What is the meaning of Usurpation? Concept, Definition of Usurpation
Definitions and concepts of usurpation
Definition of usurpation
The word usurp comes from the latin usurpare, which is a compound word belonging to the legal field. Consists of usus (right of use and enjoyment that one has on theirs) and the verb rapere contracta root (snatch, grab with violence, stealing). It is as well as usurp means snatch, seize a right of use which corresponds to another.The word usus, is derived from the verb (use, use), and this root have in words such as usufruct, Usucaption, use, abuse, used, usury, useless, etc.
Concept of usurpation
The term of usurpation refers to the situation in which an individual makes use of assets (furniture or buildings), identity or services of another person without his consent. The usurpation can be a serious problem when this presents complications for the affected person since the usurpation can mean material as well as psychological and social damage. In many cases, however, the phenomenon of counterfeiting is much deeper, especially when we talk about encroachment of real estate because of social situations of inequality.The etymological definition of the term usurp comes from the legal scope of the latin language, for which the prefix usus symbolizes the right to use something and rapere means snatch, take something by deceit or without permission. Usurpation is then the outburst or taking possession of something illegally, when that property or benefit belongs to someone else, to another entity. Usurpation is always a crime and can generate important damage to the person or entity that suffers it because it symbolizes a loss of power over the goods affected (for example, when encroaching real estate and the owner can no longer make use of it), as well as a myriad of legal complications to recover that which has been usurped.
In the case of usurpation of identity the problem is even more serious since it assumes that someone uses another person's identity for personal gain, generating expenditure and economic commitments then levied on the affected individual. This phenomenon is very common today due to computer technology through which a person can hack the account of another and take her borrowed identity to carry out this type of crime.
When we talk about the encroachment of real estate also we are faced with a very deep problem since, in the majority of cases, it has to do with situations of poverty and social inequality that make while some homes aren't occupied or remain empty, having at the same time people have no place to live or that need to do outdoors. Thus, Justice establishes, after a certain period (usually long) time has more power over that property who actually used it for purposes appropriate to the original owner, even though the latter has all the papers and documents.
Definition of usurpation
Usurpation is a term that comes from the latin usurpatĭo. It's the action and effect of usurp (seize a property or an alien law). For example: "a group of people in the neighborhood roses manifested against the usurpation of the land nearby to the station", "the usurpation of public space by the restaurants and bars that derive their tables on the street is obvious", "If you want to prevent the usurpation, you need wiring this field".The usurpation is usually carried out by force, violence or through intimidation. The person who usurps a property can be aware of his crime (and justifies it from their own needs or deficiencies) or have been deceived by a third party (who promised her that the property had no owner, for example).
The Act to usurp is linked to action to deal with, since it links the material apprehension (the usurper enters the House and does not come out of it) with the intention of acquiring the domain (when requires ownership and the right to the thing seized).
The okupa movement makes a cult of the usurpation as a way of life and social protest. These groups enter and appropriate land vacated (such as abandoned houses, either temporarily or permanently), doing a usufruct thereof and denouncing the lack of social awareness of the legitimate owner (for having abandoned the ground). Many argue that, before the serious housing problems that exist in much of the world, the usurpation of empty houses is justified.