What is the meaning of Constitutionalism? Concept, Definition of Constitutionalism

Constitutionalism is the way to organize a State based on a supreme law to which all other rules of law must respect the Constitution, to ensure the people's equal enjoyment of their natural rights, respect for human dignity , and organize and limit the powers of the State, differentiating between constituent power of the sovereign people itself to be a constitution and to reform it, and the powers that be who rule based on her limited for each other, and are chosen by most popular .

While there was a history major claims in England standards to limit monarchical power, achieved with the sanction of the Petition of Right 1677, the Habeas Corpus Act of 1679 and the Civil Rights Act of 1689, this trend of organizing the United constitutions through consolidated after an end to the unlimited power of the kings, after the triumph of the ideology of the Enlightenment penadores, embodied in the French Revolution that overthrew the old regime, and laid the foundation of modern democracies .
United States was the first country with its constitution written in 1787, with a rigid procedure reform, which established the division of powers. After ten amendments were added to enshrine the rights of the inhabitants. This U.S. Constitution, was followed by France, the years 1791, 1793 and 1848. Sweden had its Constitution in 1809, and Spain three years later. In Latin America, Venezuela and Colombia were pioneers, who released their Magna Carta in 1819.