What is the meaning of Cyberbullying? Concept, Definition of Cyberbullying

Concepts and meanings of Cyberbullying

1 Meaning of Cyberbullying

What is the cyberbullying? Harassment on the Internet

Cyberbullying (also called cyberbullying by its English translation) is the use of electronic information and means of communication such as email, social networks, blogs, instant messaging, text messages, mobile phones, and defamatory websites to harass an individual or group, personal attacks or other means. It may constitute a criminal offence. Cyberbullying is willful and involves recurrent and repeated harm inflicted through the medium of electronic text. According to R.B. Standler harassment intended to cause emotional distress, concern, and do not have legitimate purpose for the choice of communications. Cyber bullying can be as simple as continue to send e-mails to someone who has said that he does not want to remain in contact with the sender. Cyber bullying can also include threats, sexual connotations, pejorative labels (e.g., hate speech).
The term cyberstalking was used for the first time by Canadian educator Bill Belsey. Other terms for Cyberbullying are "electronic harassment", "e-acoso," "harassment sms", "network mobbing", "mobile harassment" "harassment online", "digital harassment", "harassment by internet", or "internet harassment" "harassment on the internet".
According to María José Edreira, in his work "Phenomenology of moral harassment", moral harassment is "the process by which an individual or group of individuals apply violence--physical or mental--in small doses to another individual with the intent to destabilize him and make him doubt their own thoughts and affections. Thus snatches another identity, refuses and eliminates the difference with the other. This behavior aims to paralyze the victim to avoid the conflict that arises so you can not think about or understand, hold at the disposal of the aggressor while it is useful and indoctrinate it. The process seeks to pervert morally to the victim and slowly destroy it to get a perfect crime, removes the victim by induction to suicide or physical violence." Moral harassment is all - verbal or non-verbal - abusive behavior to attentive by their frequency and repetition against the dignity or physical or psychological integrity of a person.
To be a problem relatively recent, for many victims 'cyberbullying' means living under terror for several months before deciding to seek help. The problem is further compounded when after deciding to look for it, few people know where to go to.
To identify harassment, Heinz Leymann, a Nordic psychologist of the 1980s, established three differentiating elements: frequency, continuity in time and the concurrence of one or several of the listed facts.

2. Definition of Cyberbullying

The expression in English defines when a child, teenager or teen is tormented, threatened, harassed, humiliated, embarrassed by another person from the Internet, interactive media, digital technologies, and mobile phones. The Cyberbullying is bullying of a minor against another minor. The authorities used the expression in English Cyberstalking when an adult is involved in harassment, trying to attract children and adolescents for sexual encounters.
The authorities used the expression in English Cyberstalking when an adult is involved in harassment, trying to attract children and adolescents for sexual encounters.
Harassment methods used in the Cyberbullying are limited only by imagination sick child or teenage stalker and access to technology. And the worst thing is that victim and harasser often change roles, going from tormented to intimidate and vice versa.
Direct harassment of cyberbullying
1 Messages of harassment from Instant Messaging (chat, MSN, Skype, Yahoo Messenger...)
2 Theft of passwords of email accounts and web user.
3. Offensive comments in blogs and web sites
4. Sending images through e-mail and mobile phones.
6 Insulting or injuriando some minor Internet surveys.
7. Interactive involving the harassed games.
8. Sending malicious code and viruses to the harassed victim email
9. Sending porn and junk emails.
10 Phishing. The harasser assumes the identity of the victim on the internet and committed criminal acts or that denigrate the image of the harassed.
Educators in general have their hands tied to combat the cyberbullying because most of the actions of harassment occur outside school and the school hours. That Yes, the education professionals can be very effective working with parents to stop and correct situations cyberbullying and educating students in ethical standards of behavior on the Internet and explaining what he says the criminal code on harassment.

