What is the meaning of Bible? Concept, Definition of Bible

Definitions and concepts of Bible

Definition of Bible

Referred to as Bible to the set of canonical or foundational books of the Jewish and Christian religions. For believers, the Bible is the word of God. This term comes from the Greek and is the plural of Papyrus, roll or book, constituting a set of books or volumes.
Currently, it is known that the Bible is the most widely read (and best-selling) book of history, and has been translated into more than 2,000 languages.
The Bible is then divided into books or groups of writes. To cite one example, the book of Psalms, consisting of 150 prayers.
There are different "versions" of the Bible. While the Hebrew or Tanakh the Christian is divided into three sections (the books of Moses, the books of the prophets Hebrews and other known as Scripture books), it recognizes as old testament Hebrew and distinguishes it from your new testament, which chronicles the life of Jesus as a prophet and his preaching. This new Testament is divided into 4 Gospels, acts of the Apostles, letters and revelation.
In numbers, the Bible has 1189 chapters, of which 929 belong to the old testament and 260 to the new.
In general when speaking of the Bible makes reference to the Christian Bible, but for different groups of faithful this differs, and even there are also divergences regarding the texts considered apocryphal, i.e., false or not considered authentic texts by the Catholic Church.
The book known as the Gutenberg Bible was one of the most famous printed works with the system of movable type that is attributed to the German inventor Johannes Gutenberg in the 15th century. This work resulted in what would become known as "Age of the printer", who put volumes of all kinds, for example, as this religious document within reach of the masses.

Concept of Bible

From latin biblĭa, which in turn derives from a Greek word that means "books", the Bible refers to the work that brings together knowledge on a particular subject. For example: "the first book published by Dr. Mafoet is the Bible of the modern infectious diseases".
The most usual use of the concept, anyway, is linked to the Holy Scriptures, which are the canonical books of the Tanakh (for the Jewish religion) and the old and New Testaments (for Catholics). In this case, Bible is written with capital letter initial: "my grandfather reads the Bible every night", "I need to buy a Bible for my kind of catechesis".
Catholics and Jews believe that the Bible conveys the word of God. It is important to note that the term is used since before the birth of Jesus Christ. The Bible would have been translated, either full or certain fragments, to more than 2,300 languages.
Historians consider that the Bible was written in various stages between 900 BC and the 100 year of our era. The old testament for Christians refers to those books written before Christ; the New Testament, on the other hand, narrates the life, death and resurrection of Jesus.
Despite the symbolic and spiritual nature of the Bible, archaeology has confirmed several facts narrated by the Holy Scriptures and even tested the historical existence of various biblical characters.
In Bolivia, is known as a Bible to an alcoholic beverage prepared with sweet wine, cinnamon, sugar and egg.

Definition of Bible

The word Bible goes back in its etymology to the Greek "biblión" which means book and "bibló" which translates as a roll of Papyrus, material that is used to make books in ancient times. There library to designate the set of books. Turn Biblos was a Phoenician city which exported Papyrus to Greece (hence its name) from the 10th century BC
It is known with the name of Bible or Holy Scriptures, to canonical books are collected, of the Hebrew Old Testament (so called by Christians) and to the New Testament or Gospel or Christian Bible, God's message that brings men.
The Hebrew Bible written in Hebrew with some paragraphs in Aramaic, has the following parts: the Pentateuch, Torah or five books of Moses (Genesis. Exodus, Leviticus, numbers and Deuteronomy), the historical books, and the books of the prophets (major and minor) and the wisdom. The Jews refer to these parts: Torah, Nebim and Ketubin, which include the law of God, the books of the prophets and other writings, respectively. In Qum Ram, in the Judean desert, the oldest Hebrew Bible was found.
The New Testament includes the four Gospels, the acts of the Apostles, Pauline and Catholic letters and revelation.
With the invention of the printing press by Gutenberg, the first printed book was the Bible in 1455, which approached a mass audience.
Free interpretation of biblical texts was claimed from then onwards for Protestants.

Concept of Bible

Word that comes from the Greek 'biblos' whose meaning is books. It is the term with which Christians and Jews designated the whole of his canonical sacred books, i.e., those who communicate a message of God's salvation to men.
The Bible, for both Jews and Christians is a book inspired by God; through its authors, teaches the existence of one God, just and provident, beginning and end of all that exists and that it has established an alliance with humanity to offer final salvation for man.
The Bible is composed of two parts: the old testament and the New Testament. The core of the Old Testament is the creation of the world by God and God's Covenant with the chosen people of Israel, representative of mankind, and the history of the faithfulness of Israel to this Alliance.
On the other hand, is found in the New Testament (not accepted by the Jewish people) the proposal for a new Alliance of God with men: salvation by the merits of the passion and death of Jesus, God's son.
The books of the Old Testament written in Hebrew or Aramaic, spanned a long period that probably extended from the X century B.c. Large differences in his denomination and ordination, have warned either in regards to the Hebrew text supported by Judaism in Greek versions of the 1970s or the Vulgate Latin.
The manuscripts of the Bible older were discovered in the Qumran region, Northwest of the dead sea. Dated to the 1st century BC, they are very valuable for the study of the old testament.
The most popular and complete are the Greek manuscripts of the centuries IV - V d.C.: Codex Sinaiticus, which contains almost all of the old testament and some writings of the primitive Christians; Codex Vaticanus and Codex Alexandrinus.

Definition of Bible

According to its etymology, Bible means simply "book" a compendium of ideas, stories, illustrations and concepts in explaining a complete subject, addressing every aspect that is considered virtual and real, however, expressed belief the world's religious cultures, have adopted this term to adherír it to the book of Sacred Scriptures which underlies the stories in which devotees believe. The Bible is then, for Christianity and the religions of this derivative, an account of the experience of Jesus and the genesis of mankind, scriptures that were done by the Apostles.
In Catholicism, more powerful religious culture in America and Europe, the Bible has a distribution as he wrote it to whom, but relies basically on the old and New Testament, compendiums of books which tells the entire formation and spirits miracles by Jesús de Nazareth, his life, passion, death and resurrection, other religions as Islamhonoured by the Muslims, the Quran is the book that serves as a Bible for the religion they follow, the word sent men from the land of wing, who preach the precepts of this Islamic Bible through the Prophet Muhammad, is shown.
Sources from around the world in the field of history reveal that the Christian Bible has been modified to convenience, this opens a plural debate in which the Church is called into question against their believers, other cultures however, despite its flaws kept faith in their scriptures, as they are religions stronger where the conscience is cleanon the other hand, the Catholic Church has committed many mistakes in society which indicates much weakness. In my personal opinion, I believe that the Bible is nothing more than a series of stories and legends written by prophets with God's help in order to make it clear to mankind than decency and love for one's neighbor must last over generations regardless of the wars or the lack of love in the worldYou must believe that there is a divine and holy God who protects us.