What is the meaning of Philia? Concept, Definition of Philia

It filia ‒ compendium of definitions, concepts and meanings

Definition of Philia

Philias them, in psychology, are attractions to certain realities or situations. They mean the opposite of phobias that make reference to the fears.
Filia is a cultismo from the Greek: φιλία, friendship, which is used for the composition of numerous words in Spanish, especially as a suffix (see list below).
Within the process of composition, the noun filia indicates the passionate inclination arose against certain realities or personal situations. These neologisms make reference to psychological phenomena in which predominates the affectivity, being able to go from the pathological to normal.
However, should be noted, in everyday language used commonly as a synonym for hobby, the «you philias» not share of ordinary, pathological meanings; Thus, to refer to some amusement whose note is some evasive intentionality of individual character (eg., Philately and collectors in general); also to designate different sports specialties, or the attitude of sympathy raised by some ethnic or political group (p. ex., anglophilia, germanophile, etc.).
Many of these philias can cause, and even simultaneously demonstrate on occasions, the opposite phenomenon. For example, the fear of not being able to urinate for a time or at certain place, leads to the urophilia; agoraphobia to the claustrofilia; the ereutofobia and heliofobia to the acluofilia (or pathological shelter in the dark).
It should be noted, however, that the inclinations or you philias pathological character, with very rare exceptions, are not designated with repeated suffix, but rather with the mania in the sense employed by psychiatrists of principles of s. XIX and retains the German word Schuchtigkeit, whose translation corresponds to the of the own Spanish word 'hobby' in its vulgar acceptation. So: dipsomania, kleptomania, Pyromania, poriomania and oniomania as pulses or hobbies pathological and uncoercible drinking, appropriating the alien, make fire, walk wandering and buy things that don't serve for anything.
Using philias as suffix are built the terms that designate the most common attractions. They are as follows:
• Abasiofilia: attraction to lame people.
• Acrofilia: attraction to heights or high people.
• Acrotomophilia: attraction to amputees members.
• Acucullofilia: attraction to circumcised penises.
• Agalmatofilia, galateismo, monumentofilia or pygmalions: sexual attraction to naked statues or mannequins.
• Agonofilia: attraction to the fight with the couple.
• Agorafilia: attraction to open spaces.
• Agrexofilia: attracted by the fact that sexual activity is heard by other people.
• Albutofilia: attraction to bathrooms and hot showers.
• Algofilia: attraction to feel pain (not sexual).
• Algolagnia: attraction to inflict pain (not sexual).
• Altocalcifilia: high heels fetish attraction.
• Alveofilia: attraction to having relationships sex in a bathtub.
• Amaurofilia: attraction to blindness.
• Anastimafilia: attraction to the overweight of others.
• Androginofilia: attraction to androginas people.
• Andromimetofilia: attraction to women dressed as men.
• Anglophilia: attraction by the English.
• Apotemnofilia: attraction to the idea of being amputated.
• Aracnofilia: attraction of spiders.
• Asfixiofilia: attraction to suffocate the couple.
• Astrafilia: attraction to the Thunder and lightning.
• Autagonistofilia: attraction to be seen by other people during the sexual.* ceremony
• Autoabasiofilia:atraccion by be or raping a lame.
• Autoasasinofilia: attraction by the fantasy of being murdered.
• Autoasfixiofilia: attraction to suffocate.
• Automisofilia: attraction to be polluted or corrupted.
• Paraphilic: attraction to use diapers and be treated like a baby.
• Autoungulafilia: attraction by scratching their own genitals.
• Belonefilia: attraction to puncture and needles.
• Biastofilia: attraction for assaulting someone against their will.
• Catafilia: sexual arousal of the man when subjected to your partner.
• Cateterofilia: attraction to catheters.
• Cinofilia: attraction to dogs
• Chismofilia: attraction to know the personal aspects of the life of another individual without consulting with the same (behind his back).
• Claustrofilia: attraction to enclosed spaces.
• Cleptofilia: attraction to steal.
• Klismaphilia: attraction to enemas.
• Colpofilia: attraction to the genitals in general.
• Consuerofilia: attraction to sewing areas of skin with needle and thread.
• Coprophilia: attraction to manure.
• Coreofilia: attraction for erotic dancing.
• Cosquillofilia: attraction to the make or receive Tickle (not sexual necesesariamente).
• Coulrofilia: attraction of clowns.
• Crematistofilia: produced to pay for sex attraction
• Criptoscopofilia: attraction to contemplate (not necessarily sexual) conduct of other persons in the privacy of your home.
• Crurofilia: attraction to legs.
• Chronophilia: attraction of young people by older people.
• Dacryfilia or dacrylagnia: attraction to see tears in the eyes of the couple.
• Deipnofilia: attraction to the desktop and dinner conversations.
• Demofilia: love of or taste for what is popular.
• Dendrophilia: attraction to rub against trees.
• Dextrofilia: attraction to objects at the right side of the body.
• Dipsofilia: attraction to drink.
• Dysmorfofilia: attraction to deformed people.
• Dorafilia: attraction to animals, synthetic skins or any other.
• Edufilia: attraction to Sporades persons.
• Ephebophilia: sexual attraction of a person matures into a teenage boy between 13 and 18.
• Elefilia: attraction to tissues.
• Electrofilia or electrocutofilia: attraction to electrical shocks.
