What is the meaning of Legislative Power? Concept and Definition of Legislative Power

Definition, concept, meaning, what is Legislative power

Poder Legislativo – Definición de Poder Legislativo, Concepto de Poder Legislativo, Significado de Poder Legislativo

1. Concept of legislative power

The legislature by definition, the power that makes the laws, faculty that implies the possibility to regulate on behalf of the people, the rights and obligations of its inhabitants, in accordance with the constitutional provisions. To exercise such faculty is vested with an unquestionable authority that gives the representation of the will.
The most important present figures are the Senate and deputies
Montesquieu, in his celebrated book the spirit of laws, proposed that it was necessary for the functions of the State are divided between different powers (legislative, Executive and judicial), so that through the arrangements of the features power autocontrole, in order to avoid the tyranny.

Their role in classic constitutionalism

A system which consisted in calling the political classes or "strata" or "States General" (as you called it in France), to consult them on the creation of new taxes or increase existing ones, which had to be pampered by the taxpayers or their representatives was created in Europe during the middle ages.
The Magna Carta (sanctioned by the King Juan I in London June 15, 1215) is one of the antecedents of the modern political regimes in which the power of the monarch or President is bounded or limited by a Council, Senate, Congress, Parliament or Assembly. Asks what the magna carta is a limitation of power by the Normans. The British Parliament was the result of the Magna Carta of 1215 and for a long time did not have another mission which limit the power of the Crown and watch their actions. Following this precedent, the parliamentary function is still typical and essentially a function of political control.

Its formulation in the social rule of law; decision to control body organ.

The legislative branch plays today two separable functions of different nature and character, that are: the proper legislative function and control body, which consists of monitoring the action of the Executive [branch] and the conduct of officials of the same, and of the "judiciary" which are subject to impeachment.
Two systems prevail in constitutionalism:
(a) that of Cabinet, in which control is exercised in a natural way on its members who have been chosen within the Parliament itself. This body can determine the fall of the Cabinet by means of a ruling unfavorable to his political conduct, without a formal trial against any of them.
(b) Presidential: originated in the United States, where he is monitored at the President elected by the people by a Congress made up of two houses, known as bicameralism

2. Definition of legislative branch

It is one of the three branches together with the Executive and the judiciary, in the classic division of the powers of the State proposed by the enlightenment philosopher of the eighteenth century, Montesquieu, so these are checked each other for limited and not to focus it, as it happened in absolute monarchies, where the King established rules at his whim, governing to his whim.
In modern democracies, the legislative branch is to charge primarily of making laws, among other functions. It receives the names of Parliament or Congress and it's a political body representing the majority and minority, and collegiate, generally composed of two chambers.
In England, Parliament (from the French "parler" which means talk) was commissioned to progressively reduce the absolute power of Kings, and that these had recourse to obtain economic resources, being one of the oldest in the world. It is currently the highest legislative authority of the United Kingdom, and is composed of the House of Lords and the Commons.
In France, the legislature is also called Parliament, and is bicameral, consisting of a camera called "High" Senate, headquartered in the Palace of Luxembourg, and other low or National Assembly, in the Bourbon Palace. The Parliament, along with the head of State are representatives of the sovereign people.
In Argentina, the system is also bicameral comprising the Congress, a Senate and a Chamber of deputies of the nation with provincial representatives.
In Uruguay, the legislature is called General Assembly and consists of a Chamber of Senators and other representatives.
By contrast, in Venezuela the legislature, or National Assembly, is formed by a single camera, from 1999, with 165 members.

3. Meaning of legislative power

The legislature is one of the three branches that arise within the Government from the notion of separation of powers wielded by various thinkers in the 18th century. According to this notion, the exercise of power in a Government should not be concentrated in one person as it happened with the absolutist monarchies of the time, if not you should create institutions composed of representatives of the people they had to charge a specific activity and serve as a counterbalance between Yes to prevent some of them more than others or concentrate too much power. Usually, the three branches that arise from this idea are: the Executive (in charge of making decisions and execute them), the legislature (in charge of the functions of regulation and establish legal regulations) and the judiciary (charged with control and judge that these laws are implemented and enforced).
The legislative power is often composing in most of the countries of the world of two cameras (i.e. which is bicameral): the Chamber of Senators and Chamber of Deputies. Generally, one of these two cameras is composed of as many representatives and has less power than the camera with fewer representatives. In the case of many Western countries, the Chamber of Deputies is the lower House and senators in the upper House. In general, treaties and bills are initiated in the Chamber of Deputies where you should vote and approve to then go to the Chamber of Senators also where must be voted on and approved to become law. If eventually the Chamber of Senators decided not to accept the draft law, the same again instead of home to be treated in a future time period. It is important to note that in many countries, so the law is para que la ley se efectivice effective should be enacted by the Executive power.
He is considered that legislative power is perhaps the more nearby town since anyone there play their positions are elected by the people. In addition, the senators and deputies representing all districts and regions of a country, so that the proportion is considered equitable and in this space is where most discussed topics to resolve rather than exercised by decision of a single person as in the other two branches.