5 Snakes more venomous in the world

Snakes do not attack humans, unless caused operturbadas. To kill their prey before eating them, some snakes use venom, which in many cases are highly toxic. These are the 5 most venomous snakes on the planet.

Taipan (Oxyuranus)

The Taipan snake is of Australian origin and occupies the first place in our ranking. Although there is an antidote, their venom is so lethal that it can cause the death of a human being in a matter of minutes.

There are three subspecies: inland Taipan (Oxyuranus microlepidotus), la costera (Oxyuranus scutellatus scutellatus) and the papuana (Oxyuranus scutellatus canni) native to the southeastern coast of Papua New Guinea.

Its color varies from the olive to dark brown, an adult specimen can reach 3 meters in length and feeds primarily on rodents. The coastal variety can be found in the North of Australia, the Papuana in southern New Guinea and the indoor in the central region of Australia.

Krait (Bungarus Caeruleus) common

The only Krait snake found in Asia. Its venom is 15 times more powerful than a Cobra. It has a tendency to seek refuge in sleeping bags, tents and boots, as most of the snakes are most active during the night.

Philippine Cobra (Naja Naja Philippinensis)

This snake is found in the Philippines and despite being small its venom is highly deadly. As to the rest of the cobras, you are recognized easily by the structure that adopts when it feels threatened.

This species is used in the East by the snake charmers because respond well to Visual signals. Its average length is one meter and Brown decolor.

Cobra (Ophiophagus Hannah) Real

It is the world's largest venomous snake, an adult specimen can exceed 5 metres. It is found in Thailand, southern China, Malaysia, South of the India yFilipinas.

It is believed that it is the most intelligent of all snakes, surely so it represents to many Eastern cultures. Although they rarely bite people, its venom possesses a powerful neurotoxin, which requires immediate medical attention.

Russell's Viper (Vipera Russellii)

Although it ranks last on our list of toxicity, it is Adder which probably produces the greatest number of serious and fatal bites around the world.

Its venom is a powerful coagulant that damages tissues and blood cells. It is found in Sri Lanka, southern China, India, Java, Sumatra, Borneo and surrounding islands. Its color is light brown with dark brown spots. In adulthood does not exceed the meter and a half in length.

Note 1:

At the request of our readers, and given its toxicity, have included the black mamba (Dendroaspis polylepis) on our list of snakes more venomous on the planet.
Black Mamba

It is without a doubt the most venomous snake in Africa. Its average size is 2.5 meters, but copies of more than 4 meters have been found.

Its name derives is black coloration inside his mouth. The actual color of the skin varies from (matte or yellowish) green metallic grey. It is the snake faster in the world, capable of moving from 4.5 to 5.4 meters per second (16 to 20 km/h)

The mamba black weighs on average 1.6 kg and live about 11 years in the wild.

The black mamba is found in Africa in the following countries: Northeast of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, to the southwest of Sudan, Ethiopia, Somalia, Kenya, Eastern Uganda, Tanzania, southern Mozambique, Malawi, Zambia, Zimbabwe and Botswana and Namibia.

Although it is not commonly found above an altitude of 1,000 meters there are records of copies to 1,800 metres in Kenya and 1,650 metres in Zambia.

The black mamba has adapted to a variety of climates ranging from the Savannah, forests, Rocky hillsides, dense forests and also in wet marshes.

The black mamba uses his speed to escape threats, not to hunt their prey. Their behavior is shy and reserved, usually tries to escape when a clash occurs. If a black mamba feels cornered and their attempt to scare off the attacker fails you can inject large amounts of venom.

The black mamba is a diurnal snake. Although its scientific name seems to be indicative of that climbs trees, the black mamba can rarely be found in them.

The black mamba venom is mainly composed of neurotoxins. Their bite injects 100 to 120 mg of venom on average, however, can inject up to 400 mg.

The mortality rate of their bites are approaching 100%, unless the victim is in a timely manner with the antivenom serum. A black mamba can potentially kill a human within 20 minutes, but death usually occurs after 30 to 60 minutes.

The mortality factor depends on the health, size, age, psychological state of the human person, the penetration of one or two tusks, the amount of venom injected, the site of the bite, and proximity to major blood vessels.

Currently there is a polyvalent antivenom produced by SAIMR (African Institute of the South for medical research) for the treatment of all black mamba bites.

Common symptoms of bite are: the quick appearance of dizziness, coughing or shortness of breath and irregular heart rhythm. The mamba venom causes death by asphyxiation as a result of the paralysis of the respiratory muscles.

The black mamba is one of the snakes more dangerous and feared in Africa, due to its potent venom, its large size, and the ferocity of their attacks. However human incidents are rare, given that this snake prefers to avoid us (probably in their genes escape from their greatest predator).
Note 2:

As the snake more dangerous of America have also included in this list to snake Nauyaca Real or velvet (Bothrops asper).


Black Mamba National Geographic

"On the Distribution of the Black Mamba (Dendroaspis polylepis) in West Africa". Journal of Herpetology. Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles.

"Snake Venom Toxins". The Journal of Biological Chemistry.


Wikipedia, flickr 1 2
General information

Snakes inhabit almost all climates of land, mainly in the equatorial regions, except at the poles and at altitudes greater than 4500 m. 2700 Species of snakes that inhabit the planet only 10% are "potentially" dangerous for man.

Erudite Explorations, Worlds Top 10 Most Poisonous Venomous Snakes Toxic, Wikipedia, Lehigh Valley Hospital and Health Network


See the original article: The 5 most venomous snakes in the world