3 Concept of Cyberbullying


Cyber-harassment (cyber-bullying in English), is a real problem that is happening in the Internet world. As Bill Belsey, defined at cyberbullying.org, cyber-harassment is (translated to the Spanish): "cyber-bullying involves the use of technologies of information and communication for the deliberate, repeated and hostile of a person or a group behavior in order to do harm to others.".
Cyber-bullying has become a serious problem because the use of electronic media hides your real identity, besides that as there is no direct contact allows them to be particularly abusive and cruel. Cyber-harassment can go beyond an email sent directly to the victim, since you can reach photos and fake Web pages, with the sole purpose of defaming or injuring a person. Addition, stalkers need not even know personally the victim, since they can pick from all the information available on the Internet.

What can you do to protect yourself to you and your children?

These are the recommendations that US-CERT makes with regard to cyber-bullying (translated into the Spanish):
• Teach your children good habits on the Internet. Who are aware of the existing risks and monitors their activities in any device that uses Internet (phones, computers, tablets, etc.), besides that you must establish rules for responsible Internet use.
• Keep lines of communication open. Continually talking with your children about their online activities and that they feel comfortable telling you if they are victims of harassment.
• Stay alert to indicators alarming. Changes in children's behaviour is an indicator light. In these cases it is better to act before evening.
• Limits the amount of personal information available online. By limiting the amount of personal information and contact it also limits the possibility of being a victim. In addition, limiting the amount of people who have access to this information, it reduces the number of possible perpetrators where you or your children are victims of cyber-bullying. For example, you can follow these practices to protect your privacy on Facebook.
• Prevents that it will complicate the situation. Respond aggressively can complicate the situation. Considered ignoring the situation, because sometimes what abusers enjoy is the reaction of the victims. The first step is to block the person the instant messaging account and/or emails, as the case may be. If the harassment continues or expands to all your accounts, it is convenient to contact authorities.
• Documents all activity. Keep a record of your activity online, for example in instant messaging conversations.
• Reports cyber-harassment to the appropriate authorities. Either school or police.
A practice recommended is that you never open (or your children) messages from people who do not know. You can follow these recommendations to avoid spam.

What you do if you're (or one of your children) victim of cyber-bullying?

In the Internet page cyberbullying.org, these recommendations are where you're already a victim of cyber-harassment (translated into the Spanish):
• Do not respond to posts by stalkers. While you really want to do it, remember that this is the objective of stalkers.
• Discuss with your parents or a trusted adult. If you're adult, it is recommended that you drive this with the support of someone.
• Inform you of this at your ISP or phone company, as the case may be.
• In the event of that scale the problem, talks with the relevant authorities.
• Do not delete messages from stalkers. You don't even have to read, but it could be used as evidence. Also put attention to words, phrases or Deadbolts that people who know, use this you could give a clue of who is behind the communications, and even when you discover who is looking for help.
• Protect yourself. Never do encounters with someone you only know online. Minors should not do this without the knowledge of their parents.

4. What is Cyberbullying

The school bullies and the malicious students have always existed, but technology has offered them a new platform for action. As adults, each time we realize more that the phrase "a foolish words, deaf ears" is no longer certain. Insults, whether real or virtual, can have serious emotional consequences in children and adolescents.
It is not always easy to know how and when to intervene as a parent. To begin with, our children tend to use the technology in a manner different from ours. Children of today begin to play virtual games and send text (SMS) messages with their mobile phones very early and most adolescents have smart phones that keep them connected constantly to the Internet. Many are connected to Facebook and participate in chat rooms or sending text messages throughout the day. Up to send an email or leave a voice on an answering machine message can result them of more old-fashioned. His knowledge of the digital world can be bully for a parent, but if you get involved in the virtual world of your child in the same way as in the real world, you can help protect against multiple threats of the Internet and the virtual world.
Fortunately, our growing awareness of cyber bullying or "school bullying" has helped us to learn how to prevent it. Here are some recommendations on what can be done if the bullying has become a part of your child's life.

What is cyber bullying?

