What is the meaning of Evolution? Concept, Definition of Evolution

Evolution: Compendium of definitions and concepts

Definition of evolution

Biological evolution is the set of transformations or changes over time which has given rise to the diversity of forms of life that exist on Earth from a common ancestor. The word evolution to describe such changes was first applied in the 18th century by Swiss biologist Charles Bonnet in his Consideration sur les corps organises. However, the concept that life on Earth evolved from a common ancestor already it had been formulated by various Greek philosophers, and the hypothesis that species are continuously transformed was postulated by numerous scientists in the 18th and 19th centuries, which Charles Darwin quoted in the first chapter of his book the origin of species. However, it was the own Darwin, in 1859, who synthesized a coherent body of observations that consolidated the concept of biological evolution in a true scientific theory.
Evolution as a property inherent in living things is no longer a matter of debate among scientists. The mechanisms that explain the transformation and diversification of the species, on the other hand, are still under intense investigation. Two naturalists, Charles Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace, proposed independently in 1858 that natural selection is the basic mechanism responsible for the origin of new genotypic variants and, ultimately, new species. Currently, the theory of evolution combines the proposals of Darwin and Wallace with Mendel's laws and other subsequent advances in genetics; that is why it is called modern synthesis or «synthetic theory». According to this theory, evolution is defined as a change in the frequency of alleles in a population over generations. This change can be caused by different mechanisms, such as natural selection, genetic drift, mutation and migration and gene flow. The synthetic theory currently receive a general acceptance of the scientific, but also some criticism. The genetics of development or paleontology has been enriched since its formulation, around 1940, thanks to advances in other related disciplines, such as molecular biol0ogia. In fact, the theories of evolution, that is, systems of hypotheses based on empirical data taken on living organisms to explain in detail the mechanisms of evolutionary change, continue being made.

Concept of evolution

Evolution is any process of change and passage of a generation of elements to another. The term evolution is used in the majority of cases in relation to biological, physical and genetic processes, although you can also resort to to describe individual and social phenomena. Human evolution is therefore one of the main notions that apply to this concept and it combined both biological and natural elements with social and cultural elements.
Evolution always involves an alteration of the existing conditions into a top Stadium in which a greater complexity of them is present. When referring to the natural evolution, it speaks the development of microorganisms that due to the need to adapt to different environmental conditions presented alterations in its main features. These transformations allowed living organisms then survive environmental changes. The possibility of evolution for thousands of species of living beings meant extinction.
When we speak of human evolution, we are referring to the process of development of the characteristics that would result in what today is the current human being. It is believed that this process of evolution would have begun between 5 and 7 million years ago with the separation happened between the first hominids and primates. According to records found in this sense, the first hominid that already had elements differentiated to the primates was Australopithecus from which evolution allowed reaching the Homo Sapiens Sapiens, modern man.
Throughout the period through which the first hominids managed to transform into human's further evolution, many achievements took place: the development tools (in the first instance, primitive; then more complex), mastery of fire, the perfection of all the techniques of survival, the creation of agriculture and the consequent establishment of organized social life.

Definition of evolution

In general terms, by evolution refers to that gradual development, advancement or growth experienced things or organisms.
On the other hand through the word evolution may also refer to that change of behavior, attitude or purpose that can introduce or demonstrate a person at one point of his life.
And the set of movements, turns or exercises deployed by someone or something, often referred them with the word evolution.
But basically, the more widespread use of the term is one that proposes the idea of moving from one State to another, being that one is passed which presents and reported greater perfection or sophistication to the immediately preceding.
In both, without a doubt, the concept of evolution where greater diffusion and importance presents and holds is at the behest of biology, in what is formally known under the name of biological evolution.
Biological evolution is the continuous process of transformation of the species through the changes that occurred in successive generations and that will be reflected and embodied in a population allele frequencies change. This process implies a change in profile genetic population of individuals that affects and can even lead to a the emergence of new species, the adaptation to new environments, or to the emergence of evolutionary novelties.
Within this subject who has proposed far-reaching definitions and studies it was the British biologist Charles Darwin who proposed the concept of natural selection to explain the evolution of the species. Natural selection is an evolutionary mechanism that assumes and proposes a differential reproduction of genotypes in the bosom of a biological population.
And on the other hand, in philosophy, the term evolution refers to that doctrine that explains all the cosmic, physical and mental phenomena as a result of the successive transformations of a single first reality that is subject to perpetual and eternal intrinsic movement.

