What is the meaning of Mustache? Concept, Definition of Mustache

Definition of mustache

On this website you will find one or more meanings in your language for the word or expression: mustache. As well as definitions of Wikipedia pages and other Web pages related to the word moustache and, of course, synonym of mustache with appropriate images related to the use of this expression.

1. Concept of mustache

Mustache is called hair that grows in the region of the face between the lower limit of the nose and the upper lip. The hairs are distinctly conspicuous in adult men as he is also be the beard.
This hair that grows in the face of the males can be accompanied by beard and/or pin according to the preferences of the entity. In some cases it serves to cover defects in the skin or scars, or used merely as ornament or according to fashion. It is often necessary to take care of it and cut it regularly.
Its name probably comes from the German term "bei Gott" translated as "by God!", an oath made by nils German soldiers, while they took the hand to the facial area between the upper lip and nose cut. The mustache, is usually much finer than the mustache, which is defined as a thick mustache, and that however derives from the Italian word "mostaccio".
According to the dictionary Critico-etimologico Joan Corominas, it was customary extended throughout Europe to blaspheme during the 15th century. It seems that Spaniards related blasphemy that screamed the barbados bajosajones to drink beer "Bi God" 'By God already' with moustaches of the above-mentioned Union through a metonymy.


The mustache throughout history has been considered a symbol of Manhood and virility, but is also indicative of class, wisdom, authority or it can according to the time and society where be set.
He shaved with stone blades was technologically possible from Neolithic times, although one of the oldest showing a shaved man and moustache is Keti Butler, who lived during the dynasty VI (third millennium BC).
It was fashionable centuries ago in the armies of many Nations, with variety of styles. In general, young men and the lower grades were smaller and less elaborate moustaches; high-ranking officers and veterans, wore thick moustaches. In some countries it was mandatory for soldiers, let grow the mustache. The British army, for example, forbade shaving of the upper lip, in all grades, from the 19th century until the regulation was abolished by order of the army on October 6, 1916.
In Western cultures women generally tends to remove facial hair.
The artist Frida Kahlo was painted with moustache and beard. This transgressive image was used by some surrealists in the arts.
Style male black clothing, hat, mustache and Monocle was typical in the early 1920's.

Moustache in our days

It is divided into three categories:
Musketeer. It must be thin, which shaved the hair under the nose so that grows only just above the upper lip.
This type of mustache has its origin in France. According to the appearance and personality of who leads it, it gives a forbidding gesture and also a touch aristocratic and authority, is currently carried by the famous American actor Burt Reynolds.
Revolutionary. It is wide, thick and goes beyond the corners of the lips. It is a good camouflage for men from boca chica. It is very domain and with volume.
Some of the politicians who prefer this style are the Porfirio Díaz Mexican as well as the Spanish Carod Rovira of ERC.
Short. It is narrower than the corners of the lips and with it there is a risk that seems more girl mouth. You have to cut out daily, so that you don't lose the way. A typical example is José María Aznar who was Spanish President, as well as Bernd Schuster football coach.

2 Meaning of mustache

The mustache is that amount of hair that is born to human beings in the face, more precisely across his upper lip. Both women and men have this velloso trait although it is much more abundant in the case of men.
Noteworthy is that mustache presents a male connotation, i.e., it is accepted as a distinctive and characteristic of the male, mark, that does not happen with the women, but on the contrary, as the woman who has a mustache will be not for anything considered to be female.
Basically, because the mustache is seen as a feature of masculinity, symbol of manliness and virility of the man in question. And in some cultures and societies up to has been a symbol of power and wisdom.
For instance, women, often shave the area regularly to eradicate the beautiful that there out.
Now, the man who does not like the mustache, also should shave it regularly a more recurrent than in the case of women. Man uses tools especially designed for such practice, as the shavers or razors, while the woman shaves it with wax or tweezers.
Men who like to use moustache, usually accompany it sideburns and beard, also made of hair as the mustache.
It is worth mentioning that there are some men who use the mustache is not why an aesthetic of fashion, but to cover or hide any physical defects in the area.
There are different types of mustaches, some leafy, popularly known as mustache, while the term mustache is reserved for the finest.
Whiskers used and most famous types include: musketeer (thin that's shaved the hair under the nose; was born in France), revolutionary (characterized for being thick, wide and exceeding the limit of the lips), short (it is precisely short, no more than the corner of the lip), dali (baptized thus by the talented painter Salvador Dalí, is slim and long-tipped upwards)imperial (probes are arched up), inglés(es delgado y está extendido hacia los lados), among others.
And other reference that is attributed to the term, especially in the current language, is to indicate those remains of drink or food, that remain suspended in the upper lip after just eating food or drinks. It was a pink blending mustache, clean it.