Cyber bullying is to use technology to harass, threaten, embarrass, intimidate or criticize someone else. By definition, occurs among children and adolescents. When an adult is involved, fits the definition of cyberbullying or ciberacecho, a crime that may have legal consequences and involve prison sentences.
Sometimes cyber bullying is easy to spot; for example, your child can teach you a text message, a message sent through Twitter or a reply to an update on Facebook that is clearly malicious, cruel or violent. There are other forms of harassment that are less obvious, such as impersonate someone via the Internet or hang personal information, photos or videos to embarrass or hurt other people. Some children report that can create accounts, web pages, or false user names with the sole intention of harassing and stalking to alleged victims.
School bullying can also occur completely accidentally. The impersonal nature of text (MSM) messages, messages instant (IM) and emails may hinder the identification of the tone of one who writes them: a joke for one person can be one devastating insult to another. Anyway, when it detects a pattern repeated in a series of e-mails, text messages or comments posted on Internet it is rare to be something accidental.
A survey conducted in the United States.UU. in the year 2006 by the Organization, Fight Crime: Invest in Kids (fight crime: invest in children), he revealed that you one of every three teenagers and one of every six preteens were victims of cyber bullying. As more and more children are accessing computers and mobile phones, most likely to increase the incidence of school bullying.

Effects of cyber bullying

Bullying is no longer limited to the courtyard of the school and the alleys and can now occur at home, in school and almost 24 hours of the day. While children have access to a phone, a computer or other computing device (such as a Tablet), are exposed to this risk.
Cyber bullying extreme or chronic can expose victims to an increased risk of develop anxiety, depression or other disorders related to stress. In some extremely rare cases, but about which much has been written, some children have finished by resorting to suicide.
The Cyber stalkers school punishment may include the expulsion of the center of studies or sports teams. Certain types of cyberstalking may also violate regulations of the center of studies or even laws against sexual harassment or discrimination.

Signs of cyber bullying

Many children and adolescents who are victims of cyber bullying are reluctant to tell this to their teachers or parents, often because they are ashamed of the social stigma involved or because they fear to withdraw them the privilege of using the computer at home.
Signs that a child may be receiving cyber bullying vary considerably, although there are some aspects that parents should be fixed:
• samples of emotional distress while the child uses the Internet or the phone or after use
• keep secret your digital life
• stay clear of their friendships and social activities
• avoid school or group meetings
• getting worse grades and having attacks of rage at home
• present mood, behavior, sleep or appetite changes

How can parents help

If you find out that your child is being victim of cyber bullying, talk with him about any similar experience you had as a kid. This can help you to not feel so alone. Tell your child that it is not their fault and that harassment says much more about the harasser than about the victim. Talking with the teachers or the principal of the school also can help, but before you take that step, allow your child to give you the necessary keys.
Many schools, school districts and after-school centres have established protocols for responding to cyber bullying; These protocols may vary between different districts and States. But before reporting the problem, tell your child what he thinks to do, since they could worry the "gossip" and prefer that the problem is resolved by protecting their privacy.

Other possible measures to be taken are as follows:

• Block the stalker. Most electronic and computer devices have features that allow you to electronically block specific people from emails, SMS and IM.
• Limit access to technology. However much that hurts, boys who are victims of cyber bullying and many children cannot resist the temptation to enter web sites or look at the phone to check if they have received new messages. Keep the computer in a public space in the House (anything from laptops in the room of the children, for example) and limit the use of mobile phones and digital games. Some companies offer the option of disconnecting the text message service during certain hours. And the majority of phones and Internet sites allow you to install controls that allow parents to access the messages of your children and your digital life.
• Know your child online world. Check what your child publishes on the Internet and the web pages you visit, and be aware of the form that passes the time when it connects to the Internet. Talk with him about the importance of privacy and why it is not convenient to share personal information online, even with friends. Emphasize the importance of safely store your passwords or access keys. Establish agreements agreed with his son over the use of the mobile phone and social networks willing to comply.
• Information from Internet's resources and support information about computer harassment.
If your son agrees, it may agree to a mediation with a therapist or counselor school that can work with your child and/or the harasser.

