What is the meaning of Outplacement? Concept, Definition of Outplacement

Outplacement ‒ compendium of definitions, concepts and meanings

Definition of Outplacement

What is the Outplacement?

How the employer or the employer can convert separation or disengagement into better results for the business and how the separate worker can assume its withdrawal as an opportunity to grow and achieve an improvement for him (she) and her family, giving rise to a good end and a better beginning.
Output of enterprises now begins to take the importance that deserves: company who doesn't know to plan and execute your organization thins can cause without knowing it to be good employees. Or you can simply create a negative organizational climate affecting productivity and the company's image. On the other hand, the employee suffers a loss, of employment with high level of trauma and stress, even in an existential crisis caused by a low self-esteem and dragging his family into the fall. Another situation that can occur is that a former employee hurt cause serious problems not only labour, but also technicians (e.g. giving information to the competition).

In which cases should the Outplacement be used?

• Due to the growing process of dismissals of employees for mergers
• For acquisitions, restructuring, technological innovation, closure of branches, reengineering, Outsourcing
• And by trimming jobs due to financial crisis of the company
"Various firms in Mexico are making use of a tool, relatively novel in the country, in human resources management; the program of untying assisted, programmed or known also as Outplacement (OPC)"
In practical terms, the Outplacement "softens" the concept of the dismissal of the worker by providing not only a letter of recommendation and its liquidation, but advice for the elaboration of a sheet of their skills, the design of a network of personal contacts, psychological support and methods to search for a new job.
The trend of the Outplacement is to boost, because every day more firms are worried about the various effects of the dismissal: psychological crisis and family members of the unemployed, hostile organizational climate, low productivity and legal trouble.

Looking for the Outplacement?

The Outplacement as tool seeks to finalize and close this relationship, in such a way that the company complies with social vocation a relationship that she also generated, not only responding to a legal contract (settlement or liquidation, correctly calculated), but also offering the fired Executive different means which can make separation a chance to grow professionally.

Concept of Outplacement

Outplacement is a concept of habitual use in the field of enterprises, more precisely in the area of human resources. The notion refers to a series of procedures that a company has launched to assist an employee who loses his job after a restructuring.
The outplacement aims to facilitate the reintegration of the person concerned in the labour market. Thus, the employee can get a new job more quickly, and company not affected its image by possible negative opinions of the individual who was left without a job.
The outplacement not aims, anyway, any employee, but that it focuses its interest in losejecutivos and those who occupy managerial positions. Through the outplacement, the fired Executive receives information about the current situation of the labour market and tips on how to exploit your professional profile.
It is usual that the company that restructures its workforce hire the service of outplacement an external consultant who is in charge of providing assistance to the worker. Support to the Executive by the outplacement even can extend a time once the subject has got a new job.
The outplacement acts on various fields to succeed in its reorientation of the worker, providing psychological assistance, contributing to set new targets and developing evaluations together with the individual. Even the outplacement may involve access to material supports, such as an Office or computer equipment at the disposal of the person receiving assistance.

