A Greenpeace video "resurrects" President Kennedy to launch campaign of the Energy Revolution

A Greenpeace video "resurrects" President Kennedy to launch campaign of the Energy Revolution

Even having spent more than 50 years, the central theme of global politics presented by John Kennedy, reflects a very current reality: environmental protection, and the vision of an energy revolution. The commercial, created by AKQA in partnership with The Ambassadors, techniques used to resurrect President Kennedy that simulated a message about climate change on the planet, for our times.

In simulated video made ​​by Greenpeace to launch his campaign energy revolution, sees the U.S. president speaking to an attentive audience. He expressed the need for a different future, and declares his desire to make the country a leader in this evolution. A message in favor of sustainability, for a renewable future, showing that change has to be made now, preventing.

Although the video is a simulation, this message causes us to reflect on the time we waste time and that still might lose. We need responsible heads of state, with a vision. Today, now, in a short time.

The key to our future and for the development of future generations, is the energy revolution. We need to rebuild this for our children to be able to see your future.

Fighting climate change by investing in energy efficiency and renewable sources, will also help stabilize the global economy.

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Source of Information and Image: Vitodibari