What is the meaning of Unitary? Concept, Definition of Unitary

Definition of unitary ‒ compendium of concepts and meanings

1. Definition of unitary

The Unitarian party was a political party in Argentina's liberal tendency, who argued the need for a centralized government in the United Provinces of the river of the Plata, called United provinces in South America in the Declaration of independence and then call Argentina Republic, in the 19th century.
Unitarianism was derived from the centralism of times of the independence and the model of centralized State which offered the Napoleonic France, and believed that the nation preexistía to the provinces, and that these were simple internal divisions with limited autonomy.
The Unitarians were a group composed mostly of the elite of Buenos Aires and cities which were provincial capitals: members of the upper class, intellectual, military, etc. This class was not accession among the rural population, which was more sensitive to the political preaching of the warlords.
A unitary State is that where there is a single center of political power that extends its actions throughout the entire territory of the State, through its agents and local authorities, delegates from the same central power.
It also has a single legislature that legislates for the whole country; a, existing law that applies to the entire territory of the State and judiciary in its bosom is establishing a Supreme Court, which has jurisdiction at the national level, a single executive power is formed by all the rulers (President, Governors, mayors...); and it also has a single Constitution that governs throughout the territory and to which are subjected all the authorities and inhabitants of the State. In other words in the unitary State Quad unit is given: unity of legal system (right), governmental authorities, governed drive unit or recipients of the legal system and political decisions and territory unit.

2 Concept of unitary

Unitary designates all that which is related to the unit, or that consists of a single element, as in mathematics with singletons, for example which is integrated by biological mothers of Juan.
In theology, those theologians who argue the unity of God, rejecting the Holy Trinity are unitary.
In history and political science, the Unitarian is a form of State, where power is concentrated in a single administrative political center from which are taught all the decisions to the territory which is ruled. It is the form of State that have countries such as Uruguay, where decentralization would not be justified by the limited extent of the territory.
The unitary system, enshrines a strong national Government, which appoints the authorities of smaller territorial divisions, which are only administrative divisions without independence or autonomy, and punishes the laws for the entire territory.
In Argentina it was Buenos Aires, the candidate of the Unitarians to be the headquarters of the central Government, rich, modern place that grew at the expense of the provinces, possessed of the port provided many gains, to export from there especially meat and hides and importing manufactured goods.
The fight was not only from the ideas, but also from the clothing, since unitary wore beards without mustaches as if it were a U; from detractoras songs of their opponents, until the armed struggle.
The discussion by the form of State, unitary or federal organization in Argentina, originated a very bloody fight, whose outbreak was in the year 1820, but which was extended from the dawn of the birth of the nation and which culminated with the consecration of the opposite system, federal, which is that accepted the Constitucionnacional of 1853. Among the antecedents of this Magna Carta, existed a unitary Constitution of 1826. They were Unitarian famous, Juan Lavalle, José Mármol, Domingo f. sarmiento, Bernardino Rivadavia and Bartolomé Mitre.

3 Meaning of unitary

Unitary refers to that unit, which is related to this, or failing, which has unit, which has naturally to it.
Meanwhile, per unit is designated property that has whole being and that implies that this cannot be divided without affecting its essence is altered or destroyed by this situation. Also, the unit assumes uniqueness, both in number and in quality.
On the other hand, the unitary Word notes a special significance within the historical context of Argentina, since this way has been called one of the most outstanding political parties of the 19th century in the aforementioned country.
The Unitarian party was a political grouping of liberal tendency which proposed the need to establish in the country a centralized government, which at that time was called the United Provinces of the Río de la Plata between their bases.
Unitarianism collection entity and importance since the time of the revolution of May and took the model of centralism of which advocated the Napoleonic France. Basically, he felt that the nation preexistía to the provinces and that they were only internal divisions that in no way presented a relevance at the political level.
The Unitarians, i.e. those who promoted, coincided and formed part of this political party part of the Buenos Aires elite, intellectuals, military, members of the upper class, who resided in the city of Buenos Aires. The idea of these was that Buenos Aires should be the mistress and Lady of the destiny of the country and who decided across the provinces.
All this from the political point of view, meanwhile, from the economic point of view, the Unitarian party proposed free trade, that of Buenos Aires was the only port and customs of the territory, modernize the financial system creating a central bank of issue of currency and loans for the financing of works necessary for the development of the country which boasted.
Opposition to this grouping was embodied by the Federal Party, which proposed course, quite the opposite.
Also called to the supporter of the aforementioned Argentine political party unit.