What is the meaning of Museum? Concept, Definition of Museum


Definition of Museum

Called Museum to the place where collect cultural valuables, which may be antiques, art objects, scientific articles or simply curious objects that deserve to be analyzed. Almost always, a museum aims to display the items so they can be viewed by the general public. In most of the museums each article is accompanied of a description, which helps the audience to understand that it is what he is seeing and by that has a cultural value. The word is derived from the latin musēum, which in turn comes from the Greek μουσεῖον.

Some other museums are full and robust, institutions that have equity to acquire, restore, preserve and Exchange objects of high cultural value. Some do not pursue profit, while to others if they do so and are made of capital through the sale of tickets, tourist or promotional material for sale or the mortgage on your property. In some other museums also carried research work, especially in what refers to the liberal arts or study languages or ancient documents.
The existence of museums is registered from the ancient Greece and Rome. In those days, the Government performed exhibitions with objects he earned in battles or conquests. At the same time, the gardens of the high class exhibited objects in collection of the aristocracy, to be arrogant and displayed with other members of the elite at parties or gatherings.
It was already entered the Renaissance when the Museum began to take its current form, i.e. that of a building used exclusively for that purpose.
With the passage of time, museums management became increasingly complex, and a Museum of conventional size requires directors, guides and people specialising in the maintenance and restoration, especially of the works of art.
Some types of existing museums are museums of natural history, wax museums, science museums, archaeological museums or museums of curiosities.