What is the meaning of Innovation? Concept, Definition of Innovation

Innovation concepts and derived words

Meaning of innovation

Innovation means literally "newness" or "renewal". The word comes from the latin innovare. In colloquial and general use, unspecific concept is used in the sense of new ideas and inventions and their economic implementation. In the strict sense, on the other hand, reportedly only ideas can be innovations once they are implemented as new products, services or procedures and that they are really a successful application imposing itself on the market, through the dissemination.
In economics, Joseph Schumpeter was who introduced this concept in his «theory of innovations», in which defines it as the establishment of a new production function. The economy and society change when factors of production are combined in a new way. Suggests that inventions and innovations are the key to economic growth and those who implement this change in a way practice are entrepreneurs.
The concept of innovation is also used in the human sciences and culture. Search through the investigation of new knowledge, solutions or ways of solving artistic pose curiosity and pleasure for the renewal. The concepts of art and creativity are relevant in this context.
Innovation, according to the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy, is the «creation or modification of a product and its introduction into a market».
From a historical point of view, there have been periods in which the developments appear in waves. Apparently, this would be because certain social conditions favor the emergence of innovations. Also observed the conditions of overcrowding or poor harvest to encourage them («the need to bring wit»).
Innovation can arise in a manner casual (a famous example is the discovery of penicillin) or after a systematic search, for example, via R & D research and development (in English, R & D research and development).
Western cultures traditionally rather accentuate the active aspect of creativity in the sense of the meaning of the Latin word «creare it», it means creating, producing and configure. In the ancient Egypt and Eastern cultures appears on the contrary creativity as the «enter» something in a natural growth process, which points to the second linguistic root of creativity: «crescere» (grow, transform, happen, to grow). Prof. Dr. Hermann Lang: Psyche, N ° 3, 2006
An invention is not even an innovation. With the concept of invention, it encompasses from new ideas until the construction of prototypes or the concrete development of a concept, but in the run-up to the market. On the other hand, is you can speak of innovation in the economic sense newly when she transforms the production process of something in a certain political economy.
New may mean in this sense either a real world novelty, a subjective novelty from the perspective of a single company, or a worker. Currently a number of categories of innovation are distinguished. Some of the relevant thematic areas mentioned here:
• technical innovation,
• innovation of services,
• innovation of business models,
• design innovation,
• social innovation.
Innovations can be distinguished according to the shape of its emergence:
(• closed innovation (Closed Innovation), where innovators are located only within an organization) e
(• open innovation (Open Innovation), where an increasingly diversified world with knowledge organizations internationally dispersed already cannot stay only with its own innovative strength, but they are increasingly subject to the integration and use of information and external powers).
They are also classified according to their degree of 'novelty'. Here is the combination between the purpose of the object or product and the means with which that purpose is achieved. If an innovation reaches high values in both dimensions, speaks then of a radical, revolutionary or disruptive innovation.

Definition of innovation

Various authors, subject matter experts, have defined the concept of innovation, there are multiple definitions of a concept which in appearance is simple but at the same time is ambiguous, a vast majority of definitions come from the definition promulgated by the Austrian economist Schumpter in which innovation covers the 5 following cases:
1. Introduction in the market of a new product or service, which consumers are not yet familiar.
2. Introduction of a new method of production or organizational methodology.
3. Creation of a new source of supply of raw material or semi-finished products
4. Opening of a new market in a country.
5. Implementation of a new structure in a market.
There are two points on which all authors converge:
1. If new products, processes or services are not accepted by the market, there is no innovation.
2. The innovation is the key element of competitiveness.
To innovate is to create or modify a product and introduce it into the market
On the second point, Michael Porter argues that:
"The competitiveness of a nation depends on the capacity of its industry to innovate and improve. Companies get competitive advantages if they manage to innovate"
Michael Porter. Author of "The competitive advantage of Nations"
There are different types of innovation, all of them are classified according to its application or its degree of originality:
Types or kinds of innovation:

