What is the meaning of Addiction? Concept, Definition of Addiction

Concepts of addiction and derived words

Meaning of addiction

An addiction (from latin addictĭo) is a physical disease and psicoemocional, according to the World Health Organization. In the traditional sense is a dependence on a substance, activity or relationship (co-dependency).
It is formed by the desires that consume the thoughts and behaviors (abstinence syndrome) of the addict, and these act on those activities designed to achieve the sensation or desired effect or to engage in the desired activity (addictive behaviors). Unlike simple habits or consumerist influences, addictions are "dependencies" that bring with them serious consequences in real life that deteriorate, negatively, and destroy relationships, health (physical and mental), in addition to the ability to operate effectively, while the consumerist habits facilitate the opposite effect.
Now accepted as addiction, any activity that the individual is not able to control lead to compulsive behaviors, which harms their quality of life, as for example it can exist, addiction to sex, game (gambling), pornography, television, new technologies (geekiness), anime, fast food, etc.
At the same level of addictions, found the alcoholism, drug dependence, addiction to psychoactive substances and drugs, which is a Psychophysiological State caused by the interaction of a living organism with a drug or substance, characterised by the modification of the behavior, because of a boost irrepressible by consuming a drug or substance, however this is the purely biochemical definition.
They are impulsive and irresistible conduct to execute something irrational or contrary to the will of who runs it. It is a condition or syndrome, which presents a very flowery box signs and symptoms characteristic depending on the addictive substance. There are addictions both chemicals, plant, as well as activities and up to certain interpersonal relationships.
Reported addictions to substances such as:-psychotropic substances. -Alcohol. -Nicotine and other drugs. -Gaming. -Food or edible components such as sugar or fat. -Sex or sexual activity. -Work. -Interpersonal relations, especially of couple. -Drugs can cause psychological and physical dependence or both.

Definition of addiction

Addiction, drug dependence or addiction is a psycho-physical state caused by the interaction of a living organism with a drug, characterized by behavior modification and other reactions, usually because of an impulse irrepressible by consuming a drug continuously or periodically, in order to experience its psychic effects and, sometimes, to relieve the discomfort produced by deprivation of thisi.e., the so-called withdrawal syndrome.
It is necessary to recognize addiction as a disease characterized by a set of signs and symptoms, which involve biological, genetic, psychological and social factors.
Addicts are people who wrongfully depend on substances psychoactive as alcohol, marijuana, cocaine and inhalants, solvents among others; some drug addicts, are people with health problems or psychological disorders.
An addict, addict or addict is one that depends on one or more drugs.

What is a drug?

The term drug is used to refer to those substances that cause an alteration of mood and are capable of producing dependence.
Addiction to psychotropic substances, activities and even in relationships may be present.
-Psychotropic substances: including alcohol, nicotine, and other drugs
-Food or edible components such as sugar or fat
-Sex or sexual activity
-Interpersonal relations, especially of couple
Eating regularly a drug involves usually experience a passive affective state (pleasure, well-being, sociability, etc.), or get rid of a negative affective state (boredom, shyness, stress, or escape from problems).

What is codependency?

The codependent are all members living with an addict.
Addicts need someone who rescue them from loneliness, isolation and pain. They may become dependent on friends, parents, relatives, spouses or lovers; since they cannot find good things in themselves and seek him in the achievements of others.
People suffering from Codependence have low self-esteem, suppression, obsession, control, denial, poor communication, weak limits, little confidence, anger and compulsive behaviors. The family is affected frequently by disorders that themselves generate. The dynamics of relationships, communication and conduct of their members change and they become dysfunctional as a result of the addictive process.
When the children of addicts are adults sometimes they are inconsistent people, lack both choice and sense of humor and manifested in sexual relationships or in your intimacy problems.