Concept of evolution

The concept of evolution comes from the Latin term evolutio and makes reference to the verb evolve and their effects. This action is linked with a change of State or to a deployment or development and its result is a new aspect or form of the element in question.
The term can be found in phrases such as: "We have to wait for the evolution of the patient during the postoperative stage before determining the steps to be followed", "the young Colombian tennis player has shown a great evolution in their game", "the evolution of the business was not that we expected and we had to abandon the project".
Evolution as a process that must pass through some things and that consists of the abandonment of a stage to pass to another, either gradual or progressive manner it can be understood. We can illustrate this in the process of publishing a book, for example, where there are successive stages: an idea arises in a writer's head, it begins to write a few drafts, then passes the text clean and finally gives ending the job of writing. Then comes time to seek a Publisher for the publication and marketing of the work. At this point what remains of that idea arose in the author is a vague memory that little resembles the final result.
Another way in which the term can be understood is as a synonym for movement, regarding this curving path that human beings, animals or some objects perform. I.e. analyzing each one of the stages of the life of an individual could be known or understand the evolution by him has been reached.
We can also talk of biological evolution. This is a process through which species are changing over time (modifications to pass generations). This evolution creates a disturbance in the genetics of a population that could result in the adaptation of the species to a new habitat or the emergence of a different species.
Important aspects of the theory of evolution
Think of the term evolution the first name that comes to us is Charles Darwin, however is important to clarify that it was not the first to speak of the evolutionary question of species, not even who coined the term. The same Charles mentioned a dozen of authors and scientists that had preceded him whose studies were crucial for the clear explanation of this theory. Among these researchers was his grandfather Erasmus Darwin, who did an extensive analysis on the topic in his books "Zoonomia" and "The laws of organic life". Anyway, it should be noted that the great leap towards the conception of evolution which is based on Science today Charles, gave it to his theory of Natural selection.
Within the theory of evolution there are two lines of thought well marked. One of them is the creationist theory, which is based on the guidelines imposed by the religion through its Genesis, where life is possible thanks to the existence of a God and he who decides which species are born and how do them and which ones must die. The other line is the evolutionist who was inclined to assert that species changed over time and that each one depended on their survival; and variations over time and the degree of adaptation that each one presented (form in which evolved), were the crucial elements for the survival.
The theory of Darwinian evolution was characterized by imposing new patterns to analyze the evolutionary line of the species. His was the first explanation that could be considered credible where more apt to deal with variations in time humans were able to survive and those who perished were those who weren't able to do it. Which were able to acclimate to such changes were species that show changes from generation to generation, so that future generations were born with the characteristics necessary to efficiently leverage new resources.
An important difference between the thinking of some evolutionists like Lamarck and his own Darwin arises at this point. The early evolutionists claimed that the engine of change of species was the desire for change, called Besoin. For example, that giraffes have long neck was due to that they had desired to reach the tops of the trees and that need or desire had generated the length of his neck, that would be transmitted to descendants (this theory could not be proven and feature was discarded). Darwin, on the other hand, said that evolution had to do with adapting to the new reality; in the case of giraffes, it said were which had a neck slightly longer than had access to food, and for that reason were that survived, feeding and playing with normality.
It is necessary to clarify that when Darwin showed his theory still has had no knowledge of the laws of genetics and hereditary variation (work done by Gregor Mendel), theories that could have it significantly helped to prove his studies. Because, thanks to genetics we know for example that the use or disuse of a member or the same utility can mark important patterns in the genetic evolution of a species. Despite this, his theory on evolution is considered the more clear and obvious way to understand the evolutionary stages of life on our planet.

