What is the meaning of Bisexuality? Concept, Definition of Bisexuality

Definitions and concepts of bisexuality

Definition of bisexuality

Bisexuality is a sexual orientation that involves physical and/or romantic attraction towards individuals of both sexes. The term has the same origin as those referrals to other sexual orientations, homosexuality and heterosexuality.
Within the Western tradition, the earliest records of a bisexual nature goes back to the ancient Greece because, according to these testimonies, this kind of relationship was performed including high society, such as kings or Governors of Greece.
Although it has observed great variety of shapes in all human societies which is written record, bisexuality has only been object of serious study from the second half of the 20th century. To this day, there are still disagreements about its prevalence and nature.
On 23 September the international day of bisexuality that aims the visibility of the bisexual community is celebrated, as well as prevent the biphobia. It is a little-known date, even within the LGBT community.
Theoretical description about bisexual behavior attempts are identified, within the tradition Western sexological, by his character's ambiguous territory, in which the tension between homosexuality and heterosexuality is void. In an attempt to disambiguation, is considered that there are several levels of analysis that derived from the different ways of conceptualizing the bisexualidad:1
1. Biological bisexuality
2. Psychological bisexuality
3 Bisexuality behavioral
4. Cultural bisexuality
5 Historical bisexuality vs. contemporary
This gradation levels corresponds to a chronology in studies about this behavior. Theories belonging to the first two levels, the biological and psychological, framing their development during the 19th century, while the next two, behavioral and cultural, emerge during the 20th century.

