The sunscreen is carcinogenic - no sun

The sunscreen is carcinogenic - no sun
Fear got into the body of the consumer suffered on many issues such as theft, terrorism ... has extended for decades to fear even the sun, carried out among many with the full support of the manufacturers of creams Sun protection against those who dare to expose themselves to the "dangers" of the Sun
Unless they are smeared from head to toe with sunscreen of factor 60 (mixture of petroleum derivatives), risk their lives, or that they do not believe those who seek nothing but their own interests.
Fortunately, this view is beginning to crumble, as there is not a single scientific proof to show that sunlight causes disease.
Instead, what is being discovered is that lack of exposure to sunlight is one of the major risk factors of falling ill.
Very few people know that the lack of sun causes cancer die each year about 50,000 people in the U.S. alone. As discussed below, are deaths that could have been easily avoided thanks to vitamin D produced by the body in response to regular sun exposure.
Before antibiotics were discovered in 1930, the medical community, at least in Europe, could appreciate the healing power of the sun from the late nineteenth to mid-twentieth century, the therapy based on sunlight, called 'heliotherapy "considered one of the most effective treatments against infectious diseases.
Studies have shown that patients exposed to sunlight in a controlled manner experienced a severe drop in blood pressure (a decrease of up to 40 mm Hg), a decrease in blood cholesterol level, a reduction of abnormally high levels of sugar in diabetics and increased white blood cells that individuals need to help them resist disease.
Patients suffering from gout, rheumatoid arthritis, colitis, arteriosclerosis, anemia, cystitis, eczema, acne, psoriasis, herpes, lupus, sciatica, kidney problems, asthma and even burns will benefit from the healing power of sunlight.
Sun exposure ... has germicidal properties, helps eliminate dust mites, mold, germs, bacteria undesirable ......
The doctor and writer Auguste Rollier was one of the most famous of his day helioterapeutas. At the peak of his career ran 36 clinics with a total of one thousand beds in Leysin, Switzerland.
These clinics were located more than 1,500 m above sea level, an altitude that allowed their patients to receive an amount of UV rays much higher than is possible in the lower levels of the atmosphere.

The venom of sunscreens

Dr. Rollier used the UV rays for the treatment of diseases such as tuberculosis, rickets, smallpox, lupus vulgaris (cutaneous tuberculosis) and wounds; followed in the footsteps of Danish physician Niels Finsen, who won the Nobel prize in 1903 for the TB treatment with ultraviolet light.
Rollier found that sunbathing early in the morning, along with a nutritious diet, contributing the best results.
The surprising cure for tuberculosis and other diseases they got those doctors made headlines at the time. What surprised the medical profession was that sunlight beneficial not take effect in patients using sunglasses. (The sunglasses ray spectrum filtered important that the body needs to take through the eyes and reach the brain, pineal gland directly)
These beneficial rays reach though one is in the shade.
By 1933 it had been found that sunlight was a beneficial treatment for more than 165 different diseases.
However, in 1954, after the death of Rollier, and the growing power of the pharmaceutical industry, the use of heliotherapy began to plummet.

The venom of sunscreens:

In the 1960s, the "miracle drugs" man-made medical fascination replaced by the healing powers of the sun, and in the 1980s began increasingly to bombard people with warnings against baths sun and risk of skin cancer.
Today it is considered that the sun is the main culprit of skin cancer, cataracts preceding blindness and skin aging. ...
Only persons 'risk' to sunbathe discover that it makes them feel better, as long as they do not use sunscreen and do not burn the skin. (Creams impede know when you have to remove the sun and get a T-shirt and cap)
Actually, what the sun's UV rays is to stimulate the thyroid gland to increase hormone production, which, in turn, increases the basal metabolic rate of the body.
This helps you lose weight so as to improve muscle development. In farming, the animals grow faster and healthier especially when raised outdoors, and so do people who sunbathe.
So if you want to lose weight or increase muscle tone, the sun also helps.
In recent years, the use of antibiotics has led to the development of bacterial strains resistant to these drugs, bacteria that defy treatment than the appropriate use of sunlight, air, food and water .
Greatly reduce or waive any of these four essentials of life is to open the doors to the disease.
In the population of northern European countries such as Norway and Finland each year experiencing many months of darkness, there is a higher incidence of phenomena of fatigue, irritability, illness, insomnia, depression, alcoholism and suicide in which live in areas with more hours of sunlight.
Their rates of skin cancer are also more altas.La incidence of melanomas, for example, is ten times higher in Orkney and Shetland Islands, north of Scotland, in the Mediterranean islands.
UV activate an important hormone llamadasolitrol skin.
This hormone influences our immune system and many of the regulatory centers of our body, and along with the pineal hormone melatonin, resulting in changes in mood and daily biological rhythms.
The hemoglobin in red blood cells requires ultraviolet (UV) to bind the oxygen needed for all cellular functions.
The lack of sunlight, therefore, can be considered partly responsible for almost all diseases, including skin cancer and other cancers. As a start to warn the reader not to take rel sun can be very harmful to health.
Can prevent and cure UV skin cancer?
Currently, a major concern of scientists is the extraordinary increase of skin cancer worldwide.

There are three main types of skin cancer, two of which-the basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma (non-melanoma) - are becoming more frequent, while the third, malignant melanoma, is rarer, but more lethal.
The more pressing question is:
Why would the sun suddenly to become as evil and try to kill as many people as it takes thousands of years without harming anyone?