Concept of addiction

Definition of addiction

Addiction is a primary, chronic disease with genetic, psychosocial, and environmental that they influence its development and manifestations. The disease is often progressive and fatal. It is characterized by continuous or periodic episodes of: lack of control over the use, use despite adverse consequences, and distortions in thinking, most notably denial.
Primary refers to the nature of addiction as separate from other States that may be associated pathophysiological pathological entity. Primary concerns that addiction is not a symptom of another underlying disease process.
Disease means an involuntary disability. It represents the sum of abnormal phenomena that occur in a group of individuals. These phenomena are associated with a specific set of common features, so that these individuals differ from the norm, and that puts them at a disadvantage.
Often progressive and fatal means that the disease persists over time and that the physical, emotional and social changes are often cumulative and progress while the use continues. Addiction causes premature death through overdose, organic complications involving the brain, liver, heart, and other organs, depending on the type of addiction; and it contributes to the occurrence of suicides, killings, violence, abuse, rape and sexual abuse, accidents and other traumatic events interpersonal and/or family.
Descontrol refers to the inability to limit use, the duration of the episode of use, intensity of use and use behavioural consequences.
Associated with a concern is the excessive investment of attention towards the use, substrate use, the effects of the use, the use-related situations; which means a large investment of time and energy in activities addictive, resulting in a relative neglect of important interests of daily life.
The adverse consequences are problems related to the use that lead to disabilities in the areas of: physical health, psychological functioning, interpersonal functioning, occupational functioning; and legal, financial and spiritual problems.
The negation is used here, not only in the sense of a simple defense mechanism that disqualifies the meaning of events, but more widely including a wide range of psychological maneuvers designed to reduce the cociencia of the fact that the use is the cause of the problems of the individual, more than a psychoanalytic solution to these problems. Denial becomes an integral part of disease and a major obstacle to recovery.
Note: Adapted definition of the elaborated by ASAM/NCADD for alcoholism. The term refers to the ded consumption psychotropic substances, in the case of addiction chemical ingestion; and the practice of addictive behavior, in the case of behavioral addictions.

What is addiction

Addiction is a primary disease, which affects the brain, characterized by repeated conduct that arises from an organic or psychological need, that escapes the control of the individual. It consists of a set of signs and symptoms characteristic, which depend on the personality of every addict, as well as the socio-cultural circumstances that surround it. Addiction is, often, progressive, i.e., the disease persists over time and the physical, emotional and social changes are cumulative and progress while the use continues. Addiction usually cause premature death through organic complications involving the brain, liver, heart, and other organs, depending on the type of addiction and contributes to the occurrence of suicide, homicide, violence, abuse, rape and sexual abuse, accidents and other traumatic events interpersonal and/or family.
The biochemical changes occurring in the brain of the addict are responsible for compulsion observed in episodes of uncontrolled consumption, as well as many own addiction cognitive disturbances. Latest investigations involve various neurotransmitters as key factors in the development of addictive symptoms. Neurotransmitters (dopamine, endorphins, are natural chemicals that exist within the brain and which are responsible for brain activities, among others: motivation, emotions and instincts.) These natural substances are which mediate mood causing euphoria or reluctance, according to a complex sequence of stimuli, conditioning and learning, whose objective is the constructively respond to stimuli from the environment.
External psychotropic or drug substances, as well as States of extreme arousal from stimulation behaviors, affect these neurotransmitters to the brain produces them in excess. These changes, together with the predisposition to addiction, produce an aberrant response, which is the reflection of a persistent biochemical imbalance.
The two parties in which the brain can be divided in terms of function and neurological pathways, are responsible for addiction:
-brain rational, relevant to cerebra on her bark sit higher intellectual and abstract functions. In the process of addiction this area also affects is producing the desilusional system of addiction, which is a set of addictive thoughts that complotan together with the primitive brain to facilitate and maintain active the addictive process;
-the primitive brain, which includes the area of vital functions, areas mediating of emotions and moods, generation of instincts of survival and body regulation. This part of the brain is directly involved in the development of addiction, and there are biochemical imbalances responsible for compulsion, euphoric memory and desires automatic, in addition to the brain reward system.
The brain reward system is a brain system responsible for mediating responses of conditioning to stimuli, producing biochemical rewards to the responses appropriate to constructively handle the stimuli. The excessive stimulation of this system entails, in people predisposed to biochemical changes permanent, which mediate the addictive reaction, so it changes its operation and its response to environmental stimuli. East the most important system involved in the development of addiction.

