What is the meaning of Friendship? Concept, Definition of Friendship

Definición de Amistad - Su Concepto y Significado

Definition of friendship - its concept and meaning

The etymological origin of the word friendship has not been able to be determined with accuracy. There are those who say that it comes from the latin amicus ("friend"), which in turn derived deamore ("love"). However, other scholars argue that friend is a Greek word composed by a. ("without") and ego ('I'), by which a friend would mean "not myself". In any case, the friendship is an emotional relationship between two people and one of the most common interpersonal links that most human beings have throughout his life.
Friendship involves various feelings, where a friend comes to another in search of trust, love, comfort, respect and company, for example. These relationships occur in all stages of life, albeit with varying degrees of importance and significance. It says there are friendships that are born within a few minutes of started a relationship, and others that can take years to consolidate.
Friendly relations can exist, even between two different species. Why it is said that the dog is the "best friend of the man", in reference to the affective bond that can form between homo sapiens and this animal.
Between the components that form a friendship, one may mention pleased to share activities, mutual understanding, sympathy, sincerity and interest and concern for the other.
It should be noted that, on occasions, the physical presence is not indispensable condition for friendship. Why there are numerous friendships developed by correspondence or at present, via the Internet.

Definición de Amistad - Su Concepto y Significado

Concept of friendship

The concept of friendship is broad and subjective, but in social terms implies emotional among people relationship, although often refers to other living beings as our "friends". The term comes from latin and is probably related to the term "love".
Social conventions, refers friendship when there is a feeling shared by two persons of trust, respect, affection, and emotional empathy. These relationships vary from person to person and throughout history the friendships have evolved and so has also changed the way of understanding them.
At different stages of life take place different types of friendships with a lesser or greater importance; many people will agree that true friends are those who have accompanied us in our moments and more relevant experiences.
The friends share good and bad experiences, mood and comfort come in negative situations, maintain loyalty among themselves and feel identified with the other.
Even something as personal and cultural such as friendship, speaks of different types, such as when it is said that there are friends by correspondence or virtual (through Internet), friends of fraternities as happens in United States universities and others.
Today, thanks to the virtues of the Web, we know many more people than before and keep in contact with friends from all over the world through the well known social networks that allow linking us with multiple people at the same time, share photos, get involved in groups in common and other activities.
In recent years has aroused considerable debate regarding whether the friendship between people of a different sex is possible without that mediate a romantic interest.
There are famous friends such as the detective Sherlock Holmes and his friend Watson, Batman and Robin, or Don Quixote and Sancho Panza.
In any case, it is common to say that friends can only count on the fingers of the hand and that, regardless of all the moments we span in our lives, true friends are those who are always.

Definición de Amistad - Su Concepto y Significado

Meaning of friendship

The word friendship comes from the latin amicus (friend), which in turn comes from love and that means confident, favorite of a King. On the other hand, is said that it comes from the latin amicitas, which means good relationships, personal and selfless affection.
According to this last etymology, friendship can be defined as the personal affection pure and selfless, generally reciprocal, is born and is strengthened between two or more people, and that the majority of human beings have in great esteem.
In general, friendship is good, one to the other. The indispensable condition of a friendship is communicative and affectionate treatment. Good communication is what allows that you can give and receive.
Friendship is fostered through good behavior with friends, presenting aid and sharing joys and sorrows. The true friend makes you drop into account from your mistakes and it exalts your virtues, which will also be in the good and the bad times, accompanying you and supporting you.
A friendship is born when people relate among themselves based on something in common among them as interests, pleasures, or human qualities. In it there is the esteem, respect and understanding; the ideas are not imposed, are shared, seek agreements and not possible to reach them, respect different criteria, etc.
There are friendships that are born soon or are slow in becoming, usually disappear or last a lifetime. In any cases the friendship is a human value low, much appreciated and invaluable. Friendship is a philosophy that contains commitments and duties, but the hardest thing, to give without expecting anything in return. A good friendship helps us bring a nice, full and happy life.
Also says that friendship is a superior feeling, since by it, humans exceed the desire for personal satisfaction and reaches the exercise of love, which even exceeds the human genre, due to the relationship of friendship that a person can have with an animal; for example, a dog.
Today, technological advances in the media allow you to maintain and strengthen friendships, more if they are away; with them people communicate and become aware of his life, feeding to a more formed friendship.

