What is the meaning of Panic? Concept, Definition of Panic

Concepts and meanings of panic

1 Meaning of panic

Panic comes from the Greek Panikos. In fact, the entire expression is "panic horror". It comes from the situation of fear that liked to create the Greek demigod Pan, who used to appear at the crossroads of roads to travelers. He was physically similar to a Faun; horns and goat legs. His image is that has given rise to the Christian iconography of the demon. Precisely for this reason, Christianized a previous tradition, were often erected at the average cruise age or stone crosses with a small chapel to the Virgin, in the crossroads.

2. Definition of Panic attack

Panic attacks are periods in which the individual suffers from a sudden way an intense fear or fear with a variable duration: from minutes to hours.
Attacks or panic attacks usually appear suddenly and can reach its peak intensity in 10 minutes. However, they may continue for longer if the patient has had the attack triggered by a situation that is not or don't feel able to escape.
Panic attacks without intensity wane triggered by a situation of which the subject wants to escape, some individuals can make efforts desperate for attempting to escape from the situation.
The person who suffers panic episodes feels suddenly terrified without an apparent reason for itself or for others. During the panic attack will produce very intense physical symptoms: tachycardia, shortness of breath, Lung hyperventilation, tremors or dizziness, fear of leaving the House. Panic attacks can occur at any time or place without prior notice. A crisis of anxiety or panic attack occurs during the individual a sudden appearance of a high level of anxiety and physiological arousal without apparent cause. The appearance of these episodes of intense fear is usually abrupt and often do not have a clear trigger. Panic attacks are manifested as episodes that burst into abrupt and unexpectedly without apparent cause and are accompanied by symptoms associated with fear, such as sudden arterial hypertension, tachycardia, shortness of breath (Dyspnea), dizziness and instability, sweating, vomiting or nausea, symptoms all them consistent with the fear that causes them. Generally a strangeness I next to a perception of unreality accompanies the crisis and non-recognition of the environment.
Panic attacks do not last long but are so intense that the affected person perceives them as very long. Often the individual feels that he is in danger of imminent death and has an imperative need to escape from a place or a dreaded situation (consistent appearance with emotion that the subject is feeling). The fact of not physically escape from the situation of extreme fear in which the affected is greatly accentuated the symptoms of panic.
Experience a panic attack is a terrible, uncomfortable and intense experience that usually relate to the person restricts their behavior, which can lead, in cases, to adopt restrictive behaviors to avoid the repetition of crises. The disorder can lead to agoraphobia, fear of presenting new crises should arise a strong evitativa conduct in the affected.
The phenomenon of crisis is sometimes played during sleep.
The age of onset of this type of disorder (between 18 and 25 years the majority of the cases (according to DSM and ICD) can make think that the problem is related to untying and personal autonomy. Apparently, the panic attack is triggered both by external factors - as dealing with a situation that produces uneasiness to the subject--by the meanings that gives the person experiencing these external circumstances, in his emotional life.

3 Concept of Panic disorder

Panic disorder is an anxiety disorder. It causes panic attacks, which are sudden feelings of terror without an apparent reason. They may also have physical symptoms, such as:
• Tachycardia
• Pain in the chest
• Difficulty breathing
• Dizziness
Panic attacks can occur anytime, anywhere, without notice. You can be afraid of another crisis and avoid places that suffered a crisis earlier. In some cases, fear dominates people's lives and they cannot leave their homes.
Panic disorder is more common among women than among men. It usually begins among young adults. Sometimes it starts when a person is under stress. Most people get better with treatment. Therapy can show you how to identify and change thought patterns before they lead to panic. Medicines can also help.