If the harasser is his son

Find out that his son is who is acting in an improper way may be for you a great disappointment and a huge disappointment. It is important to deal with the problem of face rather than wait until it disappears by itself alone.
Talk to your child with firmness about his behavior and explain the effect negative that can have on others. Spend jokes and make hair a little people may seem funny, but it is something that can hurt the feelings of the people and generate problems. Harassment, regardless of the mode is made, is something unacceptable; tell him that if he continues the harassment, their behavior could lead him serious consequences (sometimes irreversible) at home, the center of studies and society.
Remind your child that use mobile and computers is a privilege. Sometimes it helps to restrict the use of these devices until it improves behaviour. If you believe that your child must have a mobile phone for safety reasons, ensure that the phone can be used only in cases of emergency. If your child has a history of making impulsive decisions while connected, insist on installing strict parental controls on all devices use.
To get to the bottom of the matter, it can sometimes be useful to speak with teachers, school counselors and other staff of the Centre for studies of his son to identify situations that may have led to that it has become a stalker. If your child has problems to control anger, talk with a therapist to teach you strategies to deal with anger, anger, pain, frustration and other intense emotions in a healthy way.
Professional therapists can teach children to manage their feelings and improve their confidence in themselves and their social skills, which in turn can reduce the risk of engaging in behaviors of harassment. If you are a technology expert, please model your child to teach how you to understand the benefits and risks of life in the digital world.

5. Definition of Cyberbullying

What is the Cyberbullying?

The cyberbullying (in Castilian cyberstalking) consists of hostile behaviors sustained shape repeated and deliberate by an individual or group, with the aim of harm to another, through the use of ICT. It can be conducted through the use of text messages to cell phones, chat rooms and instant messaging, images taken with camera phones, email, forums and groups, as well as web pages dedicated to the victimization of a specific person. Through this type of technological tools are disseminated information (true or not) and teasing on the victim in order to humiliate her, send insults and threats insistent way by cell phone or e-mail, real or faked photos are published, interest groups aimed to ridicule a person are created, cloned identities of chat or email to perform actions that they affect the image of the victim, etc.

The victim suffers frequently from this situation of harassment in silence, and likely reference adults such as parents and teachers have no knowledge of it until it reaches an advanced state. Anonymity is used by stalkers to preserve their identity and contributes to increase aggressive behaviors, not having to face in an interaction face to face with the damage they are causing to the victim. The pairs of the victim often hold a situation of complicity forming a silent majority, either out of fear or for other reason, do not denounce nor are pronounced criticizing the situation of abuse from his peers.

The consequences of this abuse can be devastating. The virtual environment and the multiplicity of channels through which the victim receives the hostile messages make it a harassment situation that cannot find escape. Harassment has no limits: it has no timetable and transcends the school environment and even the city of residence of those involved; This may affect the psychological and social development of the victim, as well as to the detriment of their school performance.

In this context the intimidation is facilitated and intensifies the experience of abuse from the perspective of the victim. At the same time, a cell phone or Internet offer a sense of distance of the perpetrator to the victim in which this may feel that he has no where to take refuge: a text message, for example, can get him being in any place or may suffer thinking that his humiliation can be witnessed by a large audience in cyberspace. The victim may suffer psychological disorders such as loss of self-esteem, anxiety, depression, loss of ability to concentrate, development of phobias, etc.

In the most troubling cases, victims of cyberbullying have finished leaving the school, or even commit damages against themselves and, higher still, suicide.

However, negative consequences affect not only the victims but also to the aggressors. This abusive behavior, can be transferred and become usual, affecting the ability to interact socially both in the school and in other environments. This can have consequences in the future social integration of the aggressor.

The cyberbullying can have effects on school performance: absenteeism, loss of attention, results low or drop-out of school.

The pairs of young people bullied online, as well as in the real world, can play an important role: alert and protect their peers when it harms them or they are at risk of being damaged, rather than forming a silent majority that has not acted on the issue. Bullying just more quickly when the situation becomes public, and young people themselves expressed her empathy and involved putting on game cooperation and solidarity mechanisms.

