What is the meaning of Prevention? Concept, Definition of Prevention

Definitions and concepts of prevention

Definition of prevention

A number of measures whose purpose is prevention means the avoid damage that could be caused by extreme natural phenomena or damage caused by human activities. It is very risky to say that through prevention, can eliminate the causes of disasters. Currently it is not possible to eliminate the risk of phenomena such as hurricanes, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and tsunamis.1
Prevention measures are directed to live with these phenomena, trying to reduce its negative impact, in loss of human life and damage to economic activities.
In order to have an efficient system of prevention against damage caused by phenomenon natural extreme, commonly called natural disasters, it is necessary to create, both the central Government and the population in general, the awareness of the need for a system of prediction and forecast of natural disasters.

Concept of prevention

The word prevent presents a common use in our language and usually it employ in various situations.
One of the most widespread references of the word argues that prevent involves elconocimiento of something, usually a negative issue for us and can cause us serious harm to ourselves and to our environment, then that knowledge beforehand allows us take certain guidelines and measures so as to avoid greater evils.
I.e., the knowledge of those consequences allows us to minimize or neutralize the risk. With the enunciation of an example will let more clear the concept that concerns us... to avoid the risk of developing breast cancer is recommended for women adult passing the barrier of the thirty performed annually a Checkup on their breasts which has a clear mission to prevent is suffering from this disease.
On the other hand, the Word also prevent usually use to make a warning someone about any situation. The neighbor warned them of the thief and why they were able to avoid being assaulted as the rest of the block.
Another fairly common use which holds the term in our everyday language is to express the influence someone has on the will of another person, especially with a mission to put it against something or another individual. If Maria not me would have prevented about his cousin donjuan fame surely had fallen in their networks of seduction and I had been hurt as many of their conquests.
Meanwhile, and following with the use we give to the word that we are dealing in everyday language, we also find with that is widely used to express advance preparation carried out situation determined that is known is possible to happen. Traders preventing fierce floods such as the latest developments, decided to close his business when it began to rain.
And at the behest of the law it is also possible to find several references to this term as being, on the one hand express the order issued by a court and the consequent implementation of all procedures involved in a trial. And in this context also prevent can be the action of instruct those proceedings that guarantee the goods of a trial.

Definition of prevention

From latin praeventĭo, prevention is action and effect of preventing (prepare in advance what is necessary for a purpose, anticipate a difficulty, provide for a damage, notify someone of something). For example: "the best way to combat AIDS is prevention," "The Government has launched a prevention campaign to prevent the spread of dengue fever," "my father is very cautious when it comes to travel: always says that prevention helps prevent accidents".
Prevention, by therefore, is the provision which is made in advance to minimize risk. Prevent aims to achieve an eventual prejudice will not materialize. So there is the popular phrase that says that "prevention is better than cure" or "better safe than sorry". This means that, if a person takes precautions to prevent diseases, you will minimize the chance of having health problems. Therefore, it is better to invest in prevention than in a palliative treatment.
It is possible to associate the notion of prevention to the care or caution, beyond in regards to one's self. Precautions can be taken in the House (to prevent accidents, breakage of structure, etc.), automotive (control tyres, motor), at work (using the proper safety clothing) and in any area of everyday life.
Prevent also can be the action to warn someone about something or someone else: "I want to warn you against Juan: is a very troubled man who is always plotting something", "Erica wanted to prevent me about the situation, but I heard not".

Concept of prevention of risks

Prevention refers to the action and effect of preventing. The concept, therefore, allows appointing the preparation of something in advance for a particular purpose, to anticipate a damage or to anticipate a difficulty, among other meanings.
Risk, for its part, has its farthest etymological origin in the Arabic word rizq, which means "what holds the Providence". The term is linked to the proximity of a possible damage and vulnerability.
These definitions enable us to understand that the concept of prevention of risks may be associated to the preparation of any defensive measure to anticipate and minimize damage which may occur. In other words: a situation or activity that is inherently risky because of its own characteristics, people take certain precautions if the risk materializes and becomes a threat to integrity.
Risk prevention is very important at work, especially in those that involve a greater chance of injury to the worker (such as construction, mining and chemical industry, for example).
This prevention aims to reduce workplace accidents and minimize damage in case occurring. Risk prevention, therefore, includes a true organizational activity and the use of appropriate uniform system to protect the health of the worker (helmet, fire retardant clothing, etc.).
Control of materials and toxic waste also part of risk prevention in the industry to care for the health of the worker and to avoid contamination in the vicinity of the factories.

Definition of prevention

The word prevention comes in its etymology from the latin "praeventious"; "prae", meaning before, and "eventious" that is event, which is an event or event.
Concerns with this word to the measures that are taken so that a negative event does not happen, or minimize their harmful effects if it can not be prevented.
Different societies have built dikes and dams to prevent floods, or built houses on heights so that water does not get into them, or have designed basements to prevent in case of tornadoes, and so on.
In medicine a great achievement for the prevention of diseases was the discovery of vaccines.
Periodic checking of the patients prevents consequences more serious diseases, as it allows early detection, and in pregnant women prevents diseases to the unborn child, because knowing the risks can take steps to cure it or improve their situation.
Prevention of traffic accidents it is recommended to comply with traffic regulations, which include among other measures, respect for signs and traffic lights, seat belt use, non-use of cell phones while driving.
Prevention of accidents at home should take certain precautions, especially if there are children: place barriers to prevent access to stairs, the handles of pans which are towards the inside of the kitchen fire, do not leave medicines within the reach of children, or sharp objects, matches, nor wrens or sidewalk tables edged in punta, and so on.

Concept of prevention of accidents

It is called accident prevention to the set of measures that are taken both shaped individually and socially, from public or private initiatives, to prevent as far as possible that occur not intentional harmful facts, or reduce the damaging effects of them, if its occurrence is inevitable.
Accident prevention must be at the heart of the home, especially if the young children or elderly, who are the most vulnerable age groups reside. For example, do not wax floors to ensure that they are not slippery, cooking using the rear burners, not place handles of pans that protrude from the kitchen, put a carpet for not falling into the bathtub, not left within the reach of children drugs or other dangerous articles, verify that there are no gas leaks, install keys thermal and electrical circuit breakers, etc.
Outside the home, who leads vehicles, must do so responsibly, performing the verification technique of the same, carrying fire extinguishers in conditions, use seat belts, not talking on cell phone while driving, place children in rear seats, etc.
Is the employer who must safeguard the security of workers while they perform their duties, being responsible in case of accident if preventive measures were not taken for example the use of helmets in the construction workers, or control of machines, substances and items that workers, use with regard to its correct functioning, the noise and pollution that producethey can even cause accidents by people outside the company.
The State must repair streets and roads, signpost the roads properly, put traffic lights in busy areas, carry out public awareness campaigns, etc.