What is the meaning of Capacity? Concept, Definition of Capacity

Definitions and concepts of capacity

Definition of capacity

This value is very interesting. Refers to that I develop the ability to be able to accomplish more things.
Mainly, is said to have people more capable than others in certain aspects of life. Then, develop the capacity value gives us the power to be better than average in different areas.
It is important to clarify that we cannot be perfect in everything, however, have ability in the areas that we like, passions that we play and what we love to do, it is ideal to live happier and more relaxed.
With the ability then, people seek to improve increasingly their skills and talents, to achieve success in their lives. Without the ability to value, hardly would have bright people, both in the history books, as in the present, changing the world completely.

Concept of capacity

It is called the ability to the set of skills and resources that has an individual to perform a particular task. In this sense, this notion is linked to education, the last being a process of incorporation of new tools to cope in the world. The capacity term can also refer to positive possibilities of any element.
In general, each individual has varied capabilities which is not fully aware. Thus, confronted with different tasks that proposes you its existence without repair especially in resources employing. This circumstance is due to the process by which are acquired and used these skills. Initially, a person may be incompetent for a given activity and disregard this circumstance; then, you can understand your lack of capacity; the next step is to acquire and make use of resources in conscious way; Finally, fitness becomes unconscious, that is, the person can play in a task without calling attention to what they are doing. An example course may offer it sport: an athlete uses techniques without thinking about them. This is due to that it has reached a level in which its capacity has deeply internalized.
So far, the process of acquisition of new capabilities. However, not all the capabilities of man are acquired. Many of them are innate. In fact, these can be considered the most important, to the extent that they allow other. Thus, for example, a science learning requires a minimum of rationality, a capacity that is characteristic of the human species.
It is important to try to continuously incorporate new capabilities to face the challenges that are presented and an improvement in the quality of life. Not just formal education, but is also necessary a good share of self-taught predisposition.

Definition of capacity

Latin you capacitas, the capacity is the Faculty of something of harboring certain things within a framework limited somehow. For example: "the capacity of the stadium was filled in little more than one hour", "we still have to carry two bags, but the trunk has no more capacity," 'this jar has a capacity of two litres, ' "I think that we are on the verge of straining the capacity of the tank".
In the field of Sciences refers to different types of capabilities. The electrical capacity is defined as the property of capacitors (or condensers) which establishes the link between the difference of voltage (potential difference) of the plates of the capacitor and the electrical charge stored in this.
The heat capacity, on the other hand, is the division between the amount of energy that is transferred to a system or body in a procedure and modification of temperature recorded.
Capacity, on the other hand, is the skill, ability and suitability that allows a person to successfully complete a task: "He is a man of great capacity that deserves a chance to run the business", "the Lord does not have sufficient capacity to solve a similar problem", "nobody questioned your ability, but the truth is that you don't have experience to solve this".
While this term with "talent" is often confused, it is necessary to clarify the differences between the two, as well as the particularities of the latter, which is also often misunderstood. The capacity is understood as the conditions that a person meet to learn and cultivate different fields of knowledge, understood as a series of natural tools, have been used by it or not. As well as its meaning referred to a container or a pool, speaks of the space available to accumulate and develop concepts and skills.
It is very common to speak of capacity in a general sense, even when the subject of the conversation is a discipline in particular. And it is that in reality, although it is not incorrect to say that "somebody has much ability to play the piano", this concept is broader, and should be used to describe the mental flexibility of a person, how much ease evidenced when faced with a new intellectual challenge, whatever. It is here where mingles with talent.
Talent Yes is associated to an activity or area of knowledge in particular, although there are different ways of understanding it. The most common is to use it as a synonym of fitness, referring to that portion of the capacity of a person who specifically serve to internalize a concept or discipline (for example: playing the piano). On the other hand, there are those who believe that talent is the set formed by the natural skills, dedication to learn and improve, and the result obtained after a period of intense work.
Certainly, humans wasted most of our mental capacity, shaping us with one small percentage sufficient to emulate the lives of our elderly, while making us believe that we build our own path. Outside scientific studies that strive to translate these issues into numbers, many times it happens that we discover skills in ourselves that we had never explored before, and to embark on the adventure that represents learning and specialize, we know us more, understanding our limits are much more away from what we thought.
Law, legal capacity is the ability of a subject to exercise the ownership of rights and obligations in a personal way. The capacity to act, on the other hand, is the legal faculty that establishes the effectiveness of the actions carried out according to the marital status of the individual.

