What is the meaning of Fan? Concept, Definition of Fan

Concept of fan 

Concept of fan A fan is an instrument that allows to move air and facilitate the cooling from high temperatures. Consists of two parts: the country (consisting of fabric, paper or leather) and the deck, a rigid and foldable base.

Its operation is very simple, just shake harmonically arm that sustains it with more or less intensity; However its manufacture is delicate since artistic touches and quality materials are incorporated.

Fans have a specific nomenclature for each of its components:
• Deck: Rigid and foldable Fan Base.
• Country: Fabric being attached to the deck. Fans who do not have country are called deck or simply barajas.
• Rods: Wood that can be set or painted.
• Caberas: First and last rod, thicker than the rest.
• Draft: Holes made on the rods.
Despite the fact that its construction is very simple, the range is also considered as a fashion accessory, so the most important manufacturers take into account various factors associated with the design and the quality of the product.

Concept of fan With respect to its history, umbel or parasol and the flabelum high range come from ancient Egyptian and Asian as manifested in the reliefs and paintings since at least the 19th in Egypt dynasty. But they only took place in Palace ceremonies and services. Greek civilization adopted the range in the household since the 5th century before Christ and Greeks the custom they imitated the Etruscans and Romans which was following during the middle ages in some religious civilizations as well as civilian use. Became fan in very different ways and with very varied material, predominating the fabric and feather.
The folding fan was invented by a Chinese in the 7th century, inspired by the mechanism of the wing of a bat. In Europe it is known since the end of the 15th century, where it was brought from China and Japan by the Portuguese who had opened trade routes to the East. It should not be difficult to copy because immediately popularized is extending throughout Europe, at first for upper-class ladies and then for all layers of society. In the 17TH century it came to have shape that is now unfolding in the past centuries the whims of fashion and the inventiveness of the miniaturists introducing draughts, reliefs, inlaid and precious materials. Costumbrismo is a common motif in the design of the 'country' in which, however, must accommodate all kinds of images.

Concept of fan

In the 18th century artisan French Eugenio Prost under the protection of the count of Floridablanca Spain became one of the main producers of the world vying with French and Italians settled in Spain. That same century creates the Guild of Abaniqueros and in Valencia, the Royal fans factory was founded in the early 19th century. Initially, the range was both of the female gender as masculine, leading exemplary small men in the Pocket. And some larger called pericón fans, to flamenco dance. However, their use becomes exclusive ladies in the early 20th century arriving to our days, but today you can see men fanning while he remains majority in women. They apparently became so adept in the use of this appliance that came to invent any "language range" consistent in that according to the position in which stood or mode in as grab you was transmitting a message type or another.

In general, the range is used by adult women. However, many young women also use it and even lines have been developed for men.
For cooling, the range has lost much of its ground after the invention of fan (an electrical device with blades that spin at high speed) and the air conditioning (or conditioner).

Concept of fan On the other hand, the concept of fan lets name to anything that has a shape similar to the traditional range, as the tail of the Peacock, for example.
Range is also the series of options or proposals that are presented so that someone can choose among them: "the range is very wide, but I'll stick with the first project".