Depending on your application:

• PRODUCT innovation: a technologically different or improved product marketing, innovation occurs when the characteristics of a product change
• PROCESS innovation: occurs when there is a significant change in the technology of production of a product or service also occurs when significant changes occur in the steering system and/or methods of organization; reengineering of processes, strategic planning, quality control, etc...
According to its degree of originality:
• RADICAL innovation: new application of a technology or combination of technologies
• INCREMENTAL innovation: improvements that they are conducted on a product, service or existing method.
So that can define it any kind of innovation as its application as well as the degree of originality, we will see it better with the following example:
Let's imagine that he has discovered the time which allows us to travel back in time machine, we could define innovation as:
Según su aplicación: Innovación de Producto, puesto que la innovación viene definido por un bien.
Según su grado de originalidad: Innovación Radical, pues antes no existía ningún medio que nos permitiese viajar en el tiempo, es un producto totalmente novedoso el cual nos presta unos servicios que no existían antes.
Volviendo al mundo real, analicemos el caso de la salida al mercado de los CD's regrabables. ¿que tipo de innovación supuso?:
Según su aplicación: Innovación de Producto, puesto que la innovación viene definido por un bien.
Según su grado de originalidad: Innovación Incremental, ya que antes existían los CD's que se podían grabar una vez, pero la innovación nos ha ofrecido un nuevo servicio que es el poder grabar un CD, después borrarlo y volver a grabar.
De esta forma podemos definir cualquier innovación atendiendo a los criterios anteriores:
Estratégicamente las innovaciones radicales tienen como finalidad la obtención de un medio totalmente novedoso el cual acapare todo el mercado al cual esta destinado, mientras que las innovaciones incrementales están orientadas hacia la reducción de costes.
Los japoneses defienden a ultranza la continua introducción de innovaciones incrementales (las cuales denominan kaizen), no obstante algunos piensan que en los tiempos actuales las innovaciones incrementales no van a ser suficientes.
Many companies today use a strategy in which begin to develop radical innovations that boast a highly qualified workforce, machinery of general type and concern by the results of product or process, in such a way that get a new market or replaces another former, once the company has achieved the market and its positioningpasses to the realization of incremental innovations where the predominant features are mass production, capital intensity, a less skilled labour, where cost reduction is the main aim to achieve.

Concept of innovation

The term innovation refers to the change that introduces something new or more.
When someone innova applies new ideas, products, concepts, services and practices to a particular issue, activity or business, with the intention of being useful for the enhancement of productivity.
An essential condition for innovation is its successful application to a commercial level, because not only okay to invent something, but also the outstanding will be introduce it successfully and with impact in the market so that people know, in what would be a first instance and then to enjoy the creation in question.
Innovation will require its owner awareness and balance when transporting the imaginary or fictional field ideas, accomplishments or implementations.
Innovation involves a series of practices considered totally new, in particular for an individual or social manner, according to the system which adopts them.
However, innovations, new ideas, need a source and that source is usually: research, development, competition, seminars, exhibitions, trade shows, customer, an employee, i.e., all of these can become sometime in providers of new ideas generating entries for the innovation process.
In the case of a company or business, the innovation process goes from the generation of the idea, through viability test until the marketing of the product in question. The ideas which proposes to any actor in the process should be referred to develop or improve a new service or product.
To realize all the stages that we mentioned includes innovation, we will have to support in the method commonly known as project management.
In addition to the creative mind, teamwork, among others, innovation will depend on a number of variables such as investment, enterprise policies, dedication of resources, which will enable and help promote all forms of innovation potential: educate with the goal of improving the quality, promote the mobility of researchers, most exploit the internal market, standardisation, transnational cooperation and develop regional strategies.

