants of a nation, independent of their task, economic status or intellectual or academic training.
The law is large and is generally based on texts in which created certain ideas or essential foundations to make use of the right, these are: the Constitution, the law, jurisprudence, the custom, the legal act, the treaties, the doctrine, among others. The systematization of these standards in different hierarchies allowed its best law and avoiding both contradictions and overlaps. Thus, a law issued by the Parliament and promulgated by the Executive can not violate provisions of regulations of higher level, as the Constitution. Is therefore required of agencies for surveillance of compliance with the law; in each nation, this body receives different names and framed within the judiciary.
In addition, in federal countries, the right presents, in addition to its national dimension, an own State or provincial organization that may differ in different shades for each region. He is preferred that certain crimes or violations of rights of strategic importance are in the hands of the federal law, as it is the case with drug trafficking or the national security, among others.
The law has also been divided into various branches or categories to organize your treatment, so is the right to administrative, civil, economic, political, procedural, among the most important. Also, the proper performance of the right involves collaboration with other disciplines, like the Sciences of health (in the forensic field), the Sciences (in the realization of skills of various kinds) and Criminology (in their most varied approaches described by modern science).

3. Definition of law

As it has already happened many times on this site, this time we are talking about a word that has different meanings. Of course, that they vary according to the context in which they are used. The term in question is none other than law, which, etymologically speaking, comes from the latin. Specifically derived from directum, which means it is subject to the rule. In its first sense, the Manual dictionary of the Spanish language (Editorial Larousse) indicates: applies to the part of the body which is located on the opposite side to which occupies the heart in humans.
On the other hand, another of the meanings of the before mentioned Tome argues: body of laws and rules that govern the society life and that human beings must obey. From there it is clear then that the law is both as institutional normative order governing the conduct of human beings living in society. Such regulations, resolutions or laws are created by a State and they can count on a mandatory and permanent character according to the need of each. At the same time, they should be of strict compliance by all individuals that are part of a community. In this way, given warranty to a cordial and good social coexistence.
For its part, is called positive or effective law is constituted by the laws, resolutions, rules and regulations which, as mentioned in the previous paragraph, are created by the State to preserve the social order. On the other hand, is called subjective right to an individual's own faculty to carry out or not certain conduct. It would be the authority that the person has, pursuant to a legal rule, to carry out its own activity against third parties.
At the same time, the law gives people the possibility of being all equal before the law. Meanwhile, with the passage of the years was divided into categories or branches to organize and improve its treatment. Thus, today there are, among others, economic law, the civil, commercial, administrative, political and the procedural.

Synonyms of law

The term in this article has the following synonyms: code, law, jurisprudence, legality, fairness, reason, justice, legitimate, fair, reasonable; vertical, rigid, straight, upright, among others.