Definition of evolution

Latin evolution, it alludes to the progressive changes that improve the conditions originating in the object that evolves. If the change is negative speaks of involution.
Human societies have undergone a significant evolutionary change to length of history. They have gone from living in nomadic groups, availing of the hunting, fishing and the harvesting of fruits into sedentary societies, organized politically in States, with great commercial and industrial development, and international relations.
Religion, which went from polytheism to monotheism, and the communication language, which has been enriched with the emergence new forms of interpersonal contact thanks to the new means of mass media, especially INTERNET has also evolved.
The word is used evolution in biology to refer to the phases of illness, and the process by which a cell becomes more complex. The theory of the evolution of species was proposed by Charles Darwin in 1859, although already had been announced by Chevalier de Lamark, at the beginning of the 19th century, who proposed two evolutionary chains, one for the animals and another for the plants, being the start of the string generated spontaneously, but that did not achieve support from the scientific community.
The evolution of the species, is based on the transmission of hereditary characters, with changes that occur after large periods of time, and they do that they are modifying, by the principle of natural selection, which makes that only the fittest survive adapting to the conditions required by the medium, which implies transformed.

Concept of evolution

Evolution is an extremely complex process, which consists in the gradual development of organisms or things, i.e., acts in the abiotic, occurring in them, change or passage from one State to another as well as biotic factors. I.e., that although the most commonly used evolution examples are animals, also through history, different languages were evolving, as well as everything that surrounds us.
Other meaning of this word refers to the modification or change in behavior, attitude, or purpose. Evolution is also a branch of biology, just studying the evolution of species; and on the other hand, is the name given to the proper motion of the troops or ships to pass a training or situation to another.
Biological evolution, occurs slowly, but constantly, in all species, and modifies them genetically from generation to generation, in order to adapt to the environment in which they live and achieve survival. Even through evolution, they may appear new species, from the modification of existing ones.
Within the biological evolution, we can find several theories, one of the most important is the evolutionary theory of Darwin called "natural selection", which was imposed to the theory of Lamarck. Today, there is a theory that gathers the conclusions of Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace, in addition to the laws of Mendel and other information obtained later in respect of the genetics of the species; This theory is called modern evolutionary synthesis or synthetic theory, which synthesizes the findings of several scientists in a single idea.

Definition of evolution

Evolution is a term marked by history, which describes the overcoming of a stage to enter another of greater complexity, the term comes from the latin "Evolutio" what gives us to understand that the knowledge that grows and evolves in every possible aspect is a theme that comes from the foundation of the conscience of human beings. Evolution is a practical concept applied to everything that adopts new capabilities or skills, grow your body or simply comprises new skills and develops skills than in the past.
The evolution of an organism depends on the environment in which it operates, in prehistoric times, there were single-celled organisms that lived in a given environment, but when they saw the need to get rid of that Habitat, many did not survive, however the strongest ability focused on changing their lifestyle, what genre new needas a result of this, the bodies have changed, new limbs arose, in order to adapt to the new and become multicellular organisms. So continuing this process, reason and consciousness came at a given time, the way of life evolved to the point of arise the need for the colony, today are the most significant changes in the evolution, thanks to the invention of the technology. This mechanism was developed as a field of study by many scientists but the most notable work was in the theory of evolution by Charles Darwin. The in his opera prima expressed the need for change by the environment agencies, I call natural laws to all that precise behavior of animals that were focused on automatic responses to specific stimuli.
From this concept arises a very discussed topic for years, where did man come from?, where do we come from? Therefore, culture and religion have been commissioned to disseminate stories without any argument scientifically proven by what the theory of evolution remains in a place of honor, but always accompanied by religious beliefs and histories that differ completely from the theories of evolution.