Genetically modified foods damage organs

Despite the confusion about the consequences that have genetically modified organisms in our health food, a new study confirms categorically that if cause particular damage to our body.

A new study published in the journal Environmental Sciences Europe analyzed the effects of the consumption of corn and soybeans in the body of mice. And after correlating the information collected in 19 earlier animal studies found that 9% of the parameters measured, including blood Biochemistry and urine, weight of organs, e histopatiologia (microscopic analysis) were significantly altered between animals that had been fed genetically modified products.

The organs most affected were then regularly eat foods genetically modified were the liver and kidneys, both responsible for filtering impurities in substances that enter our body, thus in the presence of food poisoning are those who react most notably. In the case of the mice used in the study the kidneys of 43.5% of males evidenced while serious disorders than the liver of the 30.8% of females also expressed.

"A lot of convergent data indicated that problems in the liver and kidneys are direct consequences of a diet with genetically modified food." "Other bodies may also be affected as the heart, spleen, and the blood cells" said the authors of the study.The researchers conducted the study chose as food to use soy and corn since these two crops account for 83% of genetically modified foods which are marketed and which are currently consumed by billions of people around the world.

After the research also demonstrated the by that most of the studies that are field in this market to determine whether GM foods will get the authorization to be marketed, indeed many of them are funded by own corporations that dominate this market, and apparently the key is at the time of impact measurement. Generally studies monitor the animals intentionally, for very short periods of time and thus is not allowed the negative effects on their bodies to flourish.

Industry limited studies to a maximum of ninety days (and many of them do not even reach one-month). This type of study can easily stop detecting many of the significant consequences that have GM foods in the body of animals used. For example, in the case of pesticides, has been verified some of the evils that provoke health are passed from generation to generation, and sometimes can detect until after decades of having ingested regularly. In the case of a substance known as DES (diethylstilbestrol) was confirmed to "induce cancer in the female genitalia, among other problems, only in the second generation". But even considering this experience with pesticides and for some mysterious reason, agencies and authorities to evaluate the direct effects of genetically modified foods do not require studies that analyze the consequences in time greater than 90 days. "It is impossible to conclude on a type of pathology induced by GM foods in just 13 weeks and if it is a more or less pathology." "For this reason is necessary to extend the tests that are made in the studies".

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