Most poisonous animals in the world

Avispa de mar

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1 Sea WaSP

Box jellyfish or sea WaSP (Chironex fleckeri) is a (class Cubozoa) cubomedusa capable of killing a person through your contact. It is considered the most poisonous animal on the planet. It inhabits mainly Australian waters.

Their symptoms also in difficulty breathing, nausea and vomiting, swelling and pain severe, beats slow heart and death of skin tissue. However, some animals are immune to the toxin, such as sea turtles, which feed on them without damage. In the case of humans, if the venom enters the blood system, death may occur in less than three minutes. Topical treatment with vinegar of contact injuries decreases their dangerousness.

Mamba Negra

2. Black Mamba

The black mamba (Dendroaspis polylepis) is a species of snake in the Elapidae family. It is the most venomous snake in Africa.
With an average length of 2.5 m, you can reach 4.5 m. Its name is due to black color into his mouth; and may vary the color of his skin yellowish-green to a metallic grey. It is one of the fastest snakes in the world, able to move 16 to 20 km/h. weighs on average 1.6 kg and live for approximately 11 years.

Their bite injects about 100 mg of venom dendrotoxin, remain deadly for an adult male between 10 and 15 mg. When hunting small animals it bites them once and recedes, waiting for neurotoxic venom toxin to paralyse their prey. Death occurs by suffocation as a result of the paralysis of the respiratory muscles. Although its venom is not toxic, due to their aggressive nature and the large amount of venom injected, as its speed, it is regarded as the most dangerous snake in the world.

The black mamba is found in Africa in countries such as: Northeast of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, southwest of Sudan, Ethiopia, Zambia, Somalia, Eastern Uganda, Malawi, Tanzania, to the South of Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Kenya, Botswana and Namibia.

Viuda negra

3. Black widow

The American black widow (Latrodectus mactans) is a spider araneomorfa, the largest of the Theridiidae family. It is also known as Spider of linen or cuyucha (in Argentina), wheat spider or spider of poto colorado (in Chile), spider capulina (in Mexico), and spider cazanpulga (in El Salvador).

Its venom is neurotoxic, which means that it blocks the transmission of nerve impulses, paralyzing central nervous system and producing intense muscle aches. If the black widow is pressed against human skin, it reacts naturally biting for their defence. The bitten human being suffers from a painful stiffness in the abdominal muscles. Although the venom of this spider is dangerous, rarely gets to be fatal. If it is properly and promptly treated, the victim recovers completely. The bite of a black widow is distinguished by a double wound. Children and adults who are not in good physical condition suffer more bite and may have fatal consequences in these cases.

Pulpo de anillos azules

4 Blue ring Octopus

they live in ponds of seawater in the Pacific Ocean, from Japan to Australia. Despite its small size, they are commonly recognized as one of the most poisonous animals in the world. They are recognized by their characteristic blue and black rings and yellowish skin. It hunts small crabs, hermit crabs, and shrimp

The blue ring octopuses are the size of a golf ball, however they carry enough poison to kill several people. There is no antidote known for its venom.

The venom produced by these octopuses contains Tetrodotoxin, 5-hydroxytryptamine, hyaluronidase, tyramine, histamine, tryptamine, octopamine, taurine, acetylcholine and dopamine. The major neurotoxin of these octopuses was originally called maculotoxina, but then found that it was identical to Tetrodotoxin, a neurotoxin which can also be found in pufferfish and component. Tetrodotoxin blocks sodium channels, causing motor paralysis. This toxin is created by bacteria in the salivary glands of the Octopus. These bacteria are those who give the characteristic blue color to their rings.

Rana dardo venenoso

5. Poison dart frog

The frog (Dendrobatidae) are a family of frogs known as poisonous DART frogs or frogs arrowhead. They are endemic to Central and South America.

These frogs received its common name from the many types of poisonous alkaloids found in the skin of many species. The majority of the members of this family possess these chemical defenses in your skin. The Dendrobatidae are a family of approximately 80 alkaloids, fat-soluble, obtained from the diet, mainly of arthropods, i.e. that these toxins are not synthesized by the frogs (DART et al. 2004, Smith and Jones 2004). The most poisonous dart frog is the golden frog (Phyllobates terribilis), toxin that possess is the batracotoxina, which enters your body by eating a type of cockroaches of the Melyridae family, which are those that synthesize, frog ingesting this type of roaches accumulate toxin in your body since it doesn't hurt them.

These frogs are popularly characterized by its skin brilliantly and colored, possess aposematic coloration. The colors range from bright and bluish black orange yellow and red, depending on the locality where are, at least in Costa Rica Dendrobates pumilio present a great variety of forms, it can be found from red to blue through orange with black spots to a chocolate brown coloration on the parties closest to Panama.