Concept of bisexuality

Bisexuality is the direction by which the person achieves sexual and emotional satisfaction with members of both sexes. Bisexuality is a lifelong guidance, while dealing with both sexes may be limited to a period in particular. Both men and women may be bisexual.
Many sexologists accept today the bisexuality as an orientation so genuine as heterosexuality and homosexuality. Bisexuals are not people whose primary focus is homosexuality but have some heterosexual activity; Neither are people with heterosexual orientation but have any homosexual activity. That said, it is important to recognize that there are few scientific studies on bisexuality and that descriptions of bisexuality are much based on generalizations and approximations.
The origin of bisexuality in certain people, like any sexual orientation, is unknown although many times it is attributed to the relationship with the father or the mother. Other researchers believe that the answer lies in the effect of certain people in the child's brain when still in the womb. Others believe that there is no need to seek the roots of bisexuality, since they deny its existence: believe that bisexuals are homosexuals who deny their orientation. Other researchers believe that all are born with an ability to relate to both sexes, but that capacity passed to socialize in heterosexuality or homosexuality, leaving only a minority in bisexuality.
Dr. Fred Klein, in his book "The bisexual option," classifies bisexuality into three categories: transient, historical and sequential.
• Transient - a transitional bisexual is a person who is (probably) from heterosexuality to homosexuality. Moving in the other direction is less current. According to Dr. Klein, the step towards any of these addresses can occur in a short period of time, but can take more than one year to complete. If evaluates a person during that period, its orientation seem bisexual; But if some time later then it will show homosexual or heterosexual.
• Historic - historic bisexual person is someone whose orientation is essentially heterosexual or homosexual, but that at some point has had some experience or some fantasy with a person whose sex was contrary to its orientation.
• Sequential - in this category, the person has a relationship with a person of one sex, and then one of the other sex. Its commitment in the relationship is the same in each case. The number of these relationships will vary, depending on the person's needs.
The main idea is that the person with a bisexual orientation does not fit into a single mould. There are degrees and nuances of behavior and attitude, all of which should be considered and they are of a complexity that was just not yet understood.
Another attempt at definition
We can define a homosexual person as someone who is attracted physical and emotionally by another individual of the same sex, and the bisexual person as one who feels attraction by different people, regardless of their gender.
If we place emphasis on the question of the attraction it is because many people who exercise a heterosexual sexuality can be homo or bisexual for various reasons which prevent them from being faithful to their feelings. Heterosexual people there who for various reasons, among them the money, they maintain relations homo or bisexual, without being truly attracted by them.
The importance of understanding that there are multiple and very varied ways of feeling and living sexuality he resides in that this is not a minor part of the personality, but on the contrary, is located in the intimate Center of the individual, being essential to your happiness and realization as a person.
Human sexuality, unlike the animal, is comprised of a multitude of elements beyond the genital. This is to understand the basis for the acceptance of the different ways of expressing feelings and eroticism.
Sex education must contemplate these realities and be able to help those who feel different from the majority, so that they can live according to their own reality and attain happiness. Unfortunately, still today, sex education - is scarce or education for love - in general; What about topics such as which is this article.
Both parents and educators should pay attention to the children and put at your disposal a good share of information without prejudices or constraints, since otherwise they will find their answers in difficult and sometimes painful ways.
Other models
For centuries, the sexual positions that do not conform to the heterosexual model have been considered pathological and deviant. However, homosexuality and bisexuality stopped officially be considered "diseases" several decades ago. The lack of knowledge and understanding about people who practice them has caused not only discrimination, but many times its persecution and violence.
According to the origin of the word paraphilia, this defines a different way of expressing love. It is interesting to highlight this point, because will not be put the accent in the sexual object, but the object of the affection of those who feel different from the heterosexual majority. This model considered "normal" fixed her affection - and sexual - object in the opposite gender. But people who feel attracted physically and spiritually by others of the same sex, or both, are not a percentage as low population as to be considered "abnormal".
Rejection that many feel by people parafilicas is perhaps based on it defy a sexual pattern that found its end last and valid in procreation. However, even heterosexual people most of the time exercising their sexuality without the object of fathering children. In that regard, it would be so abnormal as having sex with a person of the same gender. Could it what is individuals that for various reasons they are affected by infertility, or of women who reached menopause? You would ever think that their sexuality should be pathological or abnormal.
It is important to understand that people parafilicas - homo or bisexual, although there are other variants - do not choose freely his object of affection. As happens to heterosexuals, they are attracted to one or another gender without wanting it, or modify it. This helps to understand that its attitude is not punishable, since it is not based on a free and therefore possible to be wrong choice.
What Yes can choose an individual is acting or not according to their feelings. In the case of sexuality, impose a sexual and affective object contrary to the own sensations can be source of great dissatisfaction. The free and honest development of sexuality is essential for the full health of any human being.

Definition of bisexuality

Bisexuality is a human and social behavior in which refers to the tastes and attractions of persons by both sexes. This sexual condition makes that people can maintain a relationship with men and women. There are bisexual women and bisexual men, it is somewhat relative and applied in any genre. Bisexuality is a type of homosexuality, however, of the three main categories which are known, this is the less impact on society, as it is one of the less impact they had on everyday life. This perception of sexual life of people is plural, it can be said that it gives more room and variety, debauchery is virtually the reaction to a case of bisexuality.
Bisexual lend themselves more to conduct more carnal, Orgies, plural sexual communities, pornographic videos and other products. Bisexuality, as well as other sexual manifestations of society from adoradoras cultures of gods, such as the Greek, but there is notion in history that different cultural manifestations have accepted homosexuality among them, overcoming these taboos have given rise to give strength to bisexuality. This concept is discriminated even today, more than direct homosexuals, since very few lend themselves to share their sex with persons of opposite sex, the relationship is multiple, pluralistic and adaptable to any situation. There are also bisexuals by stages, which first can remain a time identified with a person of one sex and then by circumstances not determined clearly may opt to change the partner, even change the sex of preference.
The provenance of bisexuality is not all congenital, since history throws us data of homosexual persons who have been forced to be heterosexual and because it is considered a type of bisexuality, because the fondness with which to cannot be compulsory, inclusive, impossible to create a precept that reformed behavior.