Definición de Amistad - Su Concepto y Significado

Definition and what is friendship

Friendship is a mutual feeling, a selfless relationship between two people, where participate the affection and mutual respect. It is believed that this term comes from the latin "amicus", which in turn, is a derivation of "amore" (love).
While to cause a friendship must occur in two individuals simultaneously, it may happen that one of them consider another friend, and the other is not; This is very frequent, since not all have the same criteria for choosing who call this way.
There is also this type of bonding between a man and an animal. For example: between a boy and his pet. In saying this, the first animal that comes to mind is the dog, given the loyalty and affection that usually provide, toward his master especially. Therefore, the friendship between a dog and his master, has nothing to envy to the friendship that they can have two human beings.
To say that friendship is an emotional bond, we said that affects us, i.e. it influences us, and our way of acting; and to this we must add the subjectivity of this concept, since there is a dictionary that objectively a recitation of all the necessary items for a perfect friendship, but that each person elaborates itself its own definition of friendship.
We warn that we have established a friendship when we find in her understanding, honesty, concern, joy, confidence and love. Before a true friendship, neither time nor distance can interfere. This true friendship is able to provide us a great support to overcome the hard times of life, and celebrate happy times.

Definition and etymology of friendship

Friendship. If it is true and good, it conveys confidence in oneself and feeling of gratitude.
According to the dictionary of the Royal Academy friendship is "personal, pure and selfless, ordinarily reciprocal affection that is born and is strengthened with the treatment".
Friendship is a relationship of reciprocity, so that occur is necessary that both parties wish to do so. It is impossible to maintain a relationship with someone if the other person does not want.
This type of relationship is based on disinterested delivery, give without expecting anything in return, in sincerity, help and mutual affection. It is an exchange of feelings with another person, share confidences, experiences, emotions, sufferings, joys, successes, failures, etc. A myriad of feelings that makes us to be in tune with the other person feel understood and listened, and know that we can count on your support and help when we need it. Friends enjoy the mutual company.
Relations with friends if they are good and true, convey self-confidence, feelings of gratitude, increase self-esteem and strengthen personality. Interact with others and have real friends is very positive to grow and develop as people.
We have to distinguish between true friends and superficial friendships with whom we can have fun and spend pleasant moments but, not to be intimate.

2. Characteristics of friendship

Genuine friendship implies a number of features:
-Trust, sincerity and loyalty. The friendship has to be faithful, trusting our friend and know that we can count on him when you need it. It must be sincere and there must be confidence to show us naturally, as we are and think, without fear to be not accepted and without trying to impress.
-Interest in the friend. It must exist a genuine interest by our friend, worrying about their affairs, share them and advise him when the occasion requires it. Interested in the welfare of the other and in everything that concerned or interested.
-Sacrifice. Friendship means sacrifices, because it assumes delivery and effort to share and give. Sometimes consist of giving part of our time, others our patience, listen, guide, help, support, comfort, etc.
-Generosity. We must be generous in sharing, not focus only in material things but also feelings or everything that is expected of us.
-Respect. Respect the way of thinking and being our friend and let him be himself, accepting it as it is, without conditions.

3. How to be a good friend

To be a good friend it is essential to have a good communication with friends, know how to listen to them and come to understand them.
We must seek the good of our friend and try to provide you with moments of entertainment and fun with us. Keep us cheerful and transmit good humor, are very important aspects in any relationship, and it is also very rewarding for all.
After an anger we can not save rancor but forgive us quickly.

4. Why are there people without friends?

The human being is social by nature, grows and develops interacting with other people, hence normal is like us have friends and share our lives, hopes and hobbies with them.
But not always the case. There are those who find genuine difficulties to interact with others and this is due to various reasons: excessive shyness, fear of not being accepted, lack of social skills, etc.
However, the problem is greater when it is due to problems of low self-esteem. People who have no friends because they consider that they have nothing to offer and that no person will find in them something interesting or attractive to wish to maintain a friendly relationship with them. In such cases, we are talking about people with serious self-esteem problems and a large complex of inferiority that should consult with a professional.
They also have difficulty to relate those people who possess a petty deal with others, are people who tend to humiliate, ridicule and make a which is mockery continuously from others.
Or ones that do not respect opinions and thoughts contrary to yours, which exalt when they contradict him and never showing admiration or approval by the attitudes of others, are not able to assess or recognize the merits of others, but on the contrary, they feel envy by the victories or achievements of those around them. Nor are they able to show affection by anyone.

Concept and meaning of friendship

Any normal person maintains relations cordial with hundreds of individuals and lively, but with some of them generates a vinc * affective more intense than with others. Even so, many times we cannot define whether a person is friend, almost friend, or just someone who there is affinity and we got along well.
Is it enough with that someone declare her friendship to consider him a friend? Who are our real friends and who not? How to distinguish the sincere friends of those people who only pretend their friendship to gain some benefit? To answer all these questions, it is necessary to reflect on friendship: what it means, how is expressed, what are your requirements. Are we still good friends? Are they our friends all those who claim to be what?