Serpiente marina

6. Sea serpent

The Hydrophiidae or sea snakes are poisonous snakes of the family of the elapidas that inhabit marine environments for most or all of their lives. While they evolved from terrestrial ancestors, most are widely adapted to a fully aquatic life and are unable to move, even on Earth, except for the genus Laticauda, which retain ancestral characteristics that allow the movement on the ground although in a limited way. Found in warm coastal waters of the Indian Ocean and to the Pacific

One very important fact about sea snakes is that they are extremely poisonous creatures. Except for a few, most of the types may attack at the slightest provocation, although it is known that it is a very "quiet" number of species. Never attack unless they are provoked and avoid contact with other animals, especially with human beings. Once it is irritated, a sea snake becomes very aggressive and holds his attack during a long period. A typical sea snake venom is 2-10 times more "efficient" than a cobra. However, these creatures use venom to trap their prey, and not for self-defense. The bite of a sea snake is largely painless. Muscle pain, spasms of jaw or bite limb pain are the symptoms that begin to develop within 30 minutes of the bite. The content of neuro-Toxin from the venom causes drowsiness, respiratory paralysis or blurred vision. Their mating season is winter, during which can become very aggressive. These venomous snakes live in regions where water river flows into the sea. They need very diluted saltwater or fresh water for drinking.

Rana dardo dorado

7. Golden dart frog

The Phyllobates terribilis, poisonous golden frog, Golden dart frog or poison dart frog is a frog endemic DART on the Pacific coast, Colombia and Panama. This amphibian of the dendrobatidae family, is currently considered the most poisonous vertebrate in the world.

The Golden dart frog skin is infused with a common, poisonous alkaloid between poisons common to DART frogs, called (batrachotoxin), which prevents the nerves transmit impulses and leaves the muscles in an inactive state of contraction. This can lead to heart failure such as fibrillation. The frogs can maintain high levels of batrachotoxin for years even though it deprived of the food source that produces venom - ants-. The toxin is active outside the body of these Batrachians: chickens and dogs have died from contact with a paper towel on which a terribilis frog had walked. The Golden Phyllobates Terriblis is the animal that loads the poison more lethal in the world, your skin says goodbye to a lasting poison capable of eliminating a human with speed and your body makes it immune to their own venom however being harmless is not threat to less than come into contact with the poison.

Serpiente taipán

8 Snake taipan

Inside, fierce snake or Serpent of small scales, taipan (Oxyuranus microlepidotus) is native to Australia and the most venomous land snake in the world.

A bite of inland taipan can contain enough poison to kill 100 adults or 250,000 mice. The average delivery of poison is 44 mg, 110 mg is the highest record. Its venom is 200-400 times more toxic than most rattlesnakes and 50 times more toxic than a cobra. The venom is neurotoxic action and could potentially kill an adult human in 45 minutes. There is no documented human fatalities when the bite was treated with antivenom.

Pez piedra

9 Fish stone

The world of fish, the fish stone is the most powerful and the tines of their dorsal fin is hiding numerous poison glands. Its venom is terribly strong and normal death occurrence after some hours. If it survives, the affected area is gangrene and produces very strong pain. The stone fish is extremely Mimetic, since it merges perfectly with the environment. You can find them everywhere, and on the coast of Granada we have seen copies of large size.

Pez globo

10. Puffer fish

The Tetraodontidae belong to the order of the Tetraodontiformes, and include the fish globe, also called Porcupine of sea, or sea ostrich (colloquially) is named for possessing the ability to swell, taking water or air, when it is attacked or frightened, multiplying several times its size.

Are typically found solitary in tropical waters, no more than 300 m in depth, mainly in areas of coral reefs, varying their size from 3 to 5 dm.

Tetrodotoxin: Is a powerful neurotoxin that is found mainly in the viscera (e.g., liver, ovaries, testes) of many species of fish tetraodontidae and Molidae, like pufferfish. Your intake decreases all vital sign since it interferes with neuromuscular conductivity. Specifically blocks sodium channels, which are among others, in the membrane of nerve cells, and are responsible for the generation of action potentials (by depolarization of membrane until the trigger threshold level), in a specific way which ultimately produces nerve transmission. Thus, in the presence of TTX neurons are incapable of producing action potentials and may not produce pulses allowing muscles to contract.

Mamba verde

11. Green Mamba

Of the Eastern green mambas are the smallest members of the family of mambas, averaging 1.8 meters, with specimens known up to 3.7 m. The species is found in forests near the coast that goes from the Eastern Cape in South Africa to Mozambique and Tanzania to the southeast of Kenya, mainly inland goes by the southern Malawi and Eastern Zimbabwe.

The venom of the Green mamba is highly toxic, containing calcicludine among other neurotoxins. Its venom is similar in composition and action to the most famous black mamba but only a tenth of poison, and the amount injected is generally less, due to the smaller size of the snake. Despite this, any bite from a green mamba is potentially fatal and should require immediate emergency hospital treatment.

La Irukandji

12. The Irukandji

The irukandji (Carukia barnesi) is a small jellyfish of the highly poisonous Cubomedusae order that inhabits the waters of Northern Australia. Place where the discovery occurred was documented for the first time in 1952 by Hugo Flecker, who named Irukandji by Aboriginal people who live off the Australian coast near Cairns. Your body is only 1.5 cm, but its tentacles reach more than 80 cm in length.

Download of the nematocyte's medusa causes a rapid increase in blood pressure that may lead to a cerebral hemorrhage; It can also cause paralysis, headaches, nausea, restlessness, sweating, vomiting, and a psychological phenomenon that resembles a feeling of impending doom.