The medical profession says that ultraviolet (UV) are the main cause of skin cancer. This theory is based on the assumption that the thin ozone layer of our planet allows it to penetrate the earth's surface in an amount too abundant of these rays, which cause all kinds of damage, such as damage to our skin and our eye cells.
However, that theory has major flaws and lacks any scientific basis. Contrary to general belief, there is no evidence that the reduction of ozone observed at the poles has caused an increase in melanomas.
The ozone layer in the stratosphere is destroyed or frequency filter germicidal UV rays, so that only small amounts-necessary to purify the air we breathe and the water we drink, actually reach the earth's surface. A
this effect, a study in Punta Arenas, the largest city in South America which is close to the hole of the Antarctic ozone layer, showed no increase in conditions related to ozone depletion. In fact, the amounts of UV measurements were too small to have a noticeable effect.
The measurements carried out in the United States since 1974 indicate that UV radiation reaching the Earth's surface decreases slightly each year.
This investigation was undertaken to detect the frequency of UV radiation which causes sunburn. From 1974 to 1985, UV radiation has decreased by 0.7% per year and has continued to decline.
The fact that the number of skin cancer cases in the United States has doubled during this period of 11 years contradicts the theory that UV light is the cause of the epidemic of skin cancer.
In 1980, in the United States were diagnosed 8,000 cases of malignant skin cancer (melanoma), that eight years had increased by 350%, totaling 28,000 cases. The possibility of developing melanoma in 1930 was only one for every 1,300 people. Since 2003, each year are diagnosed in the United States from 45,000 to 50,000 new cases.

Malignant carcinoma is the most dangerous of skin cancers. You can get to spread rapidly and, unless detected early, it is very difficult to treat.

It develops from cells called melanocytes in the skin's outer layer.

Melanomas usually start in moles or skin areas that look abnormal. These skin cancers constitute only 5% of all cases of skin cancer diagnosed.
A more UV rays, less cancerThe amazing thing about this lethal form of cancer is that it can appear on areas of the body not normally exposed to the sun, such as the eyes, rectum, vagina, mouth, respiratory tract, digestive tract and urinary bladder.

In short, from the beginning of the new millennium, in the United States are diagnosed each year one million cases of skin cancer of one type uotro. Today there are millions of patients who have been led to believe that the sun is to blame for her skin disease. However, since UV radiation decreases every year and skin cancer was a rare disease 100 years ago, when radiation were much higher and people spent a lot more time outdoors, what other factors are responsible for skin cancer?

A more UV rays, less cancer

Although the penetration of UV rays to the earth's surface would have increased by 1% per year (which is not the case), the slight increase would have been hundreds or even thousands of times less than the normal variation that people experience because of geographical differences.
Suppose a person moves from a place near either pole, for example, Iceland and Finland, another next to Ecuador, like Kenya or Uganda in East Africa. When you get to Ecuador, exposing your body to UV rays will increase no less than 5.000%.

If you are living in England and decides to move north of Australia, the exposure will increase by 600%. According to estimates, every 10 miles that a person is close to Ecuador, sun exposure is increased by 1%.
Today, millions of people around the world travel to areas of low solar radiation to areas of high exposure, close to Ecuador.
Thousands of tourists travel to locations at much higher altitudes than the places where they live. For every hundred feet in altitude Winning is a palpable increase exposure to UV rays, but this does not prevent people climb mountains or living in countries like Switzerland, or much higher altitudes, as in the Himalayan range.
According to the theory linking UV radiation to cancer, most Kenyans, Tibet or Switzerland should suffer skin cancer. But it happens.
Rather, what happens is that people living in high altitudes or near Ecuador, where UV radiation is most concentrated, known virtually any kind of cancer, not just skin cancer.
This shows that UV radiation does not cause cancer and may even prevent it.
Studies published in Archive of Dermatology, one arrives at the conclusion that there is no evidence whatsoever that the filters sunscreens prevent melanoma, as they have been falsely claiming the industry archimillonaria sunscreen, sunglasses ... and established medical class for decades.

Dr. Ackerman is not limited to expose the deception that had been subjecting the population for decades, but also questions the increased incidence of melanoma than the dominant medical establishment insists affirm.

Ackerman said that extending the definition of the diagnosis of "melanoma" has allowed the existence of a number of symptoms that are rated much higher now deadly disease compared with only thirty years earlier.
The melanoma has reached epidemic proportions largely due to statistical manipulations.
Skin cancer caused by sunscreen

There are other risk factors, such as having burns or scars on the skin, or a weakened immune system, have undergone radiation therapy in the past or have chronic skin diseases such as lupus.

In other words, if today was made the same diagnosis that was thirty years ago, cases of melanoma have increased so insignificant.

Skin cancer caused by sunscreen

The Sun is completely harmless unless you expose your body for extended periods of time, especially between 10.00 and 15.00 hours (in summer). Excessive exposure to the sun makes us feel very uncomfortable and hot and burns our skin. To avoid getting burned and to feel better, our natural instincts lead us to find a shady spot or give us a refreshing shower.
Melanoma incidence has increased in the pale-skinned populations (using creams) worldwide, there has been a corresponding increase in dark-skinned populations in which the incidence is only one-tenth to one third.
The skin of these people have more melanin, which protects them, but it is also true that they spend much more time outdoors exposed to UV rays concentrations are usually higher.

Source of Information and Image: trestiemposymedio