6 Concept of Cyberbullying

(CNNMéxico) - insults constants in social networks, intimidation by anonymous threats via cell phone messages and e-mail became a constant part in the life of Alexandra, a third grade high school student.
For Alexandra, internet became a medium that caused him anguish and shame, because their Facebook and mail profile "they put insults at any time and from many accounts". At first comments were characterized by teasing about his physique but gradually were changing up to become threats of beatings and even in some emails claimed to have photos of your body that would send their peers.
Although Alejandra knew that there were no such photos he began doubting friends and colleagues. In the school constantly thinking about who could be doing that, without being able to concentrate on classes or live normally with their peers. One day received an e-mail that sent several of his companions announced photos, she knew that the person who appeared there wasn't it, but had no way to let others know. His biggest concern is that those photos will always be in the possession of someone else and you cannot delete them as you would in the real world.
The cyberbullying is a term used to define harassment actions from technological platforms, mainly internet.
In Mexico 40% students of primary and secondary suffers from some kind of school violence, according to data from the National Commission on human rights. And 90% of children and youth have been victims of bullying at some point in their lives, according to the report on violence in Mexico by the Secretariat of public education and the UNICEF basic education.
Bullying among Mexican students manifests itself mainly with insults, nicknames, rejection and theft of belongings, according to the national survey of intolerance and violence carried out by the Secretariat of public education. Although in the cyberbullying insults and threats are also present, the harassment is not limited to school hours and the victims are vulnerable and available 24 hours a day.
"The internet is the instrument to make something clearer, more visible and more reprehensible bullying and which causes an extreme humiliation. Some people who have been the subject of mockery, of harassment by certain colleagues are exposed to the imaginary world. He is leaving the small village or the pueblillo represented by your school or classroom so that anyone on the internet realize the type of aggression that WAST object"says Octavio Islas, sociologist and researcher of the Tecnológico de Monterrey.
Other characteristics that make a problem difficult to resolve bullying online is that most of the times the perpetrators enjoy a total anonymity, also being the web a free space is difficult to regulate and punish.
"Often parents, teachers or any authority do not perform any monitoring or can not access the internet by what the aggressors feel free to do so," says Maite Sainz, a psychologist and member of the Psychoanalytic Society of Mexico.
On the other hand Islands ensures that "there are certain impunity, because it can be done more easily. "In a classroom who know perfectly well are your attackers and who the attacked, for internet the imaginary of possibilities can be much wider and the aggressor can act with a great anonymity, you can use e-mail, cell, pages and groups".

Who are the aggressors?

Although an accurate profile of the attackers could not be Sainz says that in his experience "are children who are having conflicts at home. They may be children who see parents fight or who have older brothers who assault them. These children go to school and assault other children to act what is happening at home."
The 61.8% of Mexican Youth ensures have never had a good relationship with their parents, the 58.6% of them said that their parents do not pay them attention when talking to them and the 49.9% says that he never tells them about their problems, according to the national survey of intolerance and violence.
In Mexico 40% of the total number of internet users are less than 19 years and the use of social networks presents up to 39% growth from 2009, according to a report of habits and perceptions of Mexicans over the internet, by the world internet project.
Technology is an essential part of this generation of children and adolescents self-loving, Sainz therefore recommended that both parents and teachers monitor the activities of children and act together to establish consequences to offenders. Attacked child psychologist recommends seeking professional help to find out why the child feels weak.
Alejandra decided to change their e-mail addresses and closed the two profiles that had assets in social networks, however ensures that never will it feel quiet with the content assumption about his life that will circulate indefinitely on the web.

7 Meaning of Cyberbullying

Cyberbullying is present 24 hours a day. It is always online. Even if the computer shuts the victim knows what website is accessible, or which people are spreading that rumor about you.
The hardness of this is psychologically devastating.
Side effects of systematic violence (whether psychological, physical or sexual) libellous pages, usually include most of the attacked users, stress, humiliation, anxiety, anger, impotence and fatigue; and, although in a few cases have been physical illness, in most of these situations the harassed individual he has an enormous loss of confidence in himself.
For the creation of this harmful environment, stalkers rely on various techniques already described in order to generate a kind of delusion of persecution on their victims, hurt and frighten the victim.
They will seek to create a State of paranoia in which the victim feel free herself, trying thus to undo his life in all aspects: Professional, social, loving and family.
According to Iñaki Piñuel, causes important sequels psychic and physical, strong States of anxiety, late insomnia, backaches and depressive States.
The affected has a decline in performance, as well as causing subsequent psychological and emotional consequences, with a heavily injured self-esteem. Photos of stolen illegal or inappropriate behaviors can sit precedent and cost them in the future access to institutional education or a job.

