What is the meaning of Entrepreneur? Concept, Definition of Entrepreneur

Concepts and meanings of entrepreneur

1 Meaning of entrepreneur

An entrepreneur is a person who faces, with resolution, difficult actions. Specifically in the field of Economics, business or finance, is that individual who is willing to take a risk, economic or otherwise. From this point of view, the term refers to who identifies a business opportunity and organizes the resources needed to start the dryer.
It is common to use this term to designate a "person who creates a company» or someone who starts a project on its own initiative. It has been suggested that "being an entrepreneur" is one of the essential qualities of an entrepreneur, together with innovation and the ability of organization and management.
We must make it clear that being an entrepreneur and being an entrepreneur is not the same thing. Being an entrepreneur refers to be a person who always seeks new challenges, which always seeks new targets and works in complying with them. And being an entrepreneur is a person who sees business opportunities, is carried out and seeks to generate sustainability. It is therefore clear that becoming an entrepreneur, requires being an entrepreneur since this is the first step to start a project, but if you are an entrepreneur not necessarily must become entrepreneur, since the objectives of an entrepreneur may be different from the goal of creating a company. The entrepreneurial mindset is totally different from the mentality of an employee. It also requires a different skill set.
To be an entrepreneur a person you should know what your skills and innate gifts, both in the physical area, and also in the area of mental, emotional and spiritual. So you can profitably use their strengths and find ways to compensate for their weaknesses. People who know well know to make wise choices, because they have clear that some situations "fit them" better than others. In this way manage to deliver their full potential.

2. Definition of entrepreneur

It is called entrepreneur / a person who knows how to discover, identify a particular business opportunity and then will be available to organize or to obtain the resources needed to start it and then bring it to fruition. Generally, this term applies to designate persons who from nothing, only, with the capital of the idea, are able to create or start a company or help another to do it.
Although specific although no definition exists on the term, characteristics such as flexibility, dynamism, creativity, adventure and risk orientation, serve to describe very well the profile you will notice the enterprising person.
Many, surely, they will believe that this entrepreneur, is a relatively new concept, however, this is not true, but that instead, the concept arose approximately at the beginning of the 16th century with the objective and the rationale for those adventurers who traveled to the new world to search and hunt for new opportunities, without knowing very well with that would be when they were in the goal in calling. Also, used to them to people involved with military expeditions known as entrepreneurs. Then, already in the 18th century, the French took ownership of the term because they used it much to designate those who were engaged in the construction, such as the architects.
Newly in the mid-eighteenth century, the French writer Richard Cantillion applied it with the economic sense that today holds the term in the world: to refer to those entrepreneurs who will play the all or nothing for an idea.
That came commenting about the term, it is clear from what makes an entrepreneur / a to a person in addition to identifying a specific opportunity of business/expedition and not fear because of the uncertainty that surrounds and characterizes primarily the same.
Obviously, in the economic context in which we live today, already not abound the adventurers eager to find riches and adventures in a Virgin continent, therefore, people who hold this entrepreneur profile tend to be more focused to the function or activity of economic type, such as they may be responsible for giving life to the majority of SMEs (small and medium-sized enterprises) that exist in the world.

