What is the meaning of Environment? Concept, Definition of Environment
Concepts and meanings of environment
1 Meaning of environment
Environment means everything around to a living being. Especially the circumstances of life of people or society in their life conditions. It comprises the set of natural, social and cultural values existing in a place and at a particular time, that influence in the life of the human being and in the generations to come. I.e., it is not only the space in which life develops, but it also includes living beings, objects, water, soil, air and the relations between them as well as intangibles like culture [citation required]. 5 June world environment day is celebrated.Etymological origin
As sustantivo(capas, no se ha comprobado), the word medium comes from the latin medium (neuter gender); as an adjective, from the latin medius (male gender). The ambient word comes from the latin ambiens, ambientis, from the verb ambere, "surround", "being on both sides". The expression might consider environment as pleonasm because the meanings of the two elements of such spellings are coincident with the meaning inherent when van together. However, some meanings of both words separately are different. Allowing your understanding is the context. For example, other metaphorical meanings of the ambient term allude to social sectors, such as popular atmosphere or aristocratic environment; or attitudes, like having good atmosphere with friends.Concept of environment
In the general theory of systems, an environment is a complex of external factors that Act on a system and determine their course and their way of existence. An environment could be considered a superset in which the given system is a subset. It can consist of one or more parameters, physical or other nature. The atmosphere of a given system must necessarily interact with living beings.2. Definition of environment
We can define environment as that space in which some kind of natural Exchange that makes possible the life takes place. The environment is not only the space if not also different forms of life that take place in it. I.e., if we were speaking of space only we would be referring to a spatial location. On the other hand, the concept of environment expands this last idea to include everything that has to do with life in that space it develops. Today, the environment is a topic very much in vogue because of all the debate that is generated around to their care and how human activity contributes increasingly more raido to damage it.The environment is not anything other than the Middle, precisely the place or space in which different life-related processes are carried out. This life can be very different if it takes into account not only human but also the animal and vegetable. Each environment is characterized by particular elements that make it special and different from the rest, so it is impossible to speak of a just environment. To better understand what the environment is composed, should speak of three levels: the physical, biological and, if necessary, the socio-economic. In the first, we are referring to everything that has to do with geography, climate, geology. These elements form the basis upon which all life forms will be established. Biological drawing is thus composed of the human population as well as the flora and fauna that occupy this space. Finally, the socio-economic environment is which refers to the activity of the human being and its effect on the environment.
The biggest problem that presents the environment today is one that has to do with the damage that man has been causing him to it in recent centuries. In this sense we must say that the environment may present changes or natural disturbances that have to do with the physical space or even the actions of different plant or animal species (such as for example when generating the phenomenon known as plague). However, there has not been more significant changes to the environment than those that the human being has generated with his industrial, productive and economic activities: deforestation, pollution, urbanization, the use of elements or chemical products and, ultimately, change climate, are some of the results that this alteration of the environment generates, affect them all the living beings that inhabit the environment.
3 Concept of environment
The environment is a system consisting of natural and artificial elements that are interrelated and which are modified by human action. It's the environment that affects the way of life of the society, including natural, social and cultural values that exist in a place and time.Living beings, soil, water, air, physical objects made by man and the symbolic elements (as traditions, for example) make up the environment. The conservation of this is essential to the sustainable life of current generations and generations.
It could be said that environment includes factors physical (such as climate and geology), biological (human population, flora, fauna, water) and socioeconomic (employment, urbanization, social conflicts).
Referred to as ecosystem to the set consisting of all biotic factors of an area and the abiotic factors of the environment. The ecosystem is a community of living beings with interrelated life processes.
Ecology is another notion linked to the environment, since it is the discipline that studies the relationship between human beings and their environment. Ecological behavior protects environmental resources to ensure the present and future livelihood of human beings.
For example: If in the Middle a mountain builds a huge hotel, the environment will be damaged. Ecology activists, should therefore oppose such projects to preserve the ecosystem.