The concept of friendship

Friendship arises when two or more people develop a mutual, selfless and unconditional affection. A friend is like a brother, but there is a fundamental difference: friends come not given to us, we can choose them. At this point the key of the issue lies. Friends have so much importance in our lives just because it's relationships that we ourselves decide to create and maintain every moment. Nothing and nobody forces us to support them, and yes it can happen with certain relatives. By contrast, the friendship is generated when two people choose each other to share part of their lives: experiences, interests, skills, activities, etc.
It is very difficult to find a good definition of "friendship", capable of exhausting all the complexity of such concept. Some conceive it as "a virtue that leads us to a solid relationship, deep, disinterested and reciprocal with another person". To the Real Academia Española, it consists of "affection personal, pure and selfless, shared with another person, who was born and is strengthened with the treatment".

Characteristics of a relationship of friendship

-Confluence of wills to establish and maintain a vinc * of mutual affection and mutual trust. There is no unilateral friendship. It is a farce. If the affection and trust are not reciprocal, there can be no friendship. There is friendship, is imperative that everyone involved experience the desire to create that vinc. Because not only is create it: also you should keep it, and that is perhaps more complicated and exciting at the same time. The true friendships resemble plants: they require care, and they are withering if them are not treated properly.
-Continuous updating, recreation and redefinition. Friendship is not something static. Like any human relationship, varies with the experience and the daily deal. After a talk, share an experience, we remain friends, but never in the same way as before. Each new Word, every reaction, every answer, every new shared experience will forge a common history, which will be taken into account by the friends in their future exchanges. Then, the friendship is a relationship that is constantly updated: it recreates and resets constantly, for better or for worse.
-It remains throughout time, space and personal changes. Genuine friendship is unbreakable. Temporary friend is not a friend, is another thing. During physical and mental growth, we change many things, but not true friends. Friends of truth can have profound disagreements, resulting in passionate discussions very enriching, but such differences will never be so large as to threaten the continuity of the friendly relationship. Before the pride to have the reason, always be imposed affection, tolerance and acceptance of the other as it is. Then, the friendship could not more grow over time, with friends will have occasion to get to know and understand better. Neither the distance threatens a true friendship: two friends always will feel about each other, wherever they are, and you will always find the way to maintain contact and the vitality of the wine.
-She is disinterested. Otherwise, there is no friendship but manipulation. Friendship is incompatible with the interest, selfishly understood. Do not search for own profit, but the common enrichment. Friendship is the end of the relationship, and not a means for subsequent purposes. Otherwise, there is no talk of friendship, but manipulation: a person pretends to be another friend to get something from her. In friendship, looks to the other as a person, and feels interest to know it thoroughly. In handling, the other is seen as an instrument, as a useful thing to my purposes. Handling relationships in many cases are valid and necessary in social life, but ever no should be confused with friendly relations, because they are not, nor are similar. Friendship should be always peer to peer, unless one is secretly dominating another to take an advantage. The typical case of a false friendship is of the exchanges that are always oriented in one direction only: one always gives (affection, goods, favors, etc.) and the other always receives, when in a true friendship the roles of giver and receiver are constantly exchanged. Another form of manipulation, maybe more hidden and unconscious, occurs when a person seeks the friendship of another because he believes it will help it to overcome some personal problem, to position themselves better in certain areas, to relate to the people surrounding that person, etc.. For example, if a person tries to become friends with extraverted people to overcome his shyness, not seek friends but instruments. The same happens if I am friend of a person to have chance of treating someone who live with her. Then, there is no true friendship if the cause of the union is the individual interest, is of a type that is.
-It can be based on common goals and interests. Many times, friendship feeds on certain amount of ideas, objectives, priorities, views and interests, but they have to be shared. Almost always, the friends share philosophies of life, political positions, notions about good and evil, etc. These coincidences of Fund made tolerable any superficial differences and generate a feeling of complicity that strengthens friendship.
-Enriches both. The result of a friendship is always mutual benefit. Friends are seen as equals, and help to grow. When you set a true relationship of trust, constructive criticism from our friends help us to improve, to develop our potential with the sincere opinion of someone that appreciates us and who wants the best for us. A friend always look complements and enriches the own gaze. The friend gives us eyes to see our reality from a different perspective.
-Generates a commitment, a desire to spend time together and a liking for sharing ideas, tastes and experiences.
-Awakens an interest and a genuine concern. Each friend experienced the desire to keep track of what happens to each other: their welfare, their problems, their achievements. He is attentive to support it when it is needed, to celebrate what happens from positive, to shore when it is about to fall.
-Empathy and spontaneity. A true friend has a powerful desire to understand the other, seeing why it acts as it does, and what forms can help you to improve. This interest by discover and know more deeply the friend creates a climate of non-aggression, in which both can talk without fear and without fear of being reproved by who they are and think like they think. Among friends you can speak and act naturally, minimizing social brakes normally arising from fear of rejection in relationships of lower confidence and intimacy