Sequelae of prolonged harassment

According to Marina pairs Soliva, in "Social appraisal of Mobbing" survivors of prolonged harassment develop personality changes characteristic of the disorder of post-traumatic stress, including deformations in the ability to interact.
As post-trauma symptoms are so varied and so persistent, they may be confused with traits of the personality of the victim. Long after you have finished the harassment, many affected, are still feeling that a part of them has been killed, and some victims, the bereaved would wish to be dead.
The threat of annihilation which defines harassment can haunt the survivor much once the danger has passed. Traumatized people feel absolutely abandoned and alone, exiled from the human system of care and protection.
The traumatic event that means to be a victim of harassment from the environment has destroyed the belief of the individual can be "self" in relation to others.
Thus by definition, the traumatic events frustrate the initiative and destroy individual competition. Regardless of the attitude of the victim, harassment has continued, is to say that no matter how courageous and full of resources that is the victim; their actions were insufficient to avert the disaster.
After the violent events of harassment victims reviewed and judged his own conduct, and feelings of guilt and inferiority are virtually universal.
Been mentioned above that the traumatic events destroy normal protection systems that give people a sense of control, connection and meaning.
Thus traumatic reactions take place when the action is useless, i.e. when it is not possible either to resist or escape, then the human self defense system feels overwhelmed and disorganized. It is in these situations when the traumatic events produce deep and lasting changes in the physiological response, the emotions, the cognitive and memory.

Changes in the personality of the victim

One of the most characteristic effects is the change that the situation of mobbing can operate in the personality of the victims. Three basic patterns of permanent personality changes, as a result of a situation of harassment, which have the following characteristics have described:
• Resignation: insulation voluntary social, the victim does not feel part of society (shows the effect of alienation, the victim of a cynical attitude toward the world.
• Prevalence of obsessive traits: hostility and suspicion, chronic feeling of nervousness, hypersensitivity regarding injustices.
• Predominance of depressive traits: feelings of helplessness, inability to enjoy and feel pleasure, anhedonia, hopelessness learned.
The social effects of the workplace harassment on the victim are characterized by the emergence of attitudes of distrust and isolation, avoidance and withdrawal behaviors.
These social consequences are also manifested in family relations such as feelings of misunderstanding; loss of enthusiasm and interest in common projects; abandonment of responsibilities and family commitments and; alteration of affectivity.
What constitutes the destructive phenomenon of bullying is the repetition of the harassment and humiliation.
Harassment is a terrifying phenomenon because it is inhuman.
Not known States of mind, nor piety.
Witnesses, by meanness, by selfishness or fear, prefer staying on the sidelines.
When an asymmetrical and destructive interaction of this type started between two people, the only thing that makes is amplified progressively, unless an outside person to intervene vigorously.
If at some point in the process of harassment someone with a certain power, react in a healthy way, the process is stopped

Labor cyberbullying

In the case of cyberharassment labor network (mobbing), many times the assaulted even learns that it is attacking. Perceived Yes its consequences: doors that close, eyes transfixed and coldness by elusive before friendlies and returned partners of a moment to another. The victim is torn between conservar su puesto or suffer the abuse of people with power to violate it.
On the other hand, own networks informality allows hostile people, resentidas, forward of domain or lack of scruples, to harass with impunity.
To run a rumor or slander, by a personal reason or ideological differences, anonymous or blatant, shaped mouth in mouth or via e-mail, is not a prank without consequences.
Harassment can cause stress, somatizations, depression, loss of job or lead to suicide.

Consequences on the ciberacosador

The effects of harassment are not only harmful to victim, they own stalker enters a vicious circle from which it is difficult to escape, and is precisely, the dynamics of aggression that is slowly destroying his life, the depths of your personality: the values that constitute it as a person.
Harassment behaviors can make Chronicles and converted in an illegitimate way to achieve their goals, with the consequent risk of bypass towards criminal behaviour, including domestic violence and gender.

