What is the history of the discovery of America?

Consider what is the truth about the history of the discovery of America is quite complex, but commonly in the West tend to think that Cristóbal Colón was the discoverer of America, actually the people who crossed the Bering Strait during the last glacial period were which actually performed this feat for the first time. Much later, around the year 1000 Leif Ericson a.d. became the first man in the old world, to reach the East coast of Canada (Newfoundland), which sailed via Iceland and Greenland to Canada. Then, it was only on October 12, 1492, when Cristóbal Colón goes down in history as the character responsible for this great discovery. In this article I will delve into the fact from Cristóbal Colón.

Cristóbal Colón idea was to find a route to the land of the species, going from West to East, since the famous silk road was dominated by the Ottoman Turks. In this way, in 1492 it undertakes a trip (funded by the Crown of Spain) 3 months from the port of Palos in Spain, to San Salvador (Island which today forms part of the Bahamas). Despite this feat in the history of mankind, Cristóbal Colón, which always believed that he had come to the West Indies, never knew that he had actually made the discovery of America. Subsequently, other European discoverers continued this story. It is as well as in the year 1500, Pedro Álvares Cabral discovers the Brazil. Américo Vespucio, to realize that the discovered by Columbus was actually a big continent and not the arrival to the West Indies. Also others such as Samuel Champalin, financed by France, started the exploration of Canada.

Few years after the discovery of America, and as a result of this feat in history, large oceanic expeditions, which aimed to discover new riches for sponsoring Nations begin. It is as well as in 1520, Hernando de Magallanes, crosses the Strait of the same name in South America and is his expedition, which manages to circumnavigate the planet. However, the discovery of new worlds, has fanned tensions between European countries interested in the riches. So, as as a result of this discovery conflicts occur for centuries between Spanish, Portuguese, French, and English.

The discovery of America meant that both Spain and Portugal, two poor countries until the year 1492, since they were just out of the Arab rule in the Iberian peninsula, to become the leading world powers during the 16th century. So much so that it was Felipe II, King of Spain from the anos1556 to 1598, which pointed out that in the Spanish empire ever was the Sun. On the other hand it meant that "indigenous" peoples suffered the often inhuman subjugation of countries discoverers and conquerors.
Translated for educational purposes.
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