Concept of capacity

Call capacity to the space that has a site. For example: "this room accommodates 50 students". Also to the space that possesses a thing capable of containing in his gap to another or others. For example: "inside this bottle there is capacity for 1 kg. Jam". The interior volume of the skull is called cranial capacity.
In the case of personal capacity means that it possesses it who is endowed with some talent, for example, ability to dance, ability to study, to music, sports, etc.
Legally, has a capacity of law that it is fitness or possibility of being entitled to have rights and obligations, that the legal rules is to understand them as subjects of law (every person is capable of right) capacity of fact or act that it is the possibility to exercise the rights conferred by the rules. For example a minor has capacity of right but you need that their legal representatives acting on their behalf because he is unable to act. Similar case happens with the insane or unborn persons.
In computer science is called memory capacity to the greatest number of bits that can be stored.
In physics is named the number of electrical energy that can contain a capacitor, which is a device consisting of two conductors coming together, so that they can be loaded with loads of the same value but of opposite signs. A driver's ability is the relationship of the load that has the potential that lies. Potential depends on its own load and that are in your environment.
Reaction capacity, is a movement of not voluntary, spontaneous or reflex type before a stimulus, which generates appropriate driving actions.

Definition of capacity

Someone is capable when it is suitable, you can perform something, become a holder of a right or acquire an obligation. In the two latter cases we are referring to the ability of law, in the first instance, to the fact.
To have capacity of right, i.e. be subject policy, and that the rules laid down in the legal system applicable to, must be recognized as a person. People may be: 1. physical, that are those of existence visible, unique and unrepeatable, identified by a name and who, Furthermore, the legal system attributed to them a home and a civil State, or may be 2. Moral or legal persons, which are a legal creation that recognizes the possibility of be legal indictment centers on an abstract entity composed of persons (corporations) or assets intended for altruistic purposes (foundations).
We can then say that both the legal and natural persons have right capacity, because rights are accorded to them and are legally obliged. Never then you can speak today, in our Western culture, unable to absolutes of right, although Yes of relative inability of law, it may be in terms of its function, as in the case of guardians with regard to negotiate about the assets of pupils.
Today all men and women from its conception until his death possess ability to right (if they cannot exercise them for reasons of fact is them appointed guardian or conservator, being unable to in fact but not in law). In ancient Rome, a sector of the population, who did not have the status of free (slave) did not possess capability of law because they were not people.

Concept of capacity

Capacity, or in fact also known as capacity to act, is the fitness required to exercise the rights guaranteed legally, and that people enjoy under their ability to right. It also imports the possibility of exercising legal action to claim their rights, or to defend itself against any accusation.
Legal persons have no capacity in fact (just right) since just being non-human entities, they may not act for themselves, but they make it through those who exercise the representation of them (for example, the manager who acts by society).
Various situations are given in the case of natural persons:
There are cases where despite having rights, certain circumstances as having not yet born, being under 14 years of age, or suffering from a mental disability declared judicially or in the case of the deaf and dumb who cannot express it in written form, prevent exercise them, because there is no full discernment. In such cases, the law provides for other people, parents, guardians or curators, as the case may be, to act on behalf of the incapable absolute in fact.
There are others unable to fact that can exercise only some rights and need to be represented or approved in other cases, as with younger adults (after the age of 14).
In fact constitute a special case of incapacitated people disabled by judicial decision that may only dispose of their property if they act with its curator. Included in this category, the drunken and drug addicts, those who have diminished mental abilities and the prodigal (those who wasted their goods).

Definition of capacity

Capacity are qualities that has an entity intended to make a function. It would be nice to say that a washer has the ability to wash clothes, however capabilities vary and they are more complex to the organism that possesses them is more consents of the actions it performs. The ability to perform a task is oriented to several fundamental factors, one of them is the destination that was awarded, if something was prepared to fulfil a particular function its only capability will be the to fulfil that role, because it was that that was created, the orientation of the capabilities of an agent to decide and have reasoning for their actions is multipleYou will depend on the needs and causality that arise along the way.
The capabilities of a person are highly complex, evolve day to day with the insertion in the society of technology and mechanisms to make things of everyday life more easy, human beings have the property of developing capacities in specific, to become practical and elaborated on that and recreate to pleasure their capacities and skills for their good and what suits youNET is the precept that the acquired knowledge should be invested for the good life, administration thriving family and environment that surrounds it. Animals without capacity to think for its part, only develop skills predetermined by race, rarely observes the manifestation of extra conduct or about natural about any of them, this is considered abnormal given the limited capacity that have these of develop other qualities or functions that nature dictates them. Animals lack that sense of overlap of ideas, not have the characteristic of assessing priorities, because the dependency of these by the search for food, constant reproduction and territory protection behaviours prevents that there is potential for new ideas for his conscience.
Capabilities that are gaining by nature are radical, obvious in the normal functioning of the creature, however, those who surround him and have already made progress in obtaining skills must teach children develop more expertise to perform the things of life.