Climate of Iran

It has desert or dry continental climate. All Iran is arid or semi-arid, except on the coast of the Caspian Sea where a subtropical climate dominates. In the Northwest the winters are cold with heavy snowfall and temperatures below zero in December and January. Spring and summer are relatively mild, while summers are hot and dry. In the South, winters are mild and summers are very warm, with an average daily temperature in July above 38 ° C. The summer heat is accompanied by high humidity in the Khuzestan plain.
El abejaruco de Irán.The Bee-eater of Iran.
In general, Iran has an arid climate in which relatively scant annual precipitation ranges from October to April. In most parts of the country, annual precipitation has an average of 25 centimeters or less. The great exception is the mountain most high valleys of the Zagros and the coastal plain of the Caspian, where the average rainfall reaches at least 50 cm annually. In the western part of the Caspian, rainfall exceeds 100 cm annually and is distributed relatively evenly throughout the year. This contrasts with some basins of the central plateau that receive 10 cm or less annual rainfall.
Mapa de biotopos de Irán.      Estepa del bosque      Bosques y arbolados      Semidesértico      Tierras bajas del desierto      Estepa      Pantanos aluviales saladosMap of biotopes of Iran.

  Forest steppe / steppe arboree
  Forests and wooded lands / areas arborees
  Semi-desert/zones semi desertiques
  The desert lowlands / desertiques plaines
  Alluvial salt marshes / Marais saumatres alluviaux
Source: Clima de Iran