Concept and What is: Acrophobia | Psychology

The acrophobia consists of exaggerated and irrational fear of heights.

Normally, people feel scared at some level of high places, especially when there is no protection. However, individuals who suffer from acrophobia feel an extreme fear of high places, and may experience a panic attack when exposed to elevated heights, getting overly agitated until it finds a place in which to feel secure.

It is estimated that between 2 to 5% of the world's population suffer from acrophobia, being that women are twice more this disorder when compared to men.

This form of phobia can be triggered by trauma. However, many researchers believe that the fear of heights is, in reality, a survival instinct, as it is observed in babies and also in other mammalian species. However, the term phobia is reserved only to those who have an extreme fear of heights, which is beyond the individual's control.

The clinical manifestations are present in this syndrome include:

Get the to cling or a location considered safe;
Belief of being unable to rely on their own balance.

In addition, some individuals may try to descend immediately, crawling or with the body down with your knees on the floor. The demonstrations present in any other phobia as excessive sweating, heart palpitations, shaking, crying and screaming are also observed on acrophobia.

The main concern with whom he has acrophobia are the limitations that the patients they put in their lives, preventing the same to carry out various activities of everyday life. However, something curious is that typically patients with acrophobia don't feel fear of flying.

The main way of dealing with acrophobia is through cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT). Behavioral techniques, which make the patient confront the dreaded situation, are commonly used. Anxiolytic drugs can also be used in association with CBT.
Translated for educational purposes.
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