What is the meaning of Deja Vu? Concept, Definition of Deja Vu

Definition of Deja Vu ‒ compendium of concepts and meanings

1. Definition of Deja Vu

Déjà vu (/ deʒa vy /, 'already seen' French) or reduplicative is the experience of feeling that has witnessed or has previously experienced a new situation. This term was coined by the French psychic researcher, Émile Boirac (1851-1917) in his book l'avenir des sciences psychiques ("the future of psychic Sciences"), based on an essay he wrote while studying at the University of Chicago.
The experience of déjà vu is usually accompanied by a compelling sense of familiarity and also a feeling of «AWE», «strangeness» or «rarity». «Previous» experience is often attributed to a dream, although in some cases gives a strong feeling that experience «occurred authentically» in the past.
The experience of déjà vu seems to be very common. In formal studies, 60% or more of the population claims to have experienced at least once. Also references to the experience of déjà vu is found in literature of the past, which indicates that it is not a new phenomenon. It has been extremely difficult to invoke the experience of déjà vu in the lab, so there have been few scientific studies. Recently, researchers have found ways to recreate this sensation using hypnosis.

Types of déjà vu

According to Arthur Funkhouser there are three main types of déjà vu:

Déjà vécu

Usually translated as 'already lived' or 'tested', déjà vécu is described in a quote from Dickens:
We all have some experience of feeling, which comes to us occasionally, of that what we are saying or already doing what we have said and done before, in a remote time; having been surrounded, long time, by the same faces, objects and circumstances; that we know perfectly what shall we say then, as if suddenly we wing it!
When the majority of people speaks of déjà vu that really experience it's a déjà vécu. Surveys have revealed that up to 70% of the population has had these experiences, usually ages 15 to 25, when the mind is still subject to notice the change in the environment. Experience is usually related to a very banal event, but is so shocking that you remember for years.
Déjà vécu refers to an experience that includes more than the naked eye, so tag it as déjà vu is often inaccurate. Feeling includes a great amount of detail, perceiving that everything is exactly as it was before.
More recently, the term déjà vécu has been used to describe very intense and persistent in a kind of déjà vu, feelings that occur as part of a memory disorder.

Déjà senti

This phenomenon refers to something 'already sense'. Unlike the implied precognition to déjà vécu, déjà senti is essential or even exclusively a mental event, lacks aspects precognitive and seldom stays in the memory of the person experiencing it.
Dr. John Hughlings recorded the words of one of his patients who suffered in an 1889 essay psychomotor or temporal lobe Epilepsy:
What occupies the attention is what has occupied it before, and it has in fact been familiar, but has been forgotten for a time and now recovers with a slight sense of satisfaction as if it had been looking for. ... At the same time, or... more accurately in immediate sequence, subtly warn that the recollection is fictitious and my abnormal state. Memory always starts thanks to the voice of another person or my own verbalized thought what I'm reading or mentally, verbalizando and I think during abnormal state soil verbalize any phrase of simple recognition as «Ah, Yes: I see» or «of course, now I remember», but a minute or two later I can't remember neither the words nor the verbalized thought which gave rise to the memory. Hallo only strong feeling that resemble what I felt before under similar abnormal conditions.
Like the patient of Dr.John Hughlings, some temporal lobe epileptics may experience this phenomenon.

Déjà visited

Déjà visited, which translates as 'already visited', it is a less common experience which involves unusual knowledge of a new place. Here one can find the way by a city or a new place knowing at the same time that it may not be possible.
Had they been invoked to dreams, reincarnation and even the out-of-body travel as explanations for this phenomenon. In addition, some suggest that read a detailed description of a place can lead to this feeling when he later visits. Two famous examples of such situations are described by Nathaniel Hawthorne in his book Our Old Home and Sir Walter Scott in Guy Mannering. Hawthorne recognized the ruins of a castle in England and was later able to trace the origin of the sensation to a play written about the Castle by Alexander Pope two hundred years earlier.
C. G. Jung published an account of a déjà visited in his 1952 essay about synchronicity.
In order to distinguish déjà visited déjà vécu is important to identify the source of the feeling. Déjà vécu is related occurrences and temporal processes, while déjà visited has more to do with geography and spatial relationships.

