What is the meaning of Oxisales? Concept, Definition of Oxisales

Definition of Oxisales ‒ compendium of concepts and meanings

1. Definition of Oxisales

The oxisales constitute a kind of salt that arises when an acid oxoacid and a hydroxide are combined or, more easily, a radical and a metal. The fruit of this link is known as oxisal, oxosal or oxacida salt.
To understand what are the oxisales, therefore, we need to know what different concepts refer. Let's start with the chemical notion of salt: is a compound which is formed by the link of cations and anions (i.e. of different charged ions: positive and negative). Salts, in this way, are the result of a reaction that is generated from the relationship between an acid (anion) and a base (cation).
The oxoacids and hydroxides form the oxisales. The first compound (which also receives the name of acid oxoacido) is created from a molecule of H2O (water) and a non-metallic oxide. Hydroxides, for its part, consist of a metal with one or more hydroxyl anions. The difference between a hydroxide and oxide found in that these are formed with oxygen.
Sodium nitrate, calcium chlorite and cobalt silicate are some examples of oxisales. Its use is very varied: can serve to clean, prevent diseases, producing glass or manufacturing toothpaste, among other functions.
It should be noted that the designation of the oxisales, with their prefixes and suffixes, obeys different rules that are common in the field of chemistry.

2. Concept of Oxisales

An ox salt (or) acid, oxosal or oxisal is the result of the combination of a hydroxide with an acid salt, although they can also form in a simpler manner by the combination of a metal and a radical.
Characteristics of the oxisales
• Salts are compounds that form hydrogen peroxide.
• Most of the salts are soluble in water.
• The majority of alkali metal carbonates are poorly soluble in water.
• Typical salts have a high melting point, low hardness and low compressibility.
• Molten or dissolved in water, conduct electricity

How are they formed?

The oxisales are replace, wholly or partly, the metals of the oxygen of an oxiacido acid for metals. This is part acid which comes from salt by changing the suffix - bear by - ito and - ico-ato.
The simplest way of forming an oxisal is generating the anion from the corresponding oxiacido in the following way:
The anion is by removal of the hydrogens on the formula of the acid. A negative electric charge equal to the number of hydrogens removed, and, in addition, it will be the valencia that anion will act in their combinations is assigned.
Anions are named using the similar rules as the salts that originate.

Uses of the oxisales

• Sodium nitrate whose chemical formula is NaNO3, is a preventive agent of the disease known as botulism.
• Are considered sales of curing (food preservation) to sodium chloride, nitrite of sodium or sodium nitrate.
• Potassium nitrate is used to clean small amounts of non-noble metals and impurities. In addition part essential of black gunpowder.
• Copper sulfate is a salt in Navy Blue crystals. It acts as Activator agent of sulphides. It allows the recovery of metal values.
• Matches head contains small amounts of potassium chlorate. The area against what moves the match contains red phosphorus which turns partially in white phosphorus with friction. It finally reacts with potassium chlorate and the energy liberated lit the match.
• Sodium sulphate, for example, is used in the manufacture of glass, or as an additive in detergents.
• Calcium carbonate is part of the formulation of toothpastes.
• A form of barium sulphate, opaque to x-rays, is used to examine the gastrointestinal system by X-ray.

3. Meaning of Oxisales

The Oxisales are the result of the replacement of the hydrogens from an oxoacid by a metal. These salts used radicals.
They are constituted by a non-metal, oxygen and metal ternary compounds. They are obtained by total neutralisation of a hydroxide on an oxoacido acid. The reaction that takes place is:
ACID OXOACIDO + hydroxide - > neutral salt + water
Complete neutralization of acid by base carries with it the replacement of all the acid hydrogen ions by the cation of the hydroxide, forming water Moreover in reaction. It can therefore be considered as binary compounds formed by a (from the base) cation and an anion (which comes from the acid).
The formula first will write the cation then anion. To read the formula followed by order is the reverse.To appoint the neutral salts, simply use the corresponding anion name and add the name of the cation, as previously indicated.
If the anion is subscript, can be expressed with the multiplicative prefixes bis, tris, tetrakis, pentakis, etc. However, if it indicates the valency of the metal are not precise these prefixes, as it is sufficiently clear the nomenclature of the compound.
Salt CATION ANION SISTEMATICA/TRADICIONAL NaClO Na + ClO1 - oxoclorato (I) sodium sodium hypochlorite NaClO2 Na + ClO21 - dioxoclorato (III) sodium chlorite sodium NaClO3 Na + ClO31 - trioxoclorato (V) sodium sodium chlorate
The simplest way of forming an oxisal is generating the anion from the corresponding oxoacido in the following way:
The anion is by removal of the hydrogens on the formula of the acid. A negative electric charge equal to the number of hydrogens removed, and, in addition, it will be the valencia that anion will act in their combinations is assigned.
Anions are named using the similar rules as the salts that originate.
Generally NO2 - Anion nitrous acid nitrite
HNO3 nitric acid Anion - NO3 nitrate
Sulfurous acid H2SO3 SO3 - 2 Anion sulphite
There is a kind of oxisales where is replaced partially the hydrogen with metals, thus carbonic acid, H2CO3, it can cause two kinds of anions, carbonate CO3-2 anion and the anion hidrogeno-carbonato HCO3-, so that the latter type of anion gives rise to a class of so-called oxisales, traditionally, bicarbonates.
Sodium bicarbonate NaHCO3
CA (HCO3) 2 calcium bicarbonate
The acids oxoacids have hydrogens or partially substitutable by elements of metallic character; the resulting compounds of this substitution are the generic name of oxisales, which recalls his character of oxygenated salts. The replacement of the hydrogen of the acid oxoacids by metals can be partial, and then compounds called acid salts because still them hydrogen of the acid by substitute; If the replacement is complete, the resulting salts are called neutral salts because they no longer replaceable hydrogen. In the latter case, the hydrogen can be replaced with different metallic elements and the resulting oxisales are called double salts.