3 Concept of entrepreneur

The entrepreneur Word etymologically comes from the latin "inprendere" with the meaning of take, catch or grab, designating first the hozados military and others with craving for adventure, for example those who threw toward America, applying in France to the masters of work, those who built especially, bridges or roads, under the denomination of "entrepreneur", a term that in the mid-18th century, he assumed, by the action of the Irish economist Richard Cantillón, the addition of risk ("essay on the nature of Commerce in general" of 1755) as part of its meaning, going to nominate the person who takes risks in the realization of a work or business.
The concept of entrepreneur as innovator, was incorporated by the Austrian economist Joseph Schumpeter (1883-1950). It appears so linked with the change, with lacreatividad do new things that/min. to society.
Are alluding now then, with entrepreneur to represent one person who enters the business world makes changes, generates new alternatives and opportunities, faces challenges, seeks innovative solutions, which of course, generates risks. It is the entrepreneur, professional, technician, politician, Economist, etc.; vibrant, active, visionary, accepting challenges and generates them, course with unaplanificacion, market research and strategy, because otherwise it would be a reckless and unthinking.
For example, Sam Walton, milked cows, subscriptions of magazines distributed in his youth, and then majored in economics. He began his work as an employee earning $ 85 per month working trainer Cone, even that could access a franchise of Butler Brothers. Thus began a career as an innovative entrepreneur, becoming founder and shareholder of the company until his death in 1992, Wal-Mart. It was efficient, likeable, leading employees, great controller of finances, and had as strategy buy and sell cheap, reaching places where competition did not, incorporating a wide variety of items.

4. What is entrepreneur

An entrepreneur is someone who has an idea and is capable of translating into reality through the full use of their potential. This person identifies opportunities in the environment and organizes all necessary resources, in order to take firm steps to carry out a plan that is projected in time with successful results.
Then exposes a series of characteristics that every entrepreneur should possess:

1. It has high self-esteem
To overcome obstacles and meet all the objectives, the person needs to have confidence in herself. Just begin to arise problems go ahead; because he believes that their abilities may cope with the difficulties. The entrepreneur is also aware of all its qualities, which seeks to improve and leverage to the maximum, but at the same time knows his limitations, which allows timely recourse to external assistance.

2 It assumes risks
The entrepreneur must calculate the costs of the implementation of its business project; in order to raise new challenges and challenges enabling it to adapt to changes in the market. Also, verifies the feasibility of their ideas and, on this basis, risks prudently investing their resources.

3 You think positively
It has an attitude win - win with all persons involved in the realization of the project. Also, each problem is seen as an opportunity to learn and correct the mistakes that have been committed. Every successful entrepreneur is optimistic and always sees the good side of things, without falling into a distorted view of reality.

4 Develop leadership
They are people who have the ability to influence others to achieve common goals. They are source of inspiration, respect and credibility for his team; It is made that they should be identified, not only with him but with the ideas, projects and businesses that decide to undertake. Also, they have the ability to motivate others to follow him willingly and transmit enthusiasm to others to optimize their daily activities.

5 Manage their resources
A good entrepreneur wisely invests the money and optimizes business processes for increased profitability. Similarly, controlling your expenses and actual budgets allocated to activities to be carried out, to be able to realize your business idea.

6 Refreshes their knowledge
The entrepreneur has intellectual curiosity, but at the same time is a pragmatic person who takes actions to implement their ideas. To do so, invest in your education and training, in order to specialize and develop continuously, both in the professional area and personally. Similarly, it seeks to keep abreast with the current trends, changes in the environment, technological advances and new techniques and innovations in business tools, to make the most out of them.

7 Has your environment information
Before you start any business idea entrepreneur must have a general knowledge of market, customers, competition and productive sector where is going to position the company in order to identify and take advantage of the opportunities that are presented.

8 Adapts to changes
In a world where the only constant is change, it is essential that the entrepreneur has the flexibility that allows you to guide your business or company, so that it can cope with situations that are presented for use in their favor.

9 It is creative and innovative
They are people willing to experiment with new ways of doing things. To do this, they identify and transform problems into opportunities. An entrepreneur, is open to think beyond traditional boundaries and use your imagination to see the world from a different perspective, to create new products and services or redesign and improve those that are already offered on the market.

10 It is proactive
An entrepreneur is one who has the power to choose your response to the circumstances of the environment and the freedom to decide. This person takes the initiative to act with determination to anticipate, prevent and predict possible eventualities or problems that may happen in the future.
Several of these abilities are innate in humans, others can develop through continuous practice; the only purpose is these values become habitual skills of entrepreneur's personality and behaviors.