4. What is panic

Panic is a feeling that they can feel both the animals and humans from the development of situations that pose a threat or danger to their well-being. Panic is characterized by presenting of untimely and abrupt manner in the person, usually because of phenomena or situations that also occur from one moment to another. As it happens with other sensations physical (and psychological), panic is an unpleasant sensation that makes the individual or animal in question feels threatened, unprotected, overwhelmed and frightened.
Panic is, as stated, a feeling that labeling animals as human beings can feel. In the case of man, we find that panic can be found much more streamlined that for animals and, although it always arises from instinct or physical sensations, often can be generated without any apparent reason to live situations or specific times. Thus, a currently known effect of the State of panic in humans are panic attacks that generate uncomfortable and unpleasant sensations a person without apparent reason, excessive stress, anxiety or widespread fear.
The State of panic symptoms features. Some of them may be excessive sweating, palpitations, feeling of death or danger, tremors, dilated pupils. Immobility can also be generated by panic, not knowing the person or animal how to react or move. This last attitude is without doubt the most dangerous since it allows that the threat (if it is true) can be taken advantage over one who lies in a State of panic. Long-term, panic has consequences on people because it can generate constant States of anxiety, fear, insecurity and disgust to certain types of situations or in general.

5. Definition of panic

Bread was a Greek deity who was associated with the wild nature. It is said that he enjoyed to generate fear among people who were travelling from one place to another, appearing on the road. Of this God derived the notion of panic that in our language, is used as a synonym of terror or a strong fear.
Panic, therefore, is the exaggerated fear, which escapes from the rational and that paralyzes the person. Enocasiones, panic is generated at the social level and spreads from individual to individual, causing widespread fear unaola.
For example: "to see the flames in the bedroom door, Florence came into panic", "the child is not left overcome by panic and helped his father, who was so profuse bleeding," "when I saw the Wolf, I felt panic, but luckily the animal decided to continue their March without stopping".
In the field of psychology, referred to as a panic attack to a disorder of laansiedad causing various unpleasant episodes for those who suffer it. In the framework of these attacks, the person begins to suffer from an irrational fear that appears suddenly and which can last for several hours.
To experience a panic attack or panic attack, the subject can be dizzy, tenertaquicardia and to dissociate themselves from their own personality. It's a crisis that arises by great anguish and inability to control anxiety.
Treatment for panic attacks can include therapy sessions and supply deansioliticos.

6 Concept of panic

The panic attack is the manifestation of a crisis of fear, whose most prominent symptoms are the same manifestations of the State of permanent anguish.
The States of anguish are composed of symptoms of anxiety and a perpetual state of alert and fear.
Anxiety neurosis involves crisis on a constitutional merits of instability emotional and usually a personality with obsessive traits. Perfectionists people required too much, sensitive to the criticism, with need to exceed their own expectations, competitive.
When the crisis is important he is characterized by a series of neurovegetativos or functional disorders that can or cannot express a conscious emotional state.
Respiratory symptoms: first and foremost the respiratory distress, since blocked breathing or sighs until the real crisis of allergic asthma, noting also bouts of coughing, hiccups, yawn or crisis hoarse.
Cardiovascular symptoms: palpitations, tachycardia, arrhythmias, precordiales pains.
Digestive symptoms: pharyngeal constriction, gastric or intestinal spasms, nausea, vomiting diarrhea, dryness of mouth, hunger or thirst.
Urinary system: sensitive bladder.
Neuro-muscle symptoms: tremors, facial fibrilaciones, rheumatic pains
Sensory and cutaneous sensory symptoms: itching crisis, profuse sweating, ringing in ears, blurry vision, headaches.
The neurosis of anguish is presented in form of more or less important crises, called attacks of panic situation during which much of these symptoms are triggered.
The subject experiences the proximity of death, feel the need to flee, lacks the air, may not be on any side, he despairs, in a brief time bathing in perspiration, your breathing becomes difficult. After a few minutes, this situation is resolved and vuelve la calma.
It is an organization of neurotic base rooted in the biography and in temperament. His entire life is installed in anxiety. The base is the fear of the unknown, presumption of impending catastrophe and need for security.
The prognosis is favorable and depends to a high degree of structure of the personality, or from the forces of the self. Your treatment requires a combined, psychological and physiological care, and is resolved in a more or less short time.
The subject is subjectively in a cul-de-sac that can be a feeling too unfounded, but may also have to do with actual circumstances, painful or difficult family or social situations.
The State of permanent anguish must be analysed and understood to be able to face it, because it may also be a defense to avoid falling into a depression.