Common addiction symptoms

-Loss of control addiction, characterized by episodes of compulsive disorders;
-Negation or self-delusion, whose function is the separate the addict of the awareness that the consequences of addiction in his life, thus reducing the anxiety;
-Damage or progressive deterioration of the quality of life of the person because of the negative consequences of the practice of addictive behavior;
-Memory euphoric episodes of the past, with the consequent oblivion of suffering or the negative consequences of addictive activity. This is one of the causes of the difficulty of rehabilitation and relapse;
-Distortion of thinking, unlinking the addict of the reality of their illness;
-Obsession or excessive concern with regard to the usage scenarios, either substance use psychotropic or practice of behaviors;
-Emotional paralysis, product of the biochemical changes in the brain, in addition to the psycho-emotional distortions of the addictive process. Difficult to identify, manage and interpret the feelings, as well as an attitude of intolerance to some emotions, looking for the use as a form of emotional anesthesia.
Biological, genetic, psychological factors are involved in the origin of addiction and social. Numerous studies have shown that alcohol addiction is more frequent in families of alcoholics (3 or 4 times greater) than in families of people non.
Psychological addiction or conduct
Within this group there are a variety of addictions, though, besides not having a chemical origin, their common element is a disorder and slippage in some aspect of daily behavior. Many of these addictions are caused by other emotional imbalances due to the family environment, work, friends, etc. This group includes problem gambling or gambling addiction. In Spain, this addiction is three times higher in men than in women. In addition, 76 percent of the pathological gamblers tend to suffer some kind of emotional disorder, while 28 percent have recurrent depressions.
In recent years, the number of addicts to work has increased as a result of the evasion of personal problems. 8% Of the Spanish workforce spends more than 12 hours a day to his profession voluntarily. The ciberadiccion or Internet addiction can be detectable when people spend 40 or more hours per week on the Web, for a period of 12 months.
Addiction (co-dependency) relationships, (hypersexuality) sex and/or pornography is characterized by an uncontrollable need for sex of all kinds, from sexual relationships with other people to masturbation or pornography consumption. It is estimated that up to 6% of the population suffers from it, and that only 2% of those affected are women. It has treatment provided the person who suffers from it is able to recognize it.
The addict to Religion and cults use God as if it were a drug to smooth the problems and escape them. As in other addictions it is related to low self-esteem, guilt, fear, shame, feelings of isolation and feeling of difference with others. Anorexia and bulimia are diseases associated with addiction to food.

Chemical addiction

Characterized by a physical and psychological dependence on a substance, which escapes from the voluntary control of the person, therefore, these addictions make reference to drugs, whether legal or illegal. You can sort them according to their effects on the Central nervous system (CNS):
-The CNS depressant effects: block the functioning of the brain. Include opiates (heroin, morphine, methadone), tranquilizers (valium, tranxilium...) and hypnotics (barbiturates).
-Stimulating effects of CNS: accelerate the workings of the brain.
They are divided into major stimulants (amphetamines, cocaine) and minor stimulants (nicotine)...
Codependency (addiction to relationships), hypersexuality (sex addiction), kleptomania (stealing addiction), polydipsia (drinking addiction) and the same (addiction to lie) are the most common addictions...
-Disruptive effects of CNS: alter the functioning of the brain, leading to distortions in perception or hallucinations. Substances that produce these effects are hallucinogens (LSD), derivatives of cannabis (hashish, marijuana), inhalants (acetones, benzenos) and the design as the Ecstasy drug.

Meaning of addiction

The term addiction is used to point out that behavior characterized by dependency to some kind of substance, phenomenon or situation in excessive and harmful modes both physical health and mental health of the person concerned. Addiction can vary in terms of intensity depending on numerous factors such as the personality of the individual (previous elements), the type of substance, the context in which occurs the addiction, etc. In general, addictions are curable but the chances of relapse can be very high in certain occasions.
Addiction is a complex phenomenon that generates both physical and psychological and emotional level in a person. This means that the addiction to be cured, not can never be attacked from a unique point of view if that should not be treated in a comprehensive manner. He is usually considered that the reasons that a person submits an addiction are numerous and varied so that the treatment can take time.
Although a person can present addiction to various substances or phenomena (even combine several addictions at the same time) there are certain addictions that tend to be more common than others. In this sense, some of the most popular objects of addiction are drugs (both the legal and the illegal), tobacco, alcohol, sex or the game. Other addictions that have begun to emerge in recent times can also be the food, the technological devices, etc.
Obviously, addiction is a serious problem for the person it involves complete unatransformacion of your personality and your lifestyle. Addiction makes the person cannot be controlled abstinence from consuming such product or substance and then enter into a maelstrom of bad mood, irritation, depression, anxiety and numerous alteracionesfisicas that can lead even to death. Excessive use of addictive substances as much as drugs or alcohol may no doubt have the same result.

