What is the meaning of Arianism? Concept and Definition of Arianism

Definition, Concept, Meaning, What is Arianism

Concepto de Arrianismo

1. Concept of Arianism

Arianism is the set of Christian doctrines exposed by Arius, a priest of Alexandria, probably of Libyan origin. Some of his disciples and supporters collaborated in the development of this theological doctrine, which held that Jesus was the son of God, but not God himself.
One of the first and perhaps the most important point of debate among Christians of that era was the subject of the divinity of Christ that had its origin when the Emperor Constantine legalized Christianity as an official cult to the Roman population. Arianism was condemned as heresy, initially, at the first Council of Nicaea (325) and, after several alternatives in which was successively admitted and rejected, was finally declared as apostasy in the first Council of Constantinople (381). However struggles between Catholics and Arians, was kept as official religion of some of the kingdoms established by the Goths in Europe after the fall of the Western Roman Empire. In the Visigothic Kingdom of Toledo remained at least until the III Council of Toledo (589), during the reign of reccared I I, who converted to Catholicism, later becoming extinct.
Arianism is defined as those teachings championed by Arius opposite to the Trinitarian dogma determined in the first two ecumenical councils and maintained today by the Catholic Church, the Orthodox churches Eastern and most of the Protestant churches. This term is also used sometimes inaccurate way to refer generically to those doctrines that denied the divinity of Jesus Christ.
ARIUS held that the son was the first creature created by God before the beginning of time. According to Arianism, this son, who then became incarnate in Jesus was a created being with divine attributes, but was not God in and by itself. They argued as proof of this, that Jesus could not save on the cross.
The nature of the child was the most complex problem of the first centuries of Christianity, as theological discussions reveal it. In the first centuries of Christianity arose the problem of the relationship between the son and Dios the Padre. This controversy has been known as the Christological disputes.
In some groups of the early Christian Church was taught that Christ had preexisted as son of God already before its incarnation in Jesús de Nazareth, and that it had descended to the Earth to redeem human beings. This conception of the nature of Christ, which was gaining popularity with the passing of time to become the majority belief, brought with them various theological debates, since discussed if Christ was a divine nature a human either, or both, and if this was the case, discussed the relationship between the two (rendered in one nature, completely separate(: Nestorianism, or related in some way).
The encarnacionismo strongly lit in the gentile world, and especially in the western part of the Roman Empire. ARIUS had been a disciple of Pablo de Samosata, Christian preacher from the East of the 3rd century, and taught that Christ is a creature, the first creature that had been formed by the creator before the beginning of time.
According to Atanasio de Alejandría that opposed Arius, these are some of the Arian teachings, cited in his speech against the Arians:
"God was not always father" but that "there was a time in which God was alone and was not yet a father, but then became father." "The son did not exist.", as well as all things made from scratch, and all creatures and existing works were made, also the same word of God was "made from scratch" and "there was a time in which there was" and "It did not exist prior to its origin", but that he and others "had a source of creation". Because God, says, "it was alone, and the word was not yet, nor the wisdom. "Then, to want to shape us, he made certain be and called it Word, wisdom, and son, so that he could give us way through him."
Atanasio de Alejandría, first speech against the Arians

Finally, proposed by Atanasio de Alejandría creed was adopted at the first Council of Nicaea in the year 325, and the tight defense of the divine nature of the son of God by Athanasius got even the banishment of Arius and the fight between Arians and Catholics. When this was pardoned the year 336, died under mysterious circumstances (probably poisoned). The dispute between supporters of the Trinity, Arians, and the so-called "semiarrianos" would last during the fourth century, and even to be Arian emperors (the own Constantino I, the great was baptized on his deathbed by the Arian bishop Eusebio de Nicomedia). Ulfilas, Bishop and missionary, spread the Arianism among the Germanic peoples, particularly the Visigoths, vandals, Burgundians and Ostrogoths. After the Council of Constantinople of 381 year, Arianism was definitely condemned and regarded as heresy in the Catholic world. However, Arianism was kept as religion of some Germanic peoples until the 6th century, when Recaredo I, King of the Visigoths, was baptized as a Catholic in the year 587 and imposed Catholicism as the official religion of his Kingdom two years later with the fight and opposition of the Visigoth Arians, after the III Council of Toledo (589). Ignacio Olagüe Videla in the Islamic revolution in the West (1974) demonstrates that Arianism, and in lesser extent, paganism and Gnosticism, not disappeared from Spain with the conversion of reccared I. In Italy, the Arian survivals in the Lombard Kingdom persisted until very advanced 7th century and King Grimoald (662-671) can be considered the last Arian monarch of the realm (and of Europe).
After the celebration at the Council of Nicaea 325, it re-emerged strongly in the own Constantinople the idea of Arianism supported by his Bishop, Eusebio de Nicomedia, who managed to convince the Emperor Constantine's successors to support Arianism and reject the Orthodox line adopted at Nicaea, and replace the nicenos bishops by Arian bishops in the Episcopal headquarters of East.

2 Meaning of Arianism

Arianism is a religious doctrine preached by Arius (256-336), an Alexandrian priest who denied the divine Christ's nature although if you saw him as representative of God, and his son on Earth, but without identification with God himself, his father, who created it from nothing, and therefore their existence has a beginning, and a period in that it did not exist. Father was also his difference with God in his miraculous limitations, since he died on the cross, and his single divine character can accept by extension. The Holy Spirit, also member of the divine triad was seen also by Arius as a divine creation, and not as God, but inferior, and even Christ.
Its beginnings can place them around the 318, but the Council of Nicaea condemned it in the year 325, then proclaimed that the substance of God father and God's son, was identical,
The Emperor Constantine condemned Arius into exile, being the same fate of the Arian bishops who remained true to their faith, Eusebius of Nicomedia and Nicaea Teognio. Eusebius of Nicomedia, and Arius was forgiven, first in the year 336, although his death occurred under dubious circumstances, presumably victim of a poisonous substance, prior to return.
Then the Arianism began to spread, gaining great influence during the reign of Constancio II Emperor of the East, although they suffered persecution by the Roman Emperor of the West, constant, who could not prevent the Arianism, protected by Constantius to reach its maximum expansion, which ended with the death of the emperor to his death.
Being considered Arianism a heresy by the Council of Constantinople in 381 year, not could be eradicated, since the Germanic tribes, including the Goths, accepted it as faith. There Arianism today.

3. Definition and what is Arianism

Arianism developed around the 320, in Alexandria, Egypt in relation to the person of Christ and is named for Arius of Alexandria, which, and due to his doctrinal teaching he was sent into exile to Illyria in 325 after the first Ecumenical Council in Nicaea, which condemned his teaching as heresy. This was the biggest heresy in the early church that developed a significant follow-up which almost dominates the Church.
ARIUS taught that only God the father was eternal and too pure and infinite to appear on Earth. Therefore, Dios produced Christ the son of nothing as the first and largest creation. The son in turn created the universe. Due to the relationship of the child with the father as regards the nature, the son is adopted by God. Although Christ was a creation had a great position and authority, he was to be worshipped and still to be regarded as God. Some Arians even claimed that the Holy Spirit was the first and largest creation of the son.
With regard to the incarnation of Jesus, the Arians claimed that the divine quality of the son, the Logos took the place of the human and spiritual aspect of Jesus; Therefore, they refused the total and full incarnation of God the son, the second person of the Trinity.
To ensure that Christ the son as thing created outside worshipped, the Arians were carried out and invoking, idolatry.