• Emetofilia: attraction by the Act of vomiting.
• Enditofilia or enditolagnia: attraction to see the dressed couple.
• Erotofonofilia: attraction to make phone calls using erotic language.
• Scopophilia, escoptolagnia or mixoscopia: attraction to look openly at others in the sexual act.
• Espectrofilia: attraction produced by the image in the mirror.
• Estigmatofilia: attraction to tattoos, agujereamientos (piercing), sacrifices or scars.
• Eufilia: attraction to good news.
• Exofilia or neofilia: attraction to unusual or outlandish.
• Falofilia: attraction to large penises.
• Fermininofilia: attraction to the ugly.
• Fitofilia: attraction to vegetables.
• Gerontophilia: sexual attraction of a young person by a much older man.
• Ginemimetofilia: attraction by transvestites.
• Gimnofilia or nudomania: attraction to nudity.
• Graofilia or matronolagnia: sexual attraction of a young person by a much older woman.
• Harpaxofilia: attraction to be robbed with violence (may be sexual).
• Hebefilia: attraction to pubertal girls.
• Hematofilia: attraction to blood.
• Hetrofilia: sexual attraction to a person of the opposite sex.
• Hibristofilia: attraction for having relations with a rapist.
• Hydrophilicity: attraction to water.
• Hierofilia: sexual attraction to las cruces.
• Hifefilia: attraction to foreign objects, clothing, hair, skin, etc.
• Higrofilia: attraction to body fluids.
• Hipnofilia: attraction to contemplate people sleeping.
• Choked: attraction to the lack of oxygen.
• Hirsutophilia: attraction by the hair.
• Homiliofilia: attraction to preach a religion a person simple and easy to convince of anything.
• Homophily: sexual attraction to a person of the same sex.
• Ipsofilia: sexual attraction only for oneself.
• Jactitafilia: attraction to the story of his own exploits sex.
• Kadmelfilia or Camifilia: attraction to men with artistic talents, and which are engreídos or narcissistic.
• Lactafilia: attraction to breasts in suckling period.
• Levofilia: attraction to objects to the left side of the body.
• Logizomecanofilia: attraction to computers.
• Macrophilia: attraction to big and beefy persons.
• Maieusiofilia: Inclination for people attracted to pregnant women.
• Maniafilia: attraction to madness.
• Menstruofilia or menofilia: attraction to a woman menstruating.
• Merintofilia: attraction to be tied.
• Metalfilia: attraction to metal
• Spines: sexual attraction to persons small or dwarf.
• Misofilia: attraction to the dirty clothes.
• Morfofilia: attraction to people with certain physical characteristics (only Blondes, only fat etc.)
• Moriafilia: attraction by sexual jokes.
• Nafefilia: excitation by touching or being touched.
• Narratofilia: attraction to the erotic stories.
• Necrofilia:atraccion towards the dead (sexual).
• Neofilia: attraction to what's new.
• Negrofilia: attraction to black people.
• Nictofilia: attraction to the darkness.
• Ninfofilia: sexual attraction of an adult by a teenager.
• Oclofilia: excitement before a crowd of gathered people.
• Odofilia: attraction of travel.
• Ofidiofilia: attraction to snakes.
• Olfactofilia: attraction by the smell of perspiration, or genitals.
• Ornithophily or avisodomia: attraction to birds.
• Otofilia: attraction to the ears.
• Paraphilia: is a pattern of sexual behavior in which the predominant source of pleasure is not in copulation, but in some other activity.
• Partenofilia: attraction for virgins.
• Pediofilia: attraction to dolls.
• Pedophilia: attraction to children.
• Pigofilia or pigotripsis: attraction by contact with the buttocks.
• Pilufilia: attraction by contact with the hairs on the skin.
• Pirofilia: attraction to fire.
• Polyiterofilia: people that they need to have a series of consecutive sexual partners before achieving orgasm.
• Psicrofilia: attraction to cold or to see people with cold.
• Pubefilia or ginelofilia: attraction to contemplate pubic hair.
• Pungofilia: need to be punctured to obtain sexual pleasure.
• Rabdofilia: attraction to be flagellated.
• Ripofilia: attraction to dirt.
• Robofilia: attraction to robots.
• Salirofilia: excitation by swallowing saliva of the couple.
• Somnofilia:atraccion by fondling and performing oral sex to a sleeping person to wake her.
• Sudorofilia: attraction to sweat.
• Tafefilia: arousal from being buried live.
• Traumatophilia: attraction to injuries.
• Tripsofilia or tripsolagnia: attraction by be massaged or do you wash your hair.
• Urophilia, urolagnia or Ondine: attraction to urine.
• Xenophilia: attraction to foreigners.
• Zelofilia: attraction to envy.
• Zoophilia: attraction to animals.

Concept of Philia

Filia is a term from Greek, "Philos" which means "Love" and the suffix "AI" which means "Quality". Philias them it is the opposite of phobias, are attractions, hobby, or love to something. Used as suffixes of compound voices, to indicate substantially passionate inclination arising from certain realities or personal situations. It is, in any case, of revealing expressions of psychological phenomena of preferential affective range, whose range seems to extend, without solution of continuity between the normal and the pathological.
Majorities of philias them are not considered a pathology, however there are some that if you spend than normal to the pathological, the latter we could consider the paraphilias are those attractions to intense sexual hobbies since it means "on the sidelines of love" according to their meaning in the Greek root. Many of these paraphilias your pleasure not exactly are by the sex itself, but by any other activity, object or unusual situation. There are also those philias pathological where his words conform with the suffix mania, such as Kleptomania (appropriating the alien).