What is the meaning of Bullying? Concept, Definition of Bullying
Concepts and meanings of Bullying
1 Meaning of Bullying
Bullying (also known as bullying, school bully, bullying school or by their English term bullying) is any form of psychological, verbal or physical abuse occurred among school children repeatedly over a given time. Statistically, the type of dominant violence is the emotional and occurs mostly in the classroom and playground of schools. The protagonists of cases of bullying tend to be boys and girls in the process of entry into adolescence (12-14 years), the percentage of girls in the profile of victims being slightly higher.Bullying is a characteristic and extreme form of school violence.
Bullying is a kind of torture, methodical and systematic, in which the aggressor plunges the victim, often with silence, indifference or complicity of other partners.1Objectives and evolution of cases of bullying
The practice of bullying aims to intimidate, APOC, reduce, submit, flatten, intimidate and consuming, emotionally and intellectually, to the victim, in order to obtain a favorable outcome for those who harass or satisfy a craving dominate, submit, attack, and destroy others that stalkers can present as a predominant pattern of social relationships with others.Sometimes, the child who develops behaviors of harassment toward other search, by using the method of 'trial and error', get the recognition and care of others, which lacks, even learning a model of relation based on exclusion and contempt for others.
Very often the boy or girl who harasses a colleague tends to be very quickly surrounded by a band or group of stalkers who joined in unanimous and gregarious manner to the behaviour of harassment against the victim. This is due to the lack of an outside authority (for example, a teacher, a family member, etc.) which imposes limits on this type of conduct, projecting an image of leader on the rest of his followers equal the main harasser.
Often violence finds a way of channelling socially, materializing in a known mechanism of regulation of groups in crisis: the scapegoat mechanism. Destroy that isn't follower, who resists, the different, who excels academically, to the infused ferrous moral principles, etc.
2. Definition of Bullying
Bullying (also known as bullying, school bully or, even, by his bullying English term) is any form of psychological, verbal or physical abuse occurred among school children repeatedly over a given time. Statistically, the type of dominant violence is the emotional and occurs mostly in the classroom and playground of schools.Bullying is a kind of torture, methodical and systematic, in which the aggressor plunges the victim, often with silence, indifference or complicity of other colleagues.
This type of school violence is therefore characterized by a repetition aimed at getting the intimidation of the victim, implying an abuse of power as long as it is exercised by a stronger aggressor (either real or perceived fortress subjectively) than that. The battered subject is, thus, exposed physically and emotionally before the subject of abusive, generating as a result a series of psychological (though these are not part of the diagnosis); It is common that the harassed alive petrified with the idea of going to school and is showing very nervous, sad and lonely in their daily lives. In some cases, the hardness of the situation can lead to thoughts about suicide and even its materialization, consequences of harassment towards persons regardless of age.
In summary the bullying is any type of abuse physical, psychological or verbal among students.This abuse can generate in people very serious consequences.
3 Concept of Bullying
What is Bullying?
Bullying is physical and/or psychological abuse deliberate and continued receiving one child by another or others who behave with him cruelly with the aim of submitting it and scare it, with a view to obtain a result favourable to stalkers or simply to satisfy the need to attack and destroy these usually present.Bullying involves a repetition continued mockery or aggressions and can lead to social exclusion of the victim.
The causes of this phenomenon of bullying or bullying are multiple and complex. In our society, there are certain risk factors of violence, such as social exclusion or exposure to violence through the media.
However, we lack certain protective conditions that could mitigate the effects of such factors as positive and supportive social models, leisure contexts and constructive membership groups or available and attentive adults to help.
-Usually included behaviors of diverse nature (teasing, threats, physical assaults, systematic isolation, etc.).
-It tends to lead to problems that are repeated and prolonged for some time.
-Tends to be caused by a pupil, supported by a group against a victim who is defenseless.
-Stays due to ignorance or passivity of the people who surround the aggressors and victims without intervening directly.
-The victim develops fear and rejection of the context in which suffering violence; loss of confidence in himself and in others, and decreased school performance.
-Decreases the capacity of moral understanding and empathy of the aggressor, while a reinforcement of a violent style of interaction occurs.
-Persons who observe violence without doing anything to prevent it, it occurs in lack of sensitivity, apathy and lack of solidarity.
-Reduces the quality of life in the environment that occurs: difficulty to achieve objectives and increase the problems and tensions.
Types of Bullying
We can talk about various types of bullying that often appear simultaneously:
-Physical: shoving, kicking, assaults with objects, etc. Occurs more frequently in elementary that in high school.
-Verbal: insults and nicknames, Blevins in public, highlight physical defects, etc. It is the most common.
-Psychological: they undermine the self-esteem of the individual and promote their sense of fear.
-Social: it seeks to isolate the young from the rest of the Group and colleagues.
Many times, parents and teachers of the victims are the last to know that you are suffering bullying from their peers. Shame or fear of reprisals are the main reasons. Here are tips to detect bullying and know what we can do if we find ourselves in this situation.
Tips for parents of children who suffer Bullying
Parents should be alert to the following aspects, which may be signs of your child being victim of bullying:
-Changes in the behaviour of the child. Mood swings.
