What is the meaning of Fertility? Concept, Definition of Fertility
Definition, Concept and Meaning: Fertility
The word derives from the Latin fertility Fecunditas, and is understood as the possession and carrying of fertility, whether in humans, animals or plants. That is, the power play to produce offspring that retain features and characteristics of the species.Fertility is so distintita studied by various sciences. If we search a little, we will find that demography is one of the hardest working science with this concept, and it relates to fertility or reproductive potential capacity of an individual being or of an entire population. Thus, this science elaborates what is known as total fertility rate, which calculates the number of babies born per thousand fertile women in a population, usually over a year. This allows, along with other indicators, to know how fast a given population is growing.
According to demographics, there is a branch of science known as population ecology, which is responsible for studying the populations of the same species, and where fertility takes a key factor, as it believes it can increase or decrease according the environment in which we live. So, in difficult times for the human population, such as when there are wars, drought or poor access to food, the birth rate among youth and adults begins to decline sharply.
In biology, fertility is defined as the potential of a population to breed, and this is measured by the number of gametes or seeds. The essential difference is that the concept population, demographics, it is considered that human fertility is intentionally limited, while biology assumes that organisms do not limit their fertility. It is also studying the biology and develop methods that allow organisms fertility for some reason or another have difficulty procreating.