What is the meaning of Hegemony? Concept, Definition of Hegemony

Definitions and concepts of hegemony

Definition of hegemony

Hegemony to the domain of one entity above others of the same type is called. It can be applied to various situations with the same meaning: a bloc of Nations can have hegemony thanks to its greatest potential economic, military or political, and exercises that hegemony over other populations, although these do not want it.
'Global hegemony' refers to the domain of the world by a single nation or group of Nations.
«Historiographical hegemony» is an expression applied by Gayatri Spivak.
«Hegémono» was called Pontius Pilate in "the master and Margarita", Mijaíl Bulgákov.
From a social aspect, is understood as 'cultural hegemony'-as you can be read in the work of Antonio Gramsci - domination and maintenance of power that exercises a person or a group to the persuasion of one or more other subject, minority or both things, imposing their own values, beliefs and ideologies that set up and sustain the political and social system, in order to achieve and perpetuate a State of uniformity in thought and actionas well as a restriction of the theme and focus of the productions and cultural publications.
The term hegemony derives from the Greek 'hegesthai', which means drivers», «guide» or «be head». However, provided that it comes from the meaning of the verb «eghemoneno» which means «Guide», «precede» or «driving» and from which derived the meanings «be in front», «command» and «rule».
By 'hegemony' Supreme command of the army was understood in ancient Greek. It is, therefore, a military term. «hegemone» was the driver, the Guide and the Commander of the army. At the time of the Peloponnesian War, spoke of the hegemonic city on purpose of each of the cities that were the alliances of the factions contending: Athens and Sparta.
Cultural hegemony
According to Gramsci, hegemony exists when the ruling class is not only capable of forcing a subordinate or minority social class to satisfy their interests, renouncing their identity and their culture group, but also the first exercises total control in the forms of relation and the second production and the rest of society.
This argument can qualify by pointing out that the author expresses that this process does not have an explicit character, but that rather occurs in a subtle way. In that sense, social class subordinate or minority adopts the conceptions of the dominant class and joined his repertoire ideological, a fact linked to what is commonly called 'common sense'.

Concept of hegemony

That is the hegemony?
Hegemony to the supremacy of one entity above others of the same type is called. It can be applied to various situations with the same meaning: one nation or bloc of Nations can have it, thanks to its greater potential economic, military or political, and which exerts on other stocks, although they do not want it. World hegemony means the domain of the world by a single nation or group of Nations.
The theme of political and cultural hegemony is based on the thought of Antonio Gramsci, one of the founders of the Italian Communist Party and its most important intellectuals. His theory refers to a group or Social class is hegemonic when its idiologica construction manages to permeate all levels of society, becoming its moral leader - as opposed to the mere dominant character involving the control of the apparatus of state coercion-.
The word "hegemony" has its origin in the Greek word hegeisthai (which meant "lead"). The word was used in the ancient Greece on several occasions, such as the Spartan hegemony and during the reign of Filipo II of Macedonia, considered to be the Hegemon of the League of Corinth.

Definition of hegemony

In general terms, the word supremacy refers to the superiority or supremacy of one entity above others of the same type.
The term can be applied in various situations, but of course always respecting and showing the same meaning that we mentioned. For example, the most common type of hegemony is that occurs between the Nations, one nation or bloc of Nations may have this as a consequence of possessing significant potential in several areas, such as political, military, economic, cultural or in one of these but that suffices for in this context stand out above other.
In this sense, when speaking of world hegemony, what you want to express is the domain of the world that a given country holds with respect to others who are subject to its decisions, because thus come case of necessity may gain economic favor or military aid where they are faced with another nation militarily by this situation. United States currently and in the slightly more distant past, the United Kingdom, have been able to have the motto of world hegemony by the incredible development achieved in various aspects, but essentially is worth highlighting that economic issue what mostly makes some more dominant Nations and other weaker.
On the other hand, so social perspective appears another concept closely linked to the term that concerns us that it is that of Cultural hegemony, as the Marxist philosopher Antonio Gramsci, who has developed the idea of the same, argues that domination and the maintenance of power that exercises a person or group in the key of persuasion, imposing their valuesideologies and beliefs, configure and will sustain the majority system, thus achieving a homogeneity in terms of action and thought, as well as to matters concerning what occurs and publishes culturally.
I.e. as it holds the theory of Gramsci, the dominant class not only you will be able to compel a subordinated social class or less than that satisfies his main interests, renouncing their identity and culture group, but that also you are one to exercise total control in the forms of relationship and production of the second and the rest of society. Meanwhile, Gramsci, also warns that this process is not easy to warn, because it gives very subtly.
Today the hegemony is basically achieved through the action of cultural agents, which primarily include the mass media. The film is a very good example of this, there, some societies tend to establish certain models of thought and behavior that then other societies to adopt them as their own.

Concept of hegemony

The origin of this word is Greek, and means leading, driving, especially used in the military field, to appoint the Chief of the militias; and also speaks of hegemony to talk about cities that exercised his power and influence over the rest, as did it in Athens, which was hegemonic in the Delian League, formed to defeat the Persians, and Sparta, which formed under its hegemony of the Peloponnesian League, from 404. C to 371 before the Christian eraor between the Peloponnesian War, where Sparta with his League imposed to the Athens and the Delian League, and the battle of Leuctra, the Thebans, where they obtained hegemony against.
Hegemony is a term that designates an element (individual, political, religious, social, economic, group) or superiority over other groups and can be material, cultural or social. Hegemony is generally disputed and source of conflict trying to move it.
Designates the superiority of one State with respect to others. So to say that United States was a hegemonic power without rivalry between 1945 and 1969, then, after World War II, was the least affected State, and who controlled the raw materials, industries and financial means. The dollar was the international reserve currency.
The Marxist philosopher Antonio Gramsci (1891-1937) developed the concept of cultural hegemony, as the domain of a class that imposes its vision and its values to other social sectors that comprise the community.