4. What is environmental
When we gave the concept of environment, we did mention to their various meanings, one of which, those elements that enable the life of living beings (plants or animals) on our planet, is that these life forms are developed on land, water or air.The environment, including water, soil, air, and own living beings who develop its existence interacting with each other, is affected by multiple problems that have produced deterioration or contamination, sometimes (few) of natural causes, and in the majority of cases by the hand of the man that has overexploited resources, or has advanced technical and scientifically causing environmental pollution. Are already very few natural spaces, not Humanized, in which man has not intervened for editing, sometimes positive, as when dikes or dams, and other negative, carried out as the felling of trees in the forests, depriving the environment of the possibility of purifying the air, since plants have that mission, or by installing factorieswhich pollute the air with their fireplaces or throw their waste into rivers, polluting them also.
To educate human beings of the protection of the environment, on which depends our lives, in 1972 the UN Assembly established June 5 as world environment day. UNEP (United Nations Environment program) was also created.
Education for a healthy environment, must begin early in the family, teaching them to children to avoid wasting energy, e.g. using lamps, low consumption, or do not leave taps open unnecessarily; No fouling the planet with non-biodegradable elements that pollute (throw waste in the bins and not on public roads) and so on. This education must continue and the school, but they are adults who must realize first, to be able to educate by example, since this company is at stake the very existence of the planet, threatened by environmental problems, which can be reversed: hole in the ozone layer, greenhouse effect, acid rain, loss of biodiversity, among others.
5. Definition of environment
Environment is the environment formed by natural and artificial elements, the environment is not what is around the human being, that concept is wrong, and has been modified to such point that placed man as the Centre of the environment when it is not. The environment is the combination of all those present on the planet, the environment is a space of interaction, relationship and communication between agencies with or without life among those who develop constant changes brought about by external agents that disrupt and modify internal environment and agents that react to the exerted changes in the.The environment is constituted by abiotic elements (the medium and its influences) and biotic (living organisms).
The main abiotic elements are: atmosphere, water and soil. Regarding biotic elements, constitute it all living organisms that inhabit the environment; plants, animals, and humans. Each of these, are complementary and interrelated, while plants perform photosynthesis and the entire process to develop, the animal feeds on their properties to exist and the man with his capacity of reasoning manages first two organisms to survive and keep their environment sustainable.
Currently, the environment has been modified dramatically, compared to times ago, this, is due to the presence of new machinery and technology to exploit renewable and non-renewable resources of the planet, which represents a greater wear on the environment. Abiotic components of environmental pollution has been increasingly alarming for humans. Water supply has become very complex and not yet aware that without water there is no life.
6 Concept of environment
The environment is the set of circumstances that surround outer form to a living being. This encompasses all living and non-living beings and the way in which these interact among if. The concept of environment can be divided into two main components: ecological aquellasunidades with defined boundaries which function as authentic natural systems sinnecesidad of human intervention, and universal resources that do not have borders or edges defined, such as water, air and climate.The word environment is also used to speak of a habitat, as when he is said to be the natural environment of the camels desert. When the environment forms a consistent functional natural units of plants, animals and microorganisms, is says that we are in the presence of an ecosystem. Some ecosystems are forest, desert, tundra, and the savanna.
Environmental changes and changes by a multitude of external factors. The most common are the natural, among which we can find to living beings and the climate in all its variants (cold, heat, rain, snow, etc...). Forest fires, deforestation and the relief also play an important role in determining that as friendly or hostile is a territory for certain types of living beings.
However, with the growth of societies human and the expansion of urban settlements, today the environment is also modified by actions and developments human, often resulting in serious environmental damage. The most notorious consequence is global elcalentamiento, whereby the global temperature of the Earth has been increasing markedly due to the release of specific gases into the environment. This temperature rise, according to a good part of the scientific community, will lead to extreme changes of climate and the eventual rise of the temperature of the seas, endangering thousands of species, including human beings.