Impact on witnesses

Spectators at risk of numb to daily aggressions and not react to situations of injustice in their environment.

Consequences if action is not taken against harassment

If action is not taken against cyberbullying, this will serve as reinforcement of this harassing strategy, with which it is likely that the bully again to make use of this technique which has been so helpful to him and thereby to establish harassment.
In the case of labour cyberharassment, this attitude become the company a toxic context, i.e., a hotbed of other future crackdowns, as you can see that the anonymous defamation gives result and unpunished.

8. Concept of Cyberbullying

What is the cyberbullying?

The cyberbullying is the use of the telematic means (Internet, mobile telephony and video games online primarily) to exert psychological harassment among equals. He is not here strictly sexual abuse, harassment or cases in which adults are involved.

What is not the cyberbullying?

Therefore has to be minors on both ends of the attack be considered cyberbullying: If there is an adult, then we are against some other type of cyberbullying.
Nor is it of adults who engatusan to minors to meet them outside the network or exploit their sexual images. Although there are times when a / minor begins a campaign of cyberbullying can end up involving adults with sexual intentions.

When we are facing a case of cyberbullying?

We are facing a case of cyberbullying when an or a minor torments, threatened, harassed, humiliates or bothers to another / a via Internet, mobile phones, game consoles or other telematic technologies.
According to the study on safe habits in the use of ICT by children published by INTECO in March 2009 the cyberbullying is defined as harassment between peers in the ICT environment, and includes performances of blackmail, humiliation and insults from children to other children...

What it has to do with bullying or bullying cyberbullying?

They are not so similar as one might think. Both gives an abuse among equals but they have little more to see in the majority of cases. The cyberbullying attends to other causes, manifests itself in very different ways and strategies of Board and consequences also differ. Yes it is quite possible that bullying will be followed of cyberbullying. It is also possible that the cyberbullying can also end in a bullying situation, but since then this last is unlikely.

Why is the cyberbullying especially serious?

Anonymity, not perception, direct and immediate damage and the adoption of imaginary roles in the network become a serious problem to the cyberbullying.


In addition to the adaptation of the English neologism (cyber-bullying) are used in Castilian other terms to describe the cyberbullying, combining the prefix cyber - or the adjectives online or virtual words bully, I bullying or abuse, associated with the denomination of thugs or bullies for those who carried out the bullying. So we can be with the following synonyms of cyberbullying: ciberabuso, cibermantonaje, cibermatoneo; abuse online, mantonaje online, bullying online; virtual abuse, virtual bully, bullying virtual. In addition, English e-bullying and online bullying are also used.

How manifests the cyberbullying?

The forms it takes are varied and are only limited by the imagination of younger stalkers, and technological expertise which is little hopeful. Some concrete examples might include the following:
• Hang on the Internet a committed (real or made) image using Photomontages sensitive data, things that can harm or embarrass the victim and make it known in its environment of relations.
• Give high, with included photo, the victim in a web where it is the ugliest person to vote the least intelligent... and charge you points or votes so that it appears in the first places.
• Create a profile or dummy space on behalf of the victim, in social networks or forums, where is written confessions as a first-person specific personal events, explicit demands of sexual contacts...
• Leave offensive comments in forums or participate aggressively in chat rooms posing as the victim so that reactions are subsequently addressed to the usurpation of personality who has suffered.
• Giving the address of e-mail in certain sites high then it is the victim of spam, contacts with strangers...
• Usurp your email password for, in addition to change it in such a way that its legitimate owner not can refer to it, read messages arriving in your Inbox you violating your privacy.
• Cause the victim in web services that have a person responsible for monitoring or moderating what happens there (chats, online games, virtual communities...) to achieve a backlash that, once denounced or evidenced, suppose you the exclusion of who was really being the victim.
• Circulate rumours in which the victim is suppose you behavior reprehensible, offensive or unfair, so are others who, without calling into question what they read, exercised their own forms of retaliation or harassment.
• Send threatening household items by e-mail or SMS, persecute and stalk the victim in places of Internet in relates to them in usual manner causing a feeling of full burden.