Meaning of Outplacement

It is a practice that is on the rise, and a new specialty for many consultants and companies specializing in RR.HH: it's the "Outplacement", or the set of techniques for relocating workers when mergers, acquisitions and restructuring must be part of staff to do without. It's contain and redirect them, to provide them with a positive return to work and that is not affected its reputation in the labour market or your family life. It is that many times has noted that the detached fully understood the reasons why, dispenses with them, but are resented by noticing an unkind or sloppy management of the situation. And already there are many consultants in RR.HH that are offering to deal with professionally manage those "transitions" in cases of structural changes for corporations.
It's positively redirect executives that unlinks, redefining them his professional horizon and generating them an optimistic about their own future through a series of customizable tools to each individual case, and help in the design of strategies to achieve new business objectives.
It involves all a "re-education" of the Executive, updating about the realities of the market and how their profile can be received in the networks of contacts that help you build with a specific training.
One of the objectives from the point of view of the company that hires Outplacement services is to reduce emotional conflicts, and detached partner feel gratified by the interest displayed by him, perceiving the new situation not as rã­spido but as a new professional challenge, through a reformulation of their personal marketing.
Today, the Outplacement is a tool of increasing popularity, because the processes of mergers and acquisitions, permanent increase in speed and frequency, are the perfect scenario for dissemination. Normally, identifies several steps in these processes. The first is an evaluation of capabilities, knowledge, experiences and skills who will be unlinked, and how it can maximize their professional qualities. Then, depending on the results of the first stage, he collaborates with the outgoing Executive search job offers for similar roles to which they were doing; then, its possibilities are studied before a change of tasks, to later consider a total rupture of their work habits, mixturando situations. It is finally directed to the case which need to undertake a project in an autonomous way. Also attending it is facilitating physical tools such as access to computers and accounts of e-mail, documents and databases, etc.
Exercises are also included to improve communication and employee tracking of up to one year from that get reinserted into another organization, to check their degree of integration into the new environment.
In summary, it's facing a situation that can be traumatic and transforming it into a source of opportunities, considering that dismissal often can transform into a momentum some employees to improve their professional performance, forcing them to take the address of your own employment destiny and away from the conformism that always generates the routine. The growing popularity of these services is even spreading to all levels of business, leaving only a privilege of senior executives. Thus, they have been greatly reduced as soon as part-time employed job search processes, averaging five to six months against a year or more that was used before, which is beneficial for the company that emerges from workers, since is less tension between staff and the time the unlinked spend you get new job since they take knowledge of the situation. And that's certainly very good for the future of the employee, since employers do not generally see well to those who have spent long periods of inactivity.
Regarding the financing of the Outplacement process, the company that dispenses with employees is which takes charge of the account, which is usually calculated based on the gross annual remuneration of dismissed employees, always oscillating between a 16-20% of the same. Several consultants emphasize that it helps that the company has an image much better in your business community, and concerned with the drafting of letters of appreciation and presentation aimed at very favorably impress potential new employers for each worker, according to parameters used in each region.

Definition of Outplacement

Outplacement is the effort made by a downsizing company to help former employees through the transition to new jobs and help re-orientate to the labour market. A consulting company usually provides the services of relocation which are paid by the previous employer and is accomplished through practical advice and psychological support.
Outplacement either delivered through of each one-to - one session or in a group format. Topics include career guidance, the evaluation of career, writing the curriculum vitae and interview preparation, developing networks, skills for job search and labour market orientation. Individuals may be offered other services such as the use of an Office and tools online.
The term outplacement was coined more than thirty years ago by the founder of a New York-based career consultant. With the increasing rates of staff reduction, layoffs, displacement and layoffs, particularly during the decades of 1980s and 1990s, firms are increasingly the need for some kind of assistance to reduce the trauma of redundancy for two employees to be and those who remain. In fact, research shows that losing the job is one of the most stressful experiences that a person can face, ranked third behind death and divorce.
"Outplacement" companies can also provide counseling support for individuals who have not offered these services through your employer, but choose, on their own, the payment of an outplacement or "career management" service to provide the same help. Since the customer of a relocation company, is the person or company who pays the fee, the individual who decided to hire a relocation company on its own, can often receive more one-on-one - one, and more individualized attention, which is generally offer when the company hires the outplacement provider.

A page - a feature on August 20, 2009, Wall Street Journal, entitled "relocation companies have difficulty to get the job done", reported that United States companies are increasingly dissatisfied with the quality of the services of outplacement they receive. The magazine reports:
As demand increases in the outplacement $4 billion a year business, providers offer increasingly more standardized services, some workers say that they offer little value. Companies eager to throw former employees quickly and cheaply to impose time limits that hamper efficiency. Few employers track if works of relocation.
Best outplacement programmes provide continuous support, since it is common that after the individual has not been able to find a new job after having sought a number of weeks that need more help. Many companies no longer provide support after an allotted time although some companies offer support during the time that the individual needs. Some also track the success rate of a new job to help evaluate its services. It is recommended the relocation consultants profiles ' are checked out in wwww.linkedin.com, as well as their recommendations online.