What is innovation

The word innovation recognizes a Latin origin. It is composed of "in" which means "inward" and "novare" = "make new" "change".
Innovation has a very wide application in economic and technological matters, as applies to bring to market new products, services, or apply new technologies that change the commercial stage and the consumption trends. It is also widely used in the artistic plane.
Something innovated is something new, which was reborn with different characteristics, either in its form, in its structure, in its appearance or its function. It is a concept opposite to the traditional and conservative.
An innovative entrepreneur is revolutionary in its field, risky, curious, and endowed with great creative ingenuity. Examples this fashion designer is innovative, presents never-before-seen models"," the architect designed me my house with comfort, good taste, and most importantly, with innovative trend","I never saw anything like this photographer has different photos, it is totally innovative".
Technology changes or innovations produced are astonishing, which applies in all orders of life, it either daily, labor, time, and so on. The use of computers and Internet access has been huge innovations in the mode of study, work and communicate.
Also applies the word innovation in the ideological field, in theory and in various practices. For example "new school produced innovations in educational matters, the child became the protagonist"; "new surgical practices, innovative, s have changed the forecast of diseases and malformations, which seemed incurable, as new techniques of organ transplants", or "work in group, co-op replaced in innovative way to individual tasks in educational and labour matters".

Meaning of technological innovation

We have already said that innovate means change, give a new aspect, attribute a new function, create.
The man always sought to change their way of life to make it more comfortable, to have more power or more money, and this made great advances in the instruments used in the pursuit of their goals. Around the 11th century, possibly in China was discovered gunpowder, employed to manufacture cannons and Fireworks. In the 15th century invented the printing press allowed the massive diffusion of ideas; and other instruments, such as the compass and the caravels, made it possible to discover new worlds.
The discoveries and innovations of 18th century made possible the emergence of the factories. Between the end of the 19th century and the 20th century there was great technological advances, such as typewriter, the sewing, the photo; the plane, bicycle, automobile, telephone and television.
Technology advances have been incredible, particularly in recent decades.
Technology has revolutionized our daily lives, from Automation to perform household tasks up to communicate and perform school or work Office, especially from the use of computers and the Internet.
In the agricultural field, highlights the incorporation of fertilizers, pesticides, hybrid seeds and increasingly complex machinery (tractors, seeders, harvesters) what makes that there is a big difference in the potential between the small farmer who has little capital and big business. Biotechnology aims to create stronger plants or grow faster or den best fruits, and livestock enhance reproductive quality. The use of agrochemicals is an important source of pollution of soils and waters.
Technological innovations also created a great differentiation in the industrial sector and services, as they have them or not incorporated
The main innovations or high-tech include microelectronics, lainformatica and robotics.
A big problem is that the use of technology requires higher energy consumption.

Definition of innovation

An innovation is a way of demonstrating that what you are doing is new, is a condition that involves news and achievements of new strategies in the situation that is happening. An innovation represents a leap into the future a relationship with the present features that need to be renewed for the continuity of the project. Innovation is one term mostly commercial, aimed at those products and services which are adapted to the need of the consumer, and therefore this is an agent that revolutionizes ideas and thoughts, so that industries must improve the way in which defined the progression of their products and services in the market.
Innovation is a variable key in the competition by staying first in a ranking of competitors, in which several companies produce the same product, but the more innovators in the realization of these more are positioned on social marketing. Another aspect that is taken into account to develop innovation is social communication, advertising is the most important tool for excellence when wanting to expand the horizons of a product. We need advertising be nice to view, to be appealing and even more that relates what is fashionable at the moment. Fresh advertising, sympathetic and related to current media is a way to innovate, yet maintaining the identical product and with the same quality, if offered in original ways, the public will be more general, not only aimed at true focus, as the junior or professional, but is large and diverse.
Innovation seeks to keep the product always at the forefront of the current, it is necessary for the commercial world, continuity is essential. It is very important for the companies that marketed goods and services maintain a young face against the product, fortunately, to innovate and renew its products, technology, media and social networks are a powerful tool that has boosted sales in this last period. The innovation combines studies of culture and representation of the consumer population as statistics and surveys to define their strategies for consumerism.