What is the meaning of Acceleration? Concept, Definition of Acceleration

Definitions and concepts of acceleration

Definition of acceleration  

The word acceleration is present in many situations of our daily lives, so much so that even one of the pedals in the car is called "Accelerator". It is always associated with a movement. However, the meaning usually given not corresponds exactly to the meaning given in physics.
Acceleration directly measures the speed with which changes the speed. If a vehicle moves along a road, their speed varies many times during the trip; These changes in velocity are caused because it is impossible to maintain a constant during a journey speed can occur situations that force the driver to increase or to decrease it.
For example, you can that driver should brake sharply in an emergency situation or you may need to increase speed to overtake another vehicle.
In either of the two situations, there is a change of speed. This variation of speed is measured by acceleration.
Acceleration is a concept that describes changes in speed. It measures the speed variation in time.
When a vehicle accelerates?
A car receives an acceleration when your speedometer indicates an increase in a particular moment. For example, if a car has a speed of 50 km/h and after 1 second the speedometer change to 55 km/h is that its speed varied 5 km/h in 1 second. In other words, acceleration is always related with a change in speed.
The acceleration is large if the velocity of a body varies sharply and is small if the speed varies gradually; the acceleration is zero if the speed is constant and is negative if the speed decreases.

Concept of acceleration

Acceleration refers to the action and effect of accelerating, i.e. increase the speed. Although the Word also allows us to refer to the vector magnitude that expresses such an increase of speed in a unit of time.
Meanwhile, acceleration may be negative, then, in this case, the magnitude will express a reduction of speed versus time.
Although many situations often employ the concepts of indistinct mode, acceleration and speed do not mean the same thing. Because speed reflects how changes the position of one body with respect to time, while acceleration will tell us how the above-mentioned speed has changed. acceleration tells how changes the speed not how is this, because for example, a body that moves at high speed may have a very small acceleration.
There are different type of acceleration, such as: tangential Acceleration (related to the variation of the speed over time), normal or centripetal acceleration (associated with the address changes with time) and average acceleration (is that which allows us to calculate the average change of speed in a given time interval).
On the other hand, the acceleration may present different directions; When the body in question is decreasing its speed, acceleration will go in direction opposite to its motion, while when the body is increasing its speed, i.e., is accelerating, the acceleration will have the same sense as the speed.
And in ordinary language, we often use the term acceleration when we want to give an account of a reckless act or stunning which someone presents. Its acceleration prevents him to think rationally.

Definition of acceleration

The acceleration is action and speed up (increase speed). The term can also appoint the vector magnitude that expresses such an increase of speed in a time unit (meter per second every second, according to his unit in the international system).
The acceleration can be negative; in these cases, the magnitude would express a reduction of speed versus time.
It is important to distinguish between speed (which reflects how changes the position of one body with respect to time) and Acceleration (indicating how this speed has changed). Acceleration mentions how it changes the speed, not how is speed: a body that moves at high speed may have a very small acceleration.
There are different types of acceleration. The tangential acceleration is that which relates the variation of the speed over time. On the other hand, normal or centripetal acceleration linked changes in direction over time.
On the other hand, average acceleration allows to calculate average change of speed in a given time range.
The acceleration may have different addresses. When the body is decreasing its speed, its acceleration is directed away from his movement. On the other hand, when a body is increasing its speed (i.e. accelerating), acceleration keeps the same direction as the speed.
Finally, we can mention that acceleration can refer to the Act of atolondrar you or stun a person: "Carlos is accelerated and not think what makes".

Concept of acceleration

Acceleration is the consequence of the verb to accelerate, Word of Latin, from origin of "celer" which means go faster.
In physics is known as acceleration change that suffers the velocity of a body in a given time. You need to know your address, magnitude and direction, being a vector magnitude that establishes a relationship between the variations of speed and the time that it takes to occur... In the international system the unit is m/s2. It is measured with an accelerometer. What indicates the acceleration is happen how fast changes of speed and not the speed itself. An object can be moved with great speed and not being much its acceleration. If the speed is constant, the acceleration is equal to zero, for more to move quickly. Negative acceleration is called deceleration. This happens for example when a vehicle slows down. The motion is uniformly accelerated if the increase is proportional to the time.
The relationship between variations of direction and time they occur, is called normal or centripetal acceleration that consists of a body is accelerated if it varies its direction, because you cannot change your address without the presence of any acceleration. Bodies without accelerating always follow a straight line and never a curve. The relationship between speed and time is the centrifugal acceleration.
Average acceleration, considered a time interval, is given by the ratio between speed increase experienced during that time, and the breadth of this. When question time is so minimal, that we can reduce it to an instant, refers to instantaneous acceleration, and is given by the ratio between the increases of speed and time.
The acceleration of gravity is that causes the movement of the planet Earth, by the force of gravity.

Definition of acceleration

Acceleration for the field of physics is a vector magnitude that serves to express the manner in which a body alters speed that leads in a certain trajectory upward. The acceleration is prepared according to physics as the force between the weight (mass of leather) and the international system of units has one for this physical variable, m/s ^ 2. Isaac Newton, father of physics and mechanics in his work tells us that acceleration is prepared by the force that the object carries with him on the tour that describes, the acceleration can be seen when the particle undergoes an increase of speed in the same direction that goes, if you alter your course, the acceleration will not be uniform and the case in which reorient the this object desacelerara.
Acceleration is related to the time and to develop several varying types of this and in turn are which are applied in different fields of study. The tangential acceleration, tells us the speed that you are taking the body in motion with respect to time, e.g. If a car speeds up to 2 m/s is known in 5 s take Route 10 m. Normal or centripetal acceleration is a phenomenon in which the object describes a circle, make the relationship with the radius of a circle speed although it is increasing is not straight up and down. Media for its part acceleration is a relationship in average of the velocity of a body increases in time, to difference of the tangential, average acceleration comprises a study of accelerations, both positive and negative, this is useful when determining trajectories and time in which is estimated to reach the pre-selected destination. The acceleration of gravity is the speed with which are attracted to the Earth's surface bodies. Is always expressed in 9.8/s ^ 2
Acceleration is a term intrinsic, the relation e this with nature is itself and equipped for their powers, the need of an object does not depend on other variables, however in the study of physics must be complemented with variables of importance as time.