What is the meaning of Paco? Concept, Definition of Paco

Paco: Compendium of definitions and concepts

Definition of Paco

The paco term has multiple meanings depending on the geographic region. Its meaning, has even changed over time. In many countries, Paco is a nickname that receive those who are called Francisco: guitarist Paco de Lucía, the entrepreneur Paco Casal, actor Paco Leon, former football player Paco Gento and other personalities share this nickname.
In Argentina, in the last decade the paco word became popular to describe a class of drug that combines pasta base de cocaine with other substances. This drug, which is usually consumed by the lower classes by their low cost (although their presence extended to all social levels), is smoked as crack. Experts say its effects are completed in a short time (no more than fifteen minutes), what makes it a powerful addictive substance.
Due to chemicals that presents, paco is considered to be one of the most lethal drugs: weakens the muscles, causes ulcers, generates tachycardia and can even cause brain death within a few months.
In Chile, is known as pacos to the police. Such designation of a derogatory nature, allows you to refer to the members of this uniformed police that en1927 was created.
Nicaraguans, for its part, called paco to a tamale that takes honey, banana (banana), corn and other ingredients.
A lie, a type of ore, the big something level or a tone similar to the Red also receive the name of paco according to the country.

Paco's concept

Paco (call also paste base cocaine) is a low-cost similar to crack drug made with cocaine residue and processed with sulfuric acid and kerosene. Sometimes often used chloroform, ether or carbonate potassium, among other things.
It is usually consumed by airway in pipes (usually home) or marijuana (nevado, mixed, combi, mature cheese or mature) or in the form of cigarette tobacco (freckled, tabacazo, typical, tola, Martian, mature, bazuco, gun, Morocco, Free or bagging) and, due to its chemical composition, it is very toxic and its effect (between 10 and 15 minutes) is extremely addictive to be very brief. [citation required] Consists of a substance psychoactive composed mainly of the extraction of alkaloids of coca leaf that fail to be processed into cocaine hydrochloride, which is the most common and sought after presentation of that substance. The extraction of the same is made by maceration of the coca leaf in kerosene or other solvents, but by a shortage of precursor chemicals to make this group of alkaloids cocaine salt by reaction with hydrochloric acid, is sold in this way in much of South America. This drug does not cost much, economically speaking, process it or buy it. Its side effects are very similar to the cocaine, only that the risk for any of them is much higher by mixtures of chemicals and other substances that contain paco and mainly because that is not refined as cocaine, usually you call "bottom of pot" referring to that are the remnants remaining pasta conversion base clorohidrato of cocaine and hence its very high toxicity, is made from the remains of the production of cocaine, mixed with lime and petrol or kerosene, sulphuric acid, etc.
The consumption of paco via homemade pipes (perforated cans, television antennas, tubes, aluminum, etc.), where the product is mixed with chip metal and ash of cigarette tobacco or metal to filter mode virulana.
The bazuco is not soluble in water, nor can be sniffing or injected, so it can only consume is smoking, in the form of cigarette or pipe. It is highly addictive and is very common among the poorest sectors of different countries by its low cost and easy acquisition in the streets.
On the other hand, in these countries is increasingly common consumption of "freeway or mixed", i.e. marijuana mixed with paste base and/or paco and consumed like cigarette instead of pipe, since the drug's effect is not as strong as well becoming a substance of point average between porro and paste basein terms of the effect it produced.
A very common mistake is to call the Paco crack or base paste, the crack is basically made with clorohidrato of cocaine with baking soda and water or ammonia, pasta base would commonly be a process before refining and final product, in this case, cocaine, paco clorohidrato are highly toxic residues that remain of this refinement and hence its index so high mortality and its destructive power, even superior to the Crack.