-Sadness, crying or irritability.
-Nightmares, changes in sleep and/or appetite.
-Somatic pains, headaches, stomach, vomiting...
-Lost or deteriorate frequently belongings school or personal, such as glasses, backpacks, etc.
-Appears with bumps, bruises or scratches and says that it has been dropped.
-He doesn't go or relates to their peers.
-Do not go to excursions, visits, etc. from the College.
-You want to be accompanied to the input and the output.
-Refuses or protest when it comes to going to school.
Tips for educators of children who suffer Bullying
Teachers must be attentive to:
-The relationship of the students in the hallways and on the playground. The worst moments will suffer when teachers are not present.
-The "painted" on the doors of bathrooms and walls (which names appear regularly).
-Non-participation normal in Group departures.
-Laughs or boos repeated in class against certain pupils or students.
-The fouls continued to class, since they may indicate that they do not want to go to class by fear.
-Be attentive to students that are different, by his way of being or physical appearance.
-Complain of pushy way to be insulted, assaulted, mocked...
-If says that they steal their things at school or every day explained that he loses his school supplies.
-Investigate the unexplained changes of moods: sadness, isolation personal student or alumna, occurrence of unusual behaviors, changes in its attitude, little communicative, tears or depression for no apparent reason...
-Little or no relationships with colleagues.
-Physical evidence of violence and difficult explanation: bruises, cuts or scratches whose origin the child does not reach to explains, clothes torn or defaced, damaged objects or that do not appear...
-Constant somatic complaints of students: pains of head, stomach or other whose cause is not clear.
-Strange rage accesses.
-Variations in school performance, loss of concentration and increase of the failure.
-Complaints from parents, who say that it doesn't want to go to College.
Tips for guys/girls Bullying witnesses
If you are witnessing some companions towards other aggressions, you keep in mind the following tips:
-If any of the present says something like "enough!", in half of the cases, violent actions cease. It is difficult to do, but being there and doing nothing is equal to approve the aggressiveness.
-If you feel that you can not say anything, go the site and say so to the nearest adult. Get to go to help.
-If you see that someone suffers attacks again and again, you can do something to end this situation.
-If the school has some sort of program to report assaults, such as a telephone or a mailbox, use it. You can do so anonymously.
-Try to ensure that the victim tell their parents or teachers. Offer to go with him or her if you think that can help you.
-If the harassed doesn't want to talk to anyone, offer to speak with someone on your behalf.
-It involves as many people as you can, even to other friends and classmates.
-Not to use violence against the aggressors or trates of get payback on your own.
Advice for victims of Bullying
If you are still victim of aggression (verbal or physical) by one or some of your classmates, here are some tips on what you can do to put an end to that situation:
-Ignores the aggressor, get as if you do not hear it. Don't even look you.
-Don't cry, be angry, nor show that it affects you. That's what the aggressor tries, so don't give him that satisfaction. Later you can talk or write about your reactions and what you felt at that time.
-Responds to the aggressor with tranquility and firmness. For example say: "No, thats just what you think".
-If you can, try to satirize or treat with humor what says. For example, if it tells you "what ugliest shirt!", you can respond "thanks, I'm glad that you've noticed".
-Get away or running if it is necessary, if you think that there may be danger. Stay away from the situation. Go to a site where there is an adult.
-If you're a constant victim of aggressors, the most important thing you have to do is talk to an adult. It begins with your parents. That is not accused, is asking for help to people who you want when you need it. Try having your parents speak with someone from the school, but not with the parents of the aggressors.
-If you feel that you can not have it be your parents or that they can not help you, talk with another adult you trust, like a teacher or the principal of the school. If you don't want to talk about it with anyone alone, ask a friend or brother that along with you. It will help you bring someone who has seen you when you assault.
-It makes clear to the adult that the situation affects you deeply, especially if you are a victim of verbal aggression, since sometimes adults do not consider them important, and yet which can do more harm.
-If you feel that you can't say nothing to nobody, it's write a letter explaining what happens to you. Give it to an adult you trust and saves a copy for you.
-You don't have the guilt of being assaulted.
-You don't need to deal with this situation you only.
-Remember that it is the offender who has a problem, not you.
-It treats others as you want to have you do unto thee. Help where you need it and so, when you need help, will help you.
4. What is Bullying
Bullying is an anglicism which does not form part of the dictionary of the Real Academia Española (RAE), but whose use is becoming increasingly common in our language. The concept refers to the bullying and all forms of physical, verbal or psychological abuse that occurs among school children, repeatedly and over time.Bullying usually takes place in the classroom and in the school yard. This type of violence usually affects boys and girls aged between 12 and 15, although it can be extended to other age groups.
The assailant or harasser bothers his victim in different ways, before the silence or complicity of the rest of the companions. It is usual that the conflict starts with taunts that become systematic and that can lead to strokes or physical assaults.
Bullying cases revealed an abuse of power. The harasser achieves intimidation by the other boy, who perceives it as stronger, beyond if this fortress is real or subjective. Little by little, the harassed child begins to experience various psychological consequences in view of the situation, having fear of attending school, showing retracted before their peers, etc.
