What is the meaning of Formal? Concept, Definition of Formal
Definition and concept of Formal
Definition of Formal
The formal term, according to the context in which it is used bears various meanings. In general terms the formal is what part of the shape or is in close relationship to this said.On the other hand, also it is sometimes used to talk about something which by its conformation or behavior conforms to established standards. For example, a person who attends as a guest to a royal wedding in any of the States that observe a monarchy as a form of Government and that although it does not belong to royalty, in regards to their development will take care that this is the closest thing to what the situation warrants, classic yet elegant, clothing modes harmonious, leaving aside the histrionic or exaggerated ways that may clash with the solemnity that these acts entail.
Also, the formal term used to describe those people who observed first and foremost the responsibility and seriousness, i.e., not as in the situation that we described in the previous paragraph that obligation behaves so serious and formal, but that the responsibility and duty are already an inherent characteristic of his personality in his way of acting which accompany itwhether it is attending very formal commitment as it may be the case of a Royal marriage in any activity and relationship that engage in their daily lives, i.e., is not a pose of the moment but it is an attitude towards life.
Concept of Formal
The formal word is linked to everything relating to the shape, Word of Latin origin meaning figure; or acceptable aspects, or correct mode.With regard to the formal comorelativo to the shape or figure in differentiation with matter, can we talk of formal concepts, which can be applied to all objects, such as prepositions, conjunctions or some words like for example 'something'. Also logic is in this sense a formal science, because their structures can be applied to all the arguments, to replace the content of the concepts and propositions, by letters.
In relation to laws, also spoken of them in formal sense, whereas such if you have saved "forms" or the procedure established for his sanction and has been the work of the competent bodies; While in the material sense is understood the contents of the same.
Formal education is one that is regulated by the State, establishing levels and gradual content, and provides certification of approved studies, unlike the informal which alludes to what is learned at the heart of the home, in the club with friends, etc.
In relation to what conforms to the correct and proper uses, we can talk about formal delenguaje, as opposed to that used in colloquial way. Used in business letters and scientific and academic fields. Part of the Protocol, as well as other uses formal, as with clothing, mode of serving table, salutation, and so on. Examples: "Paul always dressed in suit and tie, is excessively formal" or "Be careful with not acting impulsively, is a formal meeting, where we do not accept unwelcome comments or jokes".