What is the meaning of Ovum? Concept, Definition of Ovum

Definition of Ovum ‒ compendium of concepts and meanings

1. Definition of Ovum

Eggs are female gametes or sex cells. They are large, spherical and stationary cells. From puberty, every 28 days approximately, mature an egg in one of the ovaries and passes to one of the fallopian tubes.
In animals, including Homo sapiens, the ovum is the female gamete (female sex cell), a haploid cell produced by the ovary carrier of genetic and material able to be fertilized by a sperm, then forming a Zygote.
Eggs are bulkier haploid cells of the human body, formed by meiosis in the ovaries, in a process called oogenesis, which is also evident through the regular process of ovulation. The first of the two divisions meiotic, which reduces the number of chromosomes, initiated during embryonic development and is interrupted during prophase. Resumes from puberty, when in each cycle matures a follicle and oocyte that envelops, completing the first division, which produces a secondary oocyte, and starting the second. The second meiotic division is in turn interrupted and does not complete until that happens no fertilization, if it is that this happens. Then complete meiosis oogonia, besides an oocyte two polar bodies have have formed, the first being the cell sister of the secondary oocyte, and the second that of the egg.
The ovolema is the name given to the plasma membrane of an oocyte.
In plants is called seminal primordia, which are megasporangios (female spore-producing organs), while the female gametes (female sex cells) are named after oosferas eggs

2. Concept of Ovum

It is the female sex cell. The human egg is formed in the ovaries, which are the female sex glands located in the pelvic cavity, below the kidneys. The egg this formed by a membrane protoplasmatica or SAC, protoplasm or perplexus, and kernel germination vesicle. The eggs originate from a development process called oogenesis that transforms cells of ovarian follicles and makes them suitable for fertilization.When the egg is mature, leaves the ovary and runs through the fallopian tube, where it can be fertilized by a sperm. In this case, the embryo will be implanted in the mucous unterna and will continue its development process for 40 weeks, approximately until the birth of the new being.
What is the menstrual egg?
The set of transformations that undergoes the uterus approximately every 28 days, is called the menstrual cycle. It consists of several stages and is regulated by hormones. In the first half of the period, the ovule ripens at the same time that prepares the endometrium (lining of the uterus), for possible fertilization. Towards the middle of the cycle ovulation occurs, i.e., the egg leaves the ovary and can be fertilized. If this does not occur, the egg dies and removed from endometrial cells along with blood, through the process known as menstruation.

3. Meaning of Ovum

The etymological origin of Ovum takes us to ovŭlum, the diminutive of ovum (which can be translated as "egg"). An egg is a female sex cell that is generated in losovarios.
It is a gamete of feminine type who is sphere-shaped and that is susceptible of fertilization by the male gamete, denominadoespermatozoide. When the egg is fertilized, the Zygote which, from their development, will be transformed into an embryo, then a fetus and finally into a new creature is created.
Eggs are haploid cells that carry genetic information. They occur through the oogenesis in the ovaries, through cell reproduction called meiosis.
In the case of human beings, women mature an egg each 28 days since I reached puberty. When this process is done, the egg leaves the ovary and reaches the fallopian tubes within the framework of the process known as menstruation, which includes a bleed vaginally. Menstruation is interrupted when fertilization is concrete and the woman, therefore, becomes pregnant.
Within the field of Botany, an ovum is an organ that is part of the plants. Vegetables also have ovaries: inside, bodies with spherical shape that are created are called egg, sheltering the female gametes (oosferas) and other cells.
There are different kinds of eggs in plants, such as the campilotropos (with curved shape), the orthotropic (straight) and the anatropos (elongated).