With new technologies, bullying has been extended to the home of the victims, in what is known as cyberbullying. Stalkers are responsible for disturbing through Internet, with intimidating emails, the dissemination of retouched photographs, defamation on social networks and up to the creation of websites with aggressive content.
5. Definition of Bullying
The phenomenon of bullying or intimidation usually appears from common sense and the media as a paradigm to understand aggression in the school context, and as such, sometimes all acts of aggression in the school seems to be covered under the broad umbrella that holds the concept. In this regard, it is necessary to clarify the phenomenon of bullying so that it acquires meaning and usefulness. This is only part of a much broader reality that is school violence.In relation to the exerted power (Pikas, 2002)
Symmetric asymmetric
Based on the relationship violence / school (Charlot, 2002)
Violence at school fights, gangs, violent bullying, violent game game
Violence to the attacks on teachers, robbery, intentional damage to the educational property
School violence assaults exams physical punishment, psychological abuse of teachers
Violence in the educational environment between groups of students from different schools bullying
We employ the term bullying at school to connote an aggressive behavior or the intentional act of doing damage to some / other / a, which is carried out in a consistent manner over a period of time and in which there is an interpersonal relationship characterized by an imbalance of power.
Therefore, an act of aggression to be an expression of bullying is required that aggression is hold in time and that there is a power difference between stakeholders (victim/aggressor). A casual and unique act by very brutal to be - as the recent case of the College Professor Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, stabbed by one of his students - is not bullying. Nor is it by the way, a fight between peers of equal strength and power or a skirmish between gangs or groups.
The harassment must be permanent in time and as such can use various media to exercise, which, in the majority of cases, are usually intermixed:
• hardware (blows, jostling, theft);
• support verbal (insults, threats);
• support relational or indirect (social exclusion, rumors), and
• digital media (attacks via web, mobile phones, etc.).
None of these individually and exclusively acts can be considered bullying, unless one or more of them are presented consistently over time.
The consequences the victim of bullying can be both physical and psychological and in many cases, may be permanent in time. Some investigations concern from physical damage such as bruises, losses in the personal patrimony of the students, until severe consequences on mental health in the future, such as severe depression, anxiety or post traumatic stress disorders and even suicide, as it was the case in the student Pamela Pizarro Iquique in 2003.Multiple existing research shows that bullying is a real and serious problem in schools; regardless of countries, the size of establishments, cultural diversity, of the socio-economic status of students or schools educational unit. It is a cross-cutting problem in the school of our times.
6 Concept of Bullying
Bullying and their typesIt seems that not but it really is very frequent cases of harassment among children, firsthand many parents have lived this experience among our children, not knowing what to say and how to act.
Who is Bullying?
It is a word comes from the word Dutch which means harassment.Dan Olweus, who implanted in the Decade of the ' 70s in Sweden a long-term study that would culminate with a full program for schools in Norway antiacoso was first employed the term "bulliing" in the sense of bullying in their investigations.
Previously this word was not so commented, but due to the alarming increase in cases of persecution and aggression that are being detected in the schools, which leads to many schoolchildren to live truly frightening situations, is that now is is talking about more than the topic.
Bullying this present almost anywhere, is not exclusive to a certain sector of society or with respect to sex, while the profile of the aggressor Yes appreciates predominance in males. There are no differences with regards to the victims.
The perpetrator harassed the victim when is alone, in the bathrooms, in the hallways, in the dining room, in the courtyard. For this reason many times teachers or by aware they are.
However it is not a simple push or comment, it's a situation which if not stopped in time can cause severe emotional harm to the victim.
This practice which becomes frequent in levels of middle and high schools public or private of Mexico, elsewhere in the world is this adapting to the technology resulting cyber bullying, i.e. harassment over the Internet specifically on web pages, blogs or emails.
Type of Bullyng
Sex: Is when a siege, induction or sexual abuse occurs.Social exclusion: when ignored, it isolates and excludes the other.
Verbal: Insults and Blevins in public to put in evidence the weak.
Psychological: in this case there is a persecution, intimidation, tyranny, blackmail, manipulation and threats to each other.
Physicist: There are blows, jostling or organizes a beating to the harassed.
Causes and consequences of bullying
Personal: A child who acts aggressively suffer intimidation or some type of abuse in school or in the family.He acquires this behavior when it is often humiliated by adults.
Feels superior, either because it has the support of other attackers or the harassed is a child with very little capacity to respond to attacks.
Family: The child may have aggressive attitudes as a way of expressing his feelings before a little affectionate family environment, where there are situations of absence of any parent, divorce, violence, abuse or humiliation exerted by parents and older siblings; Perhaps because it is a child possibly living under constant pressure to be successful in their activities or on the contrary is a very spoiled child.
All of these situations can cause aggressive behavior in children and lead them to violence when they are teenagers.
At school: the bigger school there is greater risk of bullying, especially if this factor is compounded the lack of physical control, monitoring and compliance; humiliation, threats or exclusion between teaching staff and students.
On the other hand the new educational models to which children are exposed as the lightness with which are discussed and put into practice the values, the absence of limits and rules of coexistence, have influenced so that this type of behavior occur more frequently.