Concept and What is: Body Dysmorphism

The Body Dysmorphism, also known as Dismorfobia, body dysmorphic disorder or syndrome of image distortion, is often confused with the preoccupation with appearance, which can make it difficult to diagnose these days. Dysmorphism is a term used to differentiate what the person believes to be and what actually is, i.e. the body dysmorphism is a psychological disorder where the person believed to have physical defects that lacks or has a minimum level, but believed to be accentuated. Are thoughts that come to be delusional, in which the individual has obsessive rituals like looking in a mirror searching for defects.

Occurs in both sexes and usually begins in the late teens and early adulthood, not being uncommon the late diagnosis. Body-related disorders are becoming epidemic, since all seek a perfect image. But this preoccupation with appearance sharply doesn't mean that the person is suffering from some disorder, but the possibilities that these and others appear is more significant.

For the diagnosis it is important to note some major points such as: excessive attention with distortions that do not exist or exist in small level; the way the person hides his part "defective"; and if the person seeks sharply aesthetic treatments and after never feel satisfied. In some people can still be observed a prejudice in social and affective relationships or even in professional and academic field.

As body dysmorphic disorder is related to the manner in which the person is noticed, it is common that some people develop muscle Dysmorphia disorder or Muscle dysmorphic disorder that are mostly men who practice bodybuilding of the 3 4:0 per day in search of a body bigger and bigger and more defined. Besides the Vigorexia, there are Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia more common in women who do not eat enough, feel and see fat, even if it's not. Are often associated with depression, Social phobia, obsessive compulsive disorder, or high levels of dissatisfaction and distress that can often lead to suicide.

The cause is still unknown, but is related to social, cultural elements, but also with central nervous system imbalances. There is still the possibility of the involvement of the basic ganglia dysfunction with these disorders to study cases of meningitis or beginning of postencephalitic syndrome.

For treatment has been widely used, particularly behavioral psychotherapy and cognitive, but it is difficult that the patient get help since we don't accept to be the bearer of this diagnosis. In addition to psychotherapy treatment, often medication is also required to help the patient modify behaviors and obsessive thoughts, helping in the recovery of their self-esteem and their relationships.
Published for educational purposes
Culture and Science