Twelve potentially toxic food for pesticides

The Group Environmental Working Group publishes its annual list with natural foods more likely to contain high levels of pesticide; the organic option is the only secure will help prevent this subtle poisoning

Historically, eating fruits and vegetables was a completely healthy food strategy. However since some decades ago was popularized the use of pesticides and other chemicals in these foods cultivation this option ceased to be completely healthy. In the medium and long term, exposure of our body to this type of harmful substances can cause a possible poisoning that will bring negative consequences for our health.

The consumption of organic food is apparently safely evade these food dangers. Sine embargo, taking into account the high cost of some organic foods, it is important to emphasize that there are several products that are grown organically in communities that do so for centuries or millennia, and that does not necessarily carry the mythical organic warranty seal. In this regard, we invite you to also consider that option, only uncomfortable or difficult to carry out an investigation to verify that these foods are actually grown without use of pesticides and agrochemicals. This difficulty is avoided looking for the famous sellito, although it will also have a significant impact on your monthly spending. We assume that it is the price of the "comfort".

This year the list of potentially risky 12 natural products by the popular employment of pesticides in its cultivation, is composed of:

1) Celery: its thin layer causes that the chemicals to a depth that is then almost impossible to delete them absorb.

(2) Peaches: your foot is also highly absorbent to 62 agrochemicals that are commonly used in their cultivation

(3) Strawberries: when it is not season usually are imported from distant countries that to reduce costs to ignore health standards.

(4) Apples: about 52 different pesticides in their culture are used.

(5) Blueberry: are also favorite of agrochemicals with 52 harmful substances detected in various tests.

(6) Nectarines: along with peaches and apples are the most "dangerous" tree fruits.

(7) Red Pepper: your thin skin makes them vulnerable to a deep absorption of pesticides.

(8) Spinach: New on the list of Environmental Working Group are employed in its cultivation up to 48 different harmful agrochemicals.

(9) Kale: despite of his fortress to naturally fight plagues, the cultivators of this species used, perhaps through ignorance, various pesticides.

(10) Cherry: with nearly 42 pesticides various employed in its cultivation, apparently which are cultivated in United States often show higher levels of toxicity.

(11) Potatoes: one of the most widely consumed foods in the world exposed to 37 different pesticides during their cultivation.

(12) Grape: care in wine cultivation often is, clumsily, translated into the use of numerous agrochemicals.

To complete this list, it is important to also emphasize that there is no better expense or possible investment that you make based on your health and well-being, and that there is no best way to do this than self-sufficiency, i.e., takes advantage of that old courtyard or the small ornamental flower-filled garden to cultivate at least one percentage of natural foods you eatThis way you feed him healthy unless this does not necessarily mean greater stress to your personal finances.

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