Definition of addiction

From latin addictĭo, addiction is the habit that dominates a person's will. It is the dependence on a substance, an activity or a relationship. For example: "actor had interned in a clinic to treat his addiction to drugs", "I lost many years of my career because of my addiction," "I am worried about: I think my child might have an addiction to the Internet".
Addictions control thoughts and behaviors of people, who only want to get or perform the desired thing. To satisfy this desire, addicts can commit unlawful, distancing themselves from their loved ones and endanger their own integrity, since they lose notion of reality.
It is important to distinguish between a consumerist habit and an addiction. A person who has the habit of drinking a glass of wine a day is not addicted; Instead, the individual who feels the need to drink every day and who cannot stop suffers from an addiction.
Addiction, therefore, has serious consequences in the daily lives of addicts. An addiction can generate health problems, damage to the human, inconvenient links at work, etc.
Drug addiction or drug addiction is addiction to drugs and involves an unsuccessful effort to disrupt consumption (which is increasing), a reduction in daily activities due to the intake of drugs and suffering from a syndrome of abstinence when you suspend the consumption.
Alcoholism, smoking and gambling are other addiction with serious consequences for individuals.

Concept of addiction

Addiction is the unconditional surrender of a person to certain things, substances, feelings or events that seize their will and control, making them dependent on them, even if they endanger their physical or mental health. It is a disease that affects the will, and makes that the effort is devoted to the subject of addiction without establishing priorities. The subject loses sulibertad becomes slave to his addiction and to her routed all their efforts, uncontrollable way.
The reasons for addiction can be certain substances such as tobacco, alcohol or drugs; activities, such as for example the addiction to work, Internet, or gambling; or to passions, like what happens with sex addicts.
There are genetic factors linked to personality and socio-environmental factors that condition the existence of addictions, which generally become chronic and progressive. The affected individual not aware of his illness, and going by isolating his family, working and social environment, and in many cases, as the drugs, threatens his own life.
In order to satisfy the need for what represents that addictive object, the addict can reach up to steal or kill.
They are treatable, mainly through self-help groups but relapses are frequent. During treatment to suffer the loss of substances, facts or passions that dominate the addict, suffers generally called abstinence syndrome.

Definition of addiction

An addiction is behavior determined by the unscrupulous sense of desire toward something specific. This thing that a person feels desire to possess it, represents a great querencia, a State of pleasure for her. People with addictions called addicts feel an uncontrollable feeling, so they want to to the point of do whatever, including attacking their own health in order to obtain it. Addiction creates a dependency that represents a danger to health, because as the saying goes, everything in large quantities does hurt.
Addictions make the addict to lose control of his mental activity, because they diverted his attention to the search for your pleasure, considerably damaging health and social life. While it is true that an addiction can be gradual, this does not imply that this correspondence regarding thought exists, addictions overcome impulses of coherence and the addict has become a slave of his passions. Among addictions most popular include drug use.
Narcotics or hallucinogens create a spectral atmosphere of feelings of drowsiness and enjoyment, in which consumer forgets completely their problems and their life outside their addiction, that's why it recreates a necessity, which implies desire to forget again in the world, falling in the consumption of narcotics. This addiction is so complex, that although the manufacture of drugs is illegal, people obsessed with the idea of acquiring these substances and commit criminal acts in order to enforce compliance with his addiction.
Notably, a sort of addiction which has become popular to give them years, there are synthetic food which is added an addictive component, this throws as a result an indiscriminate consumerism of the product, so that the customer is addicted to the product in this case represents a positive value for enterprises, these excessive results and unconscious infringe on people's health. Also there are people addicted to shopping or unusual things, they are people who are capable of collecting different things that keep a stereotype of a singer or favorite fictional character. This is considered an addictive hobby which brings also serious mental and social problems.