2 Concept of Deja Vu

Déjà vu or leaves vu is a French term meaning "already seen". The concept describes the sensation experienced by a person to think that it has lived previously a fact which, actually, is novel. Responsible for coining the term was Émile Boirac, French parapsychologist who was born in 1851 and died in 1917.
Phrases where the term appears: "had a déjà vu: I feel that I was already before in this House", "I saw the news and thought it was a deja vu", "tell him to Claudius that isn't a déjà vu: already told him as ten times that you have to read the report and make a summary".
Déjà vu, also known as reduplicative, makes the subject feel that lives something familiar but that it is at the same time, strange. In general, despite the belief of the people, the alleged previous experience is attributed to dreamlike creations.
In general, the déjà vu are divided into two classes: déjà vécu (that which the individual feels that he already lived) and déjà senti (something that the person already felt, although it does not form part of the baggage of his memory).
According to the studies developed around this concept, a déjà vu is associated with memories that a person has (whether by something you've lived, felt or dreamed of) and is an experience that especially affects young people whose age is around 15-25.
There are people suffering from déjà vu chronic, i.e. that absolutely everything live perceive it as your had already happened. These individuals are prone to suffer from depression and dysfunctions in memory.
The majority of people with this disorder have suffered any head injury or claimed that during a time they felt a chronic pain, symptoms possibly related to a physical deficiency that causes the déjà vu, a deficit in the operation of the temporal lobe. In addition it is a disorder that could be linked to high levels of stress and fatigue, with random alterations of memory, epileptic seizures or dreamy or unconscious fantasies.
As explained it to scientists from the University of Leeds, those who suffer chronic déjà-vu, they have one on activity in memory processing circuit; i.e. that this never relaxes, is recalling all the time. They added that the way to store the facts is different to the sensations that these facts cause you and there is a gap between both actions that work together in any other person.
It should be noted that those who suffer from this disease are very afraid of staying alone, because they perceive that this phenomenon is more powerful than them and don't know how to deal with it; In addition, the constant repetition of the sensation that causes this disorder in many cases can trigger a depression.
A programmer friend made me an absolutely simple explanation on this complex issue, which I would like to share. Imagine that your brain has a space to store memories and another where he analyzes the experiences that are taking place in the present. And that for some reason, before analysing the present keep it as a souvenir. In this case, the brain would understand the present as a souvenir. Simple to understand, right?
Finally, it is worth mentioning that déjà vu is mentioned frequently in popular culture or artistic works. In the film, the Matrix movie shows déjà vu as a failure that can be perceived in the system. On the other hand, Déjà Vu is the title of a film starring Denzel Washington, where the phenomenon is explained as warning signals coming from the past or indications for the future.

3 Meaning of Deja Vu

Deja vu, did many times do not have the feeling that these in a site in which you have already been already? And even more, doing the same thing, thinking the same thing, with the same clothes, the same intentions and up to the same expressions. Leaves vu is a term that describes a moment in which gives the feeling that as you did, with the same characteristics and you realize, as a reminder, when in reality, that has never happened, even you could say it is a dream, but this is first time that happens. Derived deja vu, there are two terms which indicate two kinds of sensation, the first is déjà vécu, which describes the moment in which a person feels that he already lived and experiment the same experience, so similar that it is as if repeated it and leaves Senti, who gives us only a vague, without memories feeling nor imagesonly the discrete idea that already happened this happening.
These strange terms are attributed to French parapsychologist Émile Boirac, in the 19th century. Parapsychology is a pseudoscience, which studied abnormal phenomena out of scientifically proven. This gives us an idea about the basics of an left vu, they are the product of our imagination, work with a compilation of anecdotes and memories that give us to understand things that are not reality, this does not mean that when a person who this by presenting a Deja vu this crazy, but you must be clear that they are part of a not common phenomenon of the brain.
The left vu when converted to a constant pathology, considered les a psychiatric mental failure, the study of these anomalies can ascertain by repetitive symptoms that the patient feels that any situation is a Deja vu, this disease is chronic, and it usually is associated with problems of drug addiction or alcoholism, as well as also being characteristics of patients with Alzheimer's disease. There are those who say that a left vu is a divine sign that indicates that everything in your way these doing this right, however